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   4 Lloyd Garland
   4 Andy Davis
   3 Wolfgang & Monika Haller
   3 Miles Kinloch
   3 Dave Fountain
   3 Ben Douglas
   2 and when you die
   2 Try again.
   2 The United Minds Team
   2 SAVE *"m";1;"m" CODE 30665,11832:!
   2 SAVE *"m";1;"b" LINE 99
   2 Robert Skene
   2 Paul Westlake
   2 Paul Howard
   2 Mark Harris
   2 LOAD "MENU" CODE 58176
   2 John Elliot
   2 If you saved the entire menu, type:#
   2 If you saved only the printer bit:"
   2 George Munro
   2 Ferry Groothedde
   2 Christian Aymard
   2 By Miles Kinloch
   2 Albert Harper
   2 90 POKE x,PEEK x+a
   2 80 LET a=VAL c$(y)
   2 50 INPUT "Enter 10 figure code ";LINE c$  60 LET y=14
   2 40 DIM c$(10)
   2 4/ Greetings,
   2 34 North Drive
   2 30 LOAD ""CODE 32000
   2 3/ Strange+silly text,
   2 20 INPUT "Length of textfile ";length%
   2 20 FOR y=1 TO 10
   2 2/ Punctuation,
   2 151 Balsusney Road
   2 120 NEXT x
   2 110 IF y=10 THEN LET y=1
   2 100 LET y=y+1
   2 10 FOR x=0 TO 3
   2 1/ Slagging,
   2 1/ Many  slaggings  off  of   your   group   member(s).  (no   group   members-slagg   yourself off. Or John Major!)t
   2  TASWORD +3 ONLY! 
   1 |~~__OOGGCCAA
   1 youexperience a lengthy delay. You can  speedit  up  by  compiling  the  programs  witheither   Hisoft   Basic,   or   it's{
   1 you Multifacers will have.
   1 x key - when the prog is running it is theonly way to stop it. program tends to autorerun.Z
   1 worksinconjunction with A1.  I  didn't  feel  aneed for another set of italics characterswhen I could have graphics.t
   1 withoutscrolling it. The following variables  canbe  changed  before  calling  COPY:  YPOS,XPOS,  SPLIT  and  FSLP.  To  generate   amultiscroll (=several scrollers with  sametext) you first have to  call  SCROLL  andthen COPY. The Y-Position MUST be changed,otherwise COPY would only print  over  thefirst scroller. If you use MC or  compiledBasic to  drive  UNISCROLL  you  have  thepossibility to generate about 8  scrollersat once (with normal high of  charset  andspeed set at one)!
   1 where 'a' (3
   1 werecompletely unjustified. One  of  them  wasdetailing a supposed  slating  I  recievedfrom Bob Brenchley of Format. For those ofyou not briefed on  this  matter,  at  theheight of the problems between  Prism  andThe Knights, I wrote to  Format  and  toldthem  of  the  matter  and  that  it   wasspreading
   1 we   look   at   this   dedicated!
   1 wa01130507; this is as follows
   1 wa00240032; This  defines  window  as  wa,this one is the full size of the  spectrumscreen.[
   1 wa - the w defines it as a window,  the  ais an identification so that window can becalled or recalled into a  print  routine,and can be in the range a to z, it can  beomitted if there is no need to recall  thewindow.
   1 verycumbersome... so YSMB provides the 'DEFG_'command. This  requires  a  single  stringexpression,  followed  by  eight   numbersseperated  by  commas.  The  string  showswhich graphic is to be defined  (a  to  u)and the eight numeric expressions show theshape the graphic is to take.
   1 version of Multiface 128.
   1 usual address.
   1 usual address
   1 useless by a sector error in  the!
   1 understood +3dos bit' by Ben Douglas,%
   1 trustworthy   in   the   Spectrum!
   1 trustingbusinesses, your cheques and PO's will notbe  cashed  until  you  safely  have   theprograms. Normally the cheques are  cashed14-21 days after sending.
   1 tounprofessional bias and  conflict  in  themagazines direction.@
   1 to have a giggle at!
   1 to encode Tasword textfiles.
   1 to  the  essential   DOCTOR   and!
   1 throughout
   1 three  great  groups   -   Triad,!
   1 thoseorganisations that threaten  court  actionor other legal proceedings all go away  inthe end, and end up  not  answering  theirmail. That really does have to say it all!All those companies say "we'll  do  this",or "we'll do that", all go away with theirtail between their legs in the  end.  Why?Well, it's NOT for the  reasons  why  theytell you, it's  because  they  are  caughtout, and PROVED to be in the wrong.
   1 this issue.  A brief  description!
   1 things as well-if  you  are  careful!%
   1 theunimaginable treasures  of  Xaro  himself.Needless to say, your task in the game  isto find the treasure  -  not  directly  ofcourse. First,  the  seven  parchments  ofXaro must be found, which will lead you tothe treasure. But can you escape alive?!
   1 thesubroutine. The only  drawback  with  YSMBprocedures  is  that   'local'   variablescannot be used.f
   1 their friend Vision's, UNISCROLL.!
   1 thecorresponding entry in the table. If,  forexample, A$(1,6)= GO TO is  entered,  thenA$(2,6)="10327" will be printed.w
   1 thecomponents shown  can  be  purchased  fromMaplins. As you  can  see  from  the  nextdiagram, a regulated +5v and  +12v  supplymust be  produced.  In  the  past  I  havetapped the I/O  port  for  these  voltagesusing four  data  lines  to  operate  fourrelays (two YX94C and two DC80B) on my +2avery  successfully.  Considering  the  +2aonly supplies 12v @ 200ma, it  would  seemto be a better option  to  build  you  ownPSU, as shown on the next page.
   1 thecompetitive. The  game  screen  is  prettybasic really, with  a  scoreboard  at  thetop, the "crowds" on  either  side  (headswhich occasionally bob about  a  bit)  andthe necessary people:  two  players,  ballboys and an umpire bloke who sits  on  oneof those things umpires sit on. This  gameis obviously  3D,  which  means  that  theperson at the back of the screen may  findit a bit harder.  (Incidentally,  it  tookyears  to  get  around  this   problem   -finally,  Codemasters  released  a  tennisgame with a sort of split-screen effect soboth players could see themselves  at  thefront. Bet you didn't know that!).
   1 thebrilliant  'COLORIS'  by  the  Womo  Team.Here, the blocks are all the  same  shape,but differently coloured, and the  aim  isto make a line all of the same colour.
   1 the SECRET MESSAGES  series,  how!
   1 takesAN15.13: advantage   of   the   128k   and/
   1 tA; t selects the font  in  use,  you  canchoose from tA , tB,and t 1 to 9.K
   1 systemcompletely free in return for helping  himtransfer programs!B
   1 support software
   1 sparselydescribed, I  did  "get  into"  this  gameafter a while and had a lot of fun playingit - until I got killed by a  snake  in  achest! (It was probably too much  to  hopefor the treasure...)! There are all  sortsof different parchments and things  -  butthey are unreadable until you manage to dosomething which I won't disclose!  If  youreally get stuck  there  is  a  help  filewhich lets you cheat, but I haven't lookedat it... yet!  Overall,  this  is  a  veryinvolving game which will keep you playinguntil a ridiculously late hour. Definitelyworth getting if you're an adventure  fan,or would like to  try  an  adventure  thatisn't too hard.
   1 somethingconstructive to say, then my address  willbe made available to you-  just  write  toAndy and ask for it. If you ARE  a  wasterthough, you WON'T get my address from Andyso  don't  waste  your  postage.  I  am  agenuine AlchNews reader and not some "madeup" person  from  Andy's  imagination.  Myname  is  Lloyd  Garland  and  I  live  inBristol. I hide from no-one!
   1 some work!
   1 some new programs!   He  explains!
   1 similar device to the +3 /  +2a's!
   1 section with his own brand of wit!
   1 screencalculating) already take 512 Bytes.  ThenI used routines that are  very  fast,  butneed more memory. Some might  also  wonderabout the fact that I placed UNISCROLL  at32768. This was done because many routinesand compilers already use higher addressesand I  wanted  to  avoid  collisions  withthese.
   1 rules of what to expect.
   1 rightjustification when editing. 
   1 revisedinformation sheet. It was while  compilingthis  that  made  me  think   about   someguidelines  for  8   bit   libraries,   inparticular the Spectrum. As you  know,  ifyou have any problems with any program, itis recopied for you free of charge.  PrismPD didn't do this for some time  and  whenone person  received  his  disk  back,  itdidn't work so reformatted it and sent  itback for re-recording.  But,  all  he  gotback was an insulting letter accusing  himof somehow trying to cheat Prism PD! Quitehow he is doing so by requesting the  SAMEtitles is beyond me! I can  understand  ifhe asked for DIFFERENT titles!
   1 reside here.
   1 remarkableaccuracy, and lending  the  game  a  greatsense of realism.E
   1 relatedpublications have appeared since the  lastissue of AlchNews, all of which deserve  apreliminary mention in  the  news  sectionbefore being plugged in Trading Post.
   1 publisher :
   1 programming, Roy Benson."
   1 programmers.
   1 programauthorised  for   release   by   AlchemistResearch by the Portugal +3 Owners Club.Y
   1 printutilities, ZX printer simulators for IF1 /128 / +D (which makes a  full  size  Epsoncompatable  printer  behave  like   a   ZXprinter), Spectrum ROMs for the SAM,  pluslots  of   well   programmed   games   andutilities.
   1 printer port.
   1 pressing a key (a to  u)  or
   1 preliminary  tests  of  our  "HEY!
   1 powerful  graphics  /   labelling!
   1 otherwiseunpredictable things might happen when youpress the button...!G
   1 originalcharacter,you will have to  take  128  offthe original value) DE should contain  theaddress of the start  of  the  buffer  youhave made.(Don't forget to initialise  thefirst entry)
   1 ordistribution. Quite why I cannot  explain,but he clearly doesn't want you the publicto see his letters.i
   1 opinion on Spectrum UK, plus more!
   1 operatinginstructions.
   1 opening,  Staff  promotions   and!
   1 one and press a key."
   1 on-screentypesetting
   1 on behalf of.. er.. Orson!
   1 ofworkspace   into   the   screen!
   1 ofprofessionalism.  I  welcome   all   theirex-readers with open  arms  where  qualityand excellence are guaranteed!t
   1 ofacceleration
   1 of which work ONLY with Alchemist!
   1 of the best  and  worst  Spectrum!
   1 of   some   new   hardware   plus!
   1 numericexpression. If zero, the output will go toscreen, if other than zero,  then  a  usersupplied routine will be called every timea character is output to the  screen.  Theaddress  of  this  machine  code   routineshould be stored in the two bytes startingat address  59934.  The  character  to  beprinted is supplied in the accumulator andthe  routine  is  terminated  by  a  'RET'instruction.
   1 nothing)otherwise.
   1 not forgetting to add one to  the  addressnext time round in the loop (eg)J
   1 not  suited  for  the   Spectrum,!
   1 noresponsibilities for any  keys  and  /  orkeyboards   damaged?
   1 news from them.
   1 n(j)=n(j)+1
   1 much more.
   1 modernmultiplication code. Ignoring spaces,  theoriginal plain text message  contained  18characters. These can be stored in a  2*9,9*2, 3*6 or 6*3 array.
   1 menu   in   Tasword   128,   plus!
   1 makes a typical Spectrum  scrolly!
   1 losing his touch.
   1 likeSpellunkler, BG Services and many more?+
   1 last months coverage of Fireview,!
   1 keyboard  and  getting  the  most!
   1 isunderstandable, giving A.R. a  plug  wouldbe like giving me all his readers. In  themeantime I am happy  to  welcome  ex-INDUGmembers who are extremely  happy  with  myservice and prompt replies.
   1 issue, by J. Blomley
   1 issue  with  a   good   look   at!
   1 isdisplayed on screen. The stack  can  storeup to ten values in all... any attempt  toinput an eleventh value will result in thesame error message.
   1 isarchieved  by  not  scrolling   the   textdirectly on the screen but using a definedworkspace in which the  text  is  scrolledand then copied onto screen.
   1 into the same window ; r ;
   1 interesting method of rescuing  a!
   1 inspires Miles Kinloch  to  write!
   1 important message ; r ;
   1 i$$h$i$h$i$h$
   1 horizontally.
   1 his new titles.
   1 hardware recently.
   1 happenings in the PD  world  from!
   1 guide   to
   1 gives a great  tutorial  of  this!
   1 games in it's history.
   1 g0f00g0f0g0f00g0f00g00f0g0f0g00f0g0f000g0f0
   1 futuristiclawnmower, are based on some of the latestFLYMOW designs which Mr  Benson  has  beengiven exclusive access too.y
   1 full-colour
   1 form:PUT_f,a,y,x,d,w. Where f shows the way thestored information is to be put back  ontothe screen:d
   1 finishedcompositions can be output to a compatibleprinter in a range of magnifications up toa maximum of 32 diameters. Printer  outputis in the form of strips  which  are  thenmounted  together  to  form  the  finishedproduct.
   1 f=6 Same as f=2 but as above
   1 f=5 Same as f=1 but as above
   1 f=4 Same as f=0 but current attributes&
   1 f=2 Screen is XORed with memory
   1 f=1 Screen is ORed with memory
   1 f=0 Screen is overwritten by memory#
   1 f0g0f000g0f0
   1 f0g00f0g0f0
   1 f00g0f00g0f0g0f00g0
   1 f(sp); f is used to fill, change colour orgo over  whats  in  a  window,  if  it  isfollowed with a  udg  pattern,  letter  orgraphic character then it will  fill  withthat.
   1 extended Basic program.
   1 explanation of INIT.
   1 excellent tutorials.
   1 excellent  tutorials   for   this!
   1 ends  at  34433!   Also   see
   1 encounter.Meanwhile, the clock is  steadily  tickingaway...;
   1 editor and designer.
   1 editions column, painfully unfunny.#
   1 easy-to-use
   1 e2; Not a food additive , the letter callsthe border for the window and the 2 is theborder pattern selected.l
   1 duringRUN-time:
   1 disk  which  has  been   rendered!
   1 directory.
   1 details on connecting a robot  or!
   1 depending on the size of  the
   1 demo. Theres also a competition. 
   1 decode (1) ";x
   1 decision to ignore more  letters,!
   1 cured, latest price guide, ribbon!
   1 converter(SPC-8K) has an 8k buffer  but  will  onlywork when connected to a serial port.  TryDNCS or any other office suppliers  for  athird party in-line  parallel  buffer  butexpect to pay at least `60!
   1 constantlydescending from the top. You can flip  andmove them as they fall,  manoeuvring  theminto position for when they come to  rest.The  idea  is  to  make  the  blocks   fittogether, in jigsaw-like fashion, with  asfew gaps as  possible.  When  you  make  acomplete line without any gaps,  that  rowthen  disappears  and  everything  on  topdrops down a row. You lose a life and haveto start again if you let the blocks  pileright up to the top, and  the  higher  youlet them build up, the harder it gets...
   1 connecting  between  Amigas   and!
   1 configuring   program   for   the!
   1 complaints section.
   1 community.
   1 classics.Extremely low  prices,  plus  a  fast  andfriendly service!D
   1 charset. If  using  a  normal
   1 certain libraries running  poorly!
   1 carelessattempts at this project. Should  any  keylugs be broken, a tiny drop  of  superglueshould  rectify  the  problem  but   DON'Treplace  the  key  until  it's  thoroughlydried!
   1 called"Transylvanian  Tower".  Well,  I've   nowunearthed my other two RSS games, both  ofwhich are hard to  obtain  nowadays.  I'vedecided to look at them for the first partof my section this issue.
   1 c07; Colour of Paper and  Ink  (07-  blackpaper,white   ink.)   StandardH
   1 bytes/lines)  the   workspace
   1 bycivilisation,  ledgend  (sic)  tells  thatthese1
   1 by Roy Benson
   1 by Orson of The United Minds
   1 but it's still probably better than  Ziggyfrom QUANTUM LEAP...>
   1 both  covering   some   excellent!
   1 between two Spectrums without the!
   1 bestsettings, nor  the  most  economical,  butthey are the best for me.G
   1 beinvesting in a device shortly and  may  beoffering a low price  re-ink  service  forLC-100 ribbons and compatables.u
   1 because an increase in more  lies!
   1 because  of  adopting  guidelines!
   1 b0; tA; <stop the tape;2p;24s;
   1 b0; b is for border  (the  one  round  thespectrum  screen),   0   is   the   colourselected.]
   1 available   from   MaplinElectronics Plc,  further  details  can befound in their  excellent  value for moneyfull colour  800  page  catalogue. Addresselsewhere in this issue of AlchNews!
   1 assemblers,
   1 article  on  looking  after  your!
   1 article  on   transferring   data!
   1 anddescenders may  pass  outside  Window.  IfWindow is against right  edge  of  screen,(R)IGHT-SHIFT   isi
   1 and"breathtaking  entertainment".   Strangelyenough, it does. Well,  it  certainly  hassuperb  full-colour  graphics  (Daley   ispersonified as a little  cartoony  bloke),and would almost  be  breathtaking  if  itwere not for the numerous bits  where  youhave to tear  your  joystick  in  half.  Imean,  of  course,  the  famous  "joystickwaggling",  the  bane  of  a  gameplayer'slife.  This  may  help  to  simulate   thegruelling action,  but  it  really  knockshell out  of  your  poor  little  joystick(aah!). Otherwise,  this  game  is  reallyquite  good  and  doesn't  appear   dated,except for the music, a non-masterpiece of48k sound. Why is it, I  wonder,  that  somany pieces of  2-channel  48k  music  arecompletely tuneless? It's not a compulsorything - some games (ie "Equinox") had nice48k music - but 90% of the tunes  seem  tohave notes deliberately  picked  to  clashand not to  harmonise  at  all.  Or  maybemusic wasn't invented until 1985...?
   1 and you could even add a hard drive!$
   1 and trouble by M. Sherwood.
   1 and humour.
   1 and double and quadruple sized  charactersand a normal option:>
   1 and  the  slightly  more  elaborate   textESCAPE AT MIDNIGHT is:@
   1 althoughprimarily designed for use with  a  modem,will work fine with a null modem cable.Y
   1 also.The software market is becoming  saturatedwith old ideas and really just  souped  upgames for the new machine. Would  you  buyManic  Miner  for  `40  with   great   newcolours, super speed and  sound  when  youcould have the original AND a computer  torun it on for less?  I  was  in  Toys'R'Uswith Andy a  few  weeks  ago  and  he  wasconsidering buying ELITE for  his  "littlenephew's" (It's really his!)  Nintendo.  Iasked  him  why  and  he  couldn't  reallyexplain, except perhaps a hope  of  betterspeed. But,  other  than  that  it  lookedexactly the same as the  Spectrum  versionbut  probably   wouldn't   let   you   addMultiface pokes!
   1 aid of RS232.
   1 again, adding disk syntax if needed.$
   1 advice and DIP switch settings.
   1 adeliberate plot to blame  Andy  Davis  forthe short comings  of  SUK  -AlchNews  hasnever been  a  month  late-  and  all  theorders and questions get posted  THE  SAMEDAY! I know, I've been there and  seen  itfor myself, and I'll  swear  to  it  in  acourt of law. It's just a power struggle Ireckon, nothing more.
   1 adding disk syntax if  necessary.  If  youonly want to edit the PRINTER menu, type:S
   1 a$(26,4): LET s$="": LET f$=" "
   1 ^ (the arrow on key H which you  get  withsymbol shift), this enters your text  intothe bottom left corner of the window, whena  line  is  full  it   scrolls   up   andcontinues.
   1 ZAT endured a great many changes in  styleand  content  to  fight  off  the   losingreadership but never succeeded, especiallyafter our editor resigned his position andsupport   for   the   magazine   due
   1 Z X superprint- enter superprint mode.&
   1 Your programs, long or  short  are  alwayswelcome to expand  our  library  which  isalready the largest of it's  kind  in  theUK. Contributors have free access  to  thelibrary.
   1 Your Thingclair magazine
   1 You'll find Theo's programs at  AV373-392,ED63-64 and GA182-191.@
   1 You will need:
   1 You will need, from Maplin Electronics:'
   1 You will need to refer to your manual  forprinter, and I/O  port  connections.  Datalines from the printer port are  connectedto a 7408 quad AND gate. This  acts  as  abuffer, with  each  line  connected  to  atransistor. When a  signal  is  sent,  onetransistor is turned  on,  activating  therelay.
   1 You will  find  that  the  LEDs  will  fitdirectly into the circular holes  providedin the box - neat eh?! You may like to puta tiny drop of glue around the edge of thehole to hold it in place.
   1 You still have graphics M,N,O,P  availableif you need them, perhaps  you  could  usethem to change the pich size?q
   1 You should now see your textfile appear onthe Spectrum screen.>
   1 You may  like  to  type  OUT  65533,14  to"officially" set up the port.G
   1 You could of course, use HiSoft Basic  (ora  similar  compiler)  to   compile   yourcontrol program. This will give  you  someextra  speed,  although  use  a  bit  morememory.
   1 You could always use a COMMS program  fromthe APD library  instead  of  this  rather"basic" control program if you wish.  Andyhas loads of them,  and  I'd  particularlyreccomend
   1 You can run this with  the  TEST  disk  indrive one.4
   1 You can now  type  text  on  the  keyboardwhich will appear on the screen. Note thatwhen you reach the right hand  edge  of  awindow the  word  and  colour  wrap  takeseffect and all the relevant  Escape  codesare inserted for you.
   1 You can format the  disks  to  83  tracks,1814k. It claims to  be  faster  than  anyother interface and uses TAPE commands!{
   1 You  may  find  that  when  encoding   anddecoding   large   textfiles   thatM
   1 You   will   notice   that
   1 Yet, in early December (after AlchNews wasreleased), I received a copy of "PD POWER"magazine (run by Prism PD), dated  October1994. This  magazine  contained  at  leastHALF  A  DOZEN  attacks  on   myself   andAlchemist Research.
   1 Yes, you too can have your own article  byBen Douglas, Luxuriantly hand-crafted fromonly the finest ASCII. How, you say?  Readon...
   1 Yes, it's what's in  almost  every  singledemo made for the  Speccy!!  This  is  thestrange  bit  in  a  demo  where  you  sayhello/hi/howyadoing/nicetohearfromyou   toeveryone you know!! It's  also  where  yousay all that to everyone  you  dont  know,but have heard  of.  And  also  to  peopleno-one's heard of, even themselves!!
   1 YSMB includes a number of  commands  whichallow the user to directly manipulate  theattributes  file.  'CHANGE_'  is   a   newcommand that permits alteration of certainparts of each attribute byte, while  stillleaving the others intact. The command  isfollowed  by  two   numeric   expressions,representing the 'mask' and the data.  Themask, which is used to show  the  bits  ineach  attribute  byte  that  are   to   bechanged, is best thought of in binary form- if a bit in the mask is  one,  then  thecorresponding bit in the attribute file ischanged. The data shows the changes to  bemade. This procedure  is  accomplished  bythe following steps:
   1 YSMB has three  char  sets.  Selection  iseffected  by  'FONT_',  and  this  commandrequires a single numeric expression:y
   1 YSMB  now  provides  the   Spectrum   withprocedures-  subroutines  which   can   becalled just by executing  their  names.  Asubroutine's name can  be  followed  by  aseries of  expressions,  if  so  required.These  expressions  can  be  assigned   tovariables   at   the   start   ready   formanipulation   by   the   rest   of
   1 YPOS-33280 (96):  The  Y-Position  of  thescroller. Position 0 is at the top of  thescreen! Possible  values  are  0-255!  Thescroll disappears in the lower  border  ifthe  the  value   is   above   about   184(depending on the high of your charset andon SPLIT) and reappears at  the  top  withvalues above about 248!
   1 YOU" device featured in AN13.
   1 Y-Position (=CLSCR).
   1 XPOS-33292  (1):  The  X-Position  of  thescroller. Depending on the  width  of  thescrollers possible values are 0 to 30.z
   1 Write up by VIC BISHOP.
   1 Wordprocessors, textfiles and
   1 Wordprocessors
   1 Wolfgang & Monika Haller (WoMo-Team)9
   1 With the simple program given it would  bejust as quick to  perform  the  coding  ordecoding by hand directly from the  table.However, once the  number  of  words  getsinto the hundreds or even  thousands,  thetime saving produced by  the  computer  isenormous.
   1 With great interest I set off home, and onthe way  dropped  into  Blackpool  Centrallibrary. Although they had several  speccybooks listed on the library terminal, nonewere actually in stock, however I did findsome other equally interesting books.
   1 With YSMB, the whole of the screen is  nowused for INPUT instead of the usual bottomtwo lines. You'll notice that all KEYWORDShave to be typed in full (like 128 BASIC).You must enter the KEYWORDS GO SUB and  GOTO with spaces otherwise you  will  get  asyntax error message.  YSMB  was  releasedfor the 48k in 1984.
   1 Windows This is  another  powerful  optionand also has its own menu bar.  The  firstthing that you have to do  upon  selectingWindows though, is to define one. This  isdone in exactly the same was as defining atext window.
   1 Why would SUK at one time have  considereda "merge" with  Alchemist  Research?  Andywas certainly never told of this plan. So,why do they moan when they  consider  thatAndy is trying to take them over when theyclearly would have liked to merge with AR.At the end of  the  day,  the  end  resultwould be the same.
   1 Why is it  that  Kobrahsoft's DICE utilityallows you to format  +3 3" disks to 203K,and their DB2  program  won't back them upto tape?
   1 Why do  certain  "top  brass"  members  ofSpectrum UK want a single outlet  for  allthings  Spectrum  I  wonder.  It  wouldn'tmatter who took over who, the  end  resultwould have been one step  closer  to  thatend, a single outlet for  Spectrum  stuff.The ONLY thing that would be dependant  onwho did what is who would be in POWER,  or"control" of the newly formed company.
   1 Who is it that wants the Spectrum world tocome under a single organisation? NOW tellme who tried to take over who.r
   1 While  I  was  writing  this  listing  andtesting it, I had forgotten to put in  thefinal POP BC, and the RET was returning tothe last address on the stack,  which  waswhatever BC had  contained.  I  also,  forsome reason loaded B with  256,  which  inreal terms is 0 files  to  be  catalogued.Assemble this and save it with:
   1 Where you take this experiment  from  hereis upto you. My  personal  recommendationsare that you should use guaranteed brandeddisks  wherever   possible   and   perhapsunbranded cheap disks for backups,  storedin cool dark places, such as a loft.  But,not all of us can  afford  to  backup  ourentire disk collections. I'd be interestedto know how any of you take  this  articlefurther.
   1 Whenever this is on screen,  pressing  the'1' key inverses the palette, thus greatlyincreasing the range of possible styles. Asecond press reverts to  normal.  Pressing'X' will cancel any PRINT,  FILL  or  OVERcommand.
   1 When you've finished, simply pop the largespring over the hole and pop on  the  key.Don't  hit  it  too  hard,  just  a   firmkeypress until  it  locks  back  onto  thekeyboard. After replacing them  all,  giveall the keys a try to make sure they work.You should  find  that  the  keys  have  adifferent feel and sound to them.
   1 When you've finished  editing,  press  EXTand then 4 to put the modified  menu  intomemory. If you're happy with  what  you'vegot (scan  through  with  the  TRUE  VIDEOkey), then return to  the  main  menu  andselect  SAVE  TASWORD  option,  but  don'tforget to alter the Insert,  Wordwrap  andRight Justify back if you changed them.
   1 When you've cycled through all the  numberof pokes it  found  and  it  still  hasn'tworked, you must use the FLIP  option  andtry a different register.
   1 When you've  done,  simply  use  the  SAVEoption.1
   1 When you remove the keys,  it  is  VITALLYIMPORTANT that you take care not  to  losethe springs from under the keys! Also, tryand keep them seperate otherwise they willlink together and they are murder to part!
   1 When you RUN the program, it asks for  thelength of your textfile and then loads  it(amend for disk system  if  required).  Itthen requests  your  10  figure  ID  code.The program will now encrypt your text andask if you want to resave it.
   1 When using letters for named routines,  donot mix small  and  capital  letters  ,theprogram seem  to  see  them  as  differentnames! The same  goes  for  calling  fontsetc., All commands must be sequential  andcomplete or funny things might happen,  orbits of your display won't run.
   1 When soldered, put  a  bit  of  electricaltape over each  leg  so  that  they  don'tcontact and short out.j
   1 When pressing the button, we see  we  havejust poked 36868 with 0. Press  "N"  againand repeat the above steps.o
   1 When playing, you can save  your  game  oreven ask the computer to give  you  advicewhen stuck in a tight  spot.  It  couldn'thelp me much when I was checkmated though!Setting up  the  board  is  useful  as  itallows you to place pieces where you  liketo examine a problem, like the ones in theSunday papers. This game is extremely old;still, chess hasn't changed over the yearsand the computer will put up a good fight.The graphics are basic 2D pieces which arefine for this game, although  later  chessgames (like CDS Chess) had a 3D option. Asfor sound,  there  are  a  few  beeps  andthings but they aren't really necessary orvery good.
   1 When loaded, insert your damaged disk  andpress a key. It will then cheque the  disktype, format  and  the  directory.  If  itfinds a problem here it will automaticallyterminate. If  the  directory  is  damagedthen the computer's "guide"  to  whats  onthe disk is essentially lost  and  so  areall the files. You'll have to format  yourdisk and check it  with  DISCKIT  to  makesure it's ok.
   1 When executed  try  cataloguing  the  TESTdisk now! As you will  see,  the  disk  isrestored.]
   1 When completed, it  will  list  the  fileswhich were on the damaged sectors and tellyou which ones were completely intact  andnon-damaged and any which  were  corruptedand must be deleted by yourself in Basic.
   1 When Tasword has loaded, select  CUSTOMISETASWORD and then CHANGE  PROGRAM  options.On NO ACCOUNT go into the text entry  modeand type anything!
   1 When George contacted me, he called  me  aBADGOODFORNOT. But, before I  set  off  totrack him down, he reassured me  it  meantBe A Do GOOD FOR NOThinger!
   1 When 'ENDPROC' is executed, a jump is madeto the statement stored on the  stack  andits  value  is  removed.  Also,   if   theexpression of an 'UNTIL' command is  true,the top value is removed from  the  stack.If the stack is empty but  an  attempt  ismade to remove a  value,  then  the  'PROCstack   underflow'   error   message
   1 When  showing,  any  (P)RINTing  will   becentred up in the set direction. (Settingsare   the   cancelled).k
   1 When  installed   into   your   Multiface,pressing  the  button  will  present   thescreen over  the  page.   There  are  fiveoptions, operated  key  of  option  is  inbrackets.
   1 What we need to do is cut  off  the  righthand part of the "U" to make it more of an"L" (I tell you, it is "L" to  make  theseleads!). When you've done  it,  it  shouldfit into the KEYPAD / AUX socket (but  maynot lock into place - don't worry).
   1 What we are going  to  do  is  remove  theactual  menu  from  Tasword   itself   andre-load it into Tasword 2. Any of you  whoown Tasword 2 may have done this with it'sown menu system.
   1 What was I  presented  with?  Mr  SherwoodHIDING BEHIND HIS  ANSWERING  MACHINE  andnot taking my calls!h
   1 What makes this and  its  predecessor,  sobrilliant is the neat twist of turning theoriginal ALS  formula  into  an  adventuregame!
   1 What gets  me  is  that  I  made  a simplemistake   last   issue   and   immediatelyapologised._
   1 What do you think? Are you prepared to putPrism PD on the betting table? I certainlyam. Are you? And if not, why not?u
   1 What did Andy do that  was  illegal?  Withwhat do SUK intend to  charge  Andy  Daviswith? What potential criminal charge  willSUK try to convince  their  solicitors  topersue regards Andy Davis?  Why  are  theycomparing themselves to Prism PD?
   1 What are we supposed to do  when  he  saysone thing and then does another?J
   1 What I'm saying is this - if not  a  trucethen a silence. No attacks against  eithercompany  or  proprietor  both  PUBLIC   orPRIVATE. By public I mean  any  source  ofinformation which  is  available  to  all,such as tape  and  disk  magazines,  demosetc. By private I mean in personal lettersto  friends,  colleagues,  customers   andbusiness associates.
   1 What I'd like to know is where is it  gongto end and when? Already  the  bubble  hasburst on so many computers, many of  whichare  only  a  few  years  old.  The  firstcomputer to see it must have been the SORDM5. Any of  you  remember  it?  Well,  howabout Jupiter Ace, Dragon 32,  BBC,  SharpMZ80, Commodore Vic 20, ZX81
   1 West Yorks LS22 4EN
   1 West Bridgford
   1 Well, until next time.
   1 Well, that's where  the  good  news  is...They are making a  total  rebuild  of  thespectrum, a new ULA, and  using  the  (Nowpublic domain) Spectrum ROMS. I hear  thatthe first model  they  will  rebuild  willalso have extra ROMs in it to emulate  thespectrum at its original  speed.  It  willsupposedly be like the Spectrum  +3,  withTwo disk drives, one 3" and one 3.5",  forcompatability with existing  machines.  Itwill have a tape socket, and the Auxiliarysocket will have been  done  away  with...Bad news for lightgun owners.
   1 Well, he's bee  away  doing  his  NationalService with the Army for some time but itnow back and has supplied us with  half  adozen disks of some of his greats and  newtitles.
   1 Well, at  least  he  hit  the  right  holetoday, but the little metal cover you  geton 3.5" disks is dented on the  back,  andit won't  slide  back  over  the  magneticsurface it is suposed to cover when it  istaken out of the drive. well, at least  itwasn't a 3" disk, and hopefully  the  dataon the disk won't  be  damaged.  In  fact,once I've checked that  it  CATs  OK  I'llcopy it. It CATs OK,  so  I  am  about  tobegin copying the files off  one  by  one,with many 3" disks, the walls ringing withevil noises because there is  not  a  diskcopier that will do  a  straight  disk  todisk copy with 3.5" disks  on  the  +3.  Idecided to try a different approach...
   1 Well,  after  finally  getting  round   tomaking one, heres my  preliminary  resultson successfully getting a single output towork. I shall do more  work  between  thisand the next  issue  and  shall  hopefullyreport more then.
   1 Well,  after   much   experimentation  andhassle, I  finally  abandoned  the idea ofusing the RS 232  port because of the lackof a decent  file  transfer program with alarge  data  buffer  in  the  APD library.Xmodem was the best,  although only gave a20K buffer for data.
   1 Well the blurp is all very good, but  whatabout the actual game?@
   1 Well I'm pleased to  say  that  this  gamereally does live up to  expectations!  Thegraphics,  as  you  can  tell   from   thefollowing screenshot, are fantastic!,  andthe gameplay is equally superb!
   1 Wel, okay, so that isnt  exactly  what  wewould  say  to  each  other,  but  I  dontsuppose  I  can  go  around  swearing  andthings in a respectable fanzine eh??? <No.Ed>
   1 Weeks   later   he   writesdemanding an apology.   Yet,  I have shownhim all  his  mistakes  and  he won't evenacknowledge them.   Even  things as simpleas his counting  go  ignored. It seems hisphilosophy is  ignore  it  and  it  may goaway.
   1 We'll start with the  keys.  If  you  lookunderneath, you'll see a very tiny spring.Give it a spray with contact  cleaner  or,if you find this easier, spray a bit  intoa jam jar lid and dip the spring  in.  Youcan leave it damp as it will dry itself.
   1 We'll start the task of modifying  Taswordby dealing  with  the  menu  system.  I'veenclosed an example of  my  menu  to  showwhat you can do.
   1 We'll  start  with  the  inbuilt   featurefirst. It's explained in the  manual,  butnot featured on the menus at all.u
   1 We think you got a very powerful  utility,so whats  else  to  say  more  than  happycomputing. Just still  another  point:  Wewant  to  make  a  correction   about   aninformation in AlchNews 14, where Andy haswritten about the sad demise of  the  SUC.That's an translation error, true is, thata member of the SPC was suddenly died  andwe gave him a obituary notice in our  mag.So  the  SUC  is  still  alive.   We   arewondered, that no one  has  written  aboutour offer for help. Don't you believe  it?Too  shy?  However,  we  wait   for   yourquestions.
   1 We start this issue inconjuntion with  theInput article on  secret  codes  with  twoshort routines to encode and  decode  yourtextfiles. The programs have been run  andtested with Tasword 2 files but will  workwith normal CODE files from any other wordprocessor or even M/C program.
   1 We hope you all have  find  yourself  verywell and full of power in 1995. Maybe  youare full of new ideas what to  do  on  andwith your beloved Speccy. So why not writea demo or a new game? In this case we havea nice "little" program for you: Uniscroll2.1 from the legendary Vision of  The  MadGuys, avaiable from us  or  directly  fromAlchemist PD. By the way some  good  news:Vision hasn't gone  lost.  He  has  a  newadress and an Acorn 3010 (Archimedes), buthe also has his Speccy and maybe  we  willhear news  from  him  soon.  We  are  veryconfident, because Vision  is  furthermoremember of the SPC.
   1 We hope our future issues can  compare  tothis and apologise in advance to our  tapeusers who are already having to reserve  aweekend just to read it!
   1 We have been asked by many readers to moveto paper but we  feel  better  in  controlwith  the  medium  we  are  familliar  andleaders  in  and   also   promised   otherSpectrum paper magazines that we would nottread onto their  territory  with  anotherpaper magazine (to which  we  recieved  nothanks whatsoever - honestly, it seems youcan do nobody a favour these days!).
   1 We have also been informed by Robert Skenethat the same issue ran an article on  theforthcoming MIDGET graphics system by AlexLogie which was not written by him!
   1 We don't do anything for financial reward,we do it because we love the Spectrum.  Ifit  wasn't  for  Andy   Davis,   AlchemistResearch wouldn't be, and then what  wouldyou do? Where would you get support  from?The answer is  simple,  you  wouldn't  getanything like the  service  you  get  now.Why? Well, just take  a  look  at  the  PDcatalogue, and tell  me  where  you'd  getthat range of software from. You  may  getone or two titles  from  other  libraries,but you wouldn't get  them  all  from  thesame place AND FOR FREE! Does anybody  outthere  honestly   doubt   that   AlchemistResearch has the largest collection of  PDsoftware in the UK? If you do, then  don'tbe a wimp, tell me so!
   1 We could wait forever  for  the  cataloguetrack of the  TEST  disk  to  corrupt,  sowe'll do it automatically! Do this:w
   1 We can go on about RS232 interfacing untilwe are sick of it. At this moment in  timeI am because of the way Amstrad messed  upthe port (is there  anything  they  didn'tfoul up?). But, what do 48k users  do,  orusers with only one 128k and one 48k?
   1 WOMO / SPC, Germany
   1 WIDTH-33291  (30):  Width   of   scroller.Possible values are 1 to 30. It is  usefulto  use  even  numbers,  otherwise   CLSCRdoesn't work okay anymore.  WARNING:  Withvalues over 30 UNISCROLL might crash!
   1 WHAT ELSE ?
   1 WELL, I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING  LIKE  THISBEFORE! Don't be put off,  you  have  goneand spent lots of  hard  earned  cash  forthis, (depending which  P.D.  service  yougot it from) so get  stuck  in,  and  withthese notes it might take you  about  fivehours less than it took me to make DLAN dowhat I wanted it to do!
   1 WD40 or other electrical contact cleaner  Piece of Cloth8
   1 W ipe window  -  wipes  the  window  area  clear.1
   1 View frames This allows  you  to  look  atstored  frames  without   corrupting   thecurrent frame.b
   1 Victoria Road
   1 Vic Bishop is on the lookout  for  a  W.H.SMITHS  COMPUTER  PROGRAM  DATA  RECORDER,measuring 10" * 8" *  2".  If  anyone  canhelp, or wants to  pester  him  about  hisfindings with PowerPrint II contact:
   1 Vic Bishop
   1 Vfiler 8-  Another  program  like  Nsweep,Maxisweep etc.8
   1 Version 2.3 15/8/90
   1 Variables a,y,x,d and w are  the  same  asthose defined for 'GET_'B
   1 VR1 100K LOG
   1 VISION of The Mad Guys Corp.
   1 VERIFY is the most powerful tool and  willcheck all sectors  of  your  disk,  givingtrack and sector details  of  any  damagedareas.
   1 V2.1 Update in 1/93
   1 Usual Alchemist Research address.!
   1 Using procedures, it's possible to split aprogram  up  into  a  number  of  seperatetasks. One  procedure  being  written  foreach task.  Each  procedure  can  then  betested on its own and, finally,  they  canall be put together to form  the  finishedprogram.
   1 Using Spectrum 128 +2 Grey with DATEL DISKDRIVE.0
   1 Using DATEL DISK DRIVE you can also take aSCREEN  DUMP  by  pressing  the   SNAPSHOTbutton and key 1.e
   1 User Guide by Vic Bishop
   1 User  Process  This  returns  you  to  theBASIC, and here a frames used  feature  isdisplayed. It can  do  whatever  you  likethough.
   1 United Minds and Theo Devil - all!
   1 Undo This is  a  very  useful  option,  itundoes  the  effect  of  the  last   thingselected from the EDIT menu. It  can  onlyundo one thing though so don't rely on it!
   1 Under normal circumstances, when  you  setup the  Multiface  to  jump  directly,  itbecomes disabled  again  on  returning  toyour program. This happens through the RST0 routine  in  Multiface  ROM,  which  youwould  normally  use  to  return  to   theprogram you had stopped. The routine  usesan  undocumented   Multiface   port,   andMF_MAXIRAM works by duplicating the RST  0routine in MF RAM, but modifying  it  suchthat this port is no  longer  written  to,and RAM between 8257 and 16338  is  alwaysleft intact.
   1 UT336 or +3 COLLECTION VOL.1
   1 UPDATES: An update sheet is  available  toanyone. If it's been some time  since  youhad   any   updates   to   your   existingcatalogue, we'll supply the latest copy toyou.
   1 UNISCROLL offers the possibility to changethe variables SPEED, SPLIT, STOP, YPOS andFSLP from within the text. Furthermore youcan print text invers and clear the scrollon screen plus  workspace.  Therefore  youhave to put textmarks into your text  withfollowing parameters,  which  then  changethe value of the variable to the parametervalue. As  Textmarks  UNISCROLL  uses  thelast 5 chars of the  charset  (ASCII  Code124-127, see Spectrum manual!).
   1 UNISCROLL is a scrollroutine that offers alot  of  possibilities  if   compared   to"normal"   scroll   routines.   Thisx
   1 UNHAPPY: If you  are  justifiably  unhappywith any aspect of the service, your moneywill be refunded.e
   1 U n-do  -  Use  Immediately  after  WIPE,  KLEAR screen, FILL OVER, EDGE,  INVERSE,  PRINT  or  QUICKPRINT  to  'UN-DO'  what  you've just done.
   1 Tyler decides to turn up  and  do!
   1 Two pages  are  devoted  to  some  of  thebetter demos available and thres a page ofprogramming tips and pokes. The final pageis dedicated to  hardware,  detailing  theMB02 disk interface and hardware availablefrom Sintech.
   1 Tutorial written by J.C.Blomley
   1 Tutorial by Dave Fountain
   1 Turning it back ON is done with OUT 49149,1.,
   1 Try the two passage of text  in  the  nextprogram. Working in reverse direction,  ifyou run the  program  and  enter  --0--0---000--0--
   1 Transferring files from a PC to the#
   1 Total Eclipse, Incentive  Software's  nextrelease, however, more than  made  up  forthe  dullness  of  its  predecessors.  Thesetting is a pyramid  in  Egypt,  and  thetask is to reach the secret chamber at itsapex, and destroy the  curse  before  timeruns out.  There  are  many  obstacles  toovercome and puzzles to  solve  along  theway, though,  and  the  main  task  is  tocollect a number of 'Ankhs' which open thelocked   doors   you
   1 Toggle  This  option   can   actually   bedisplayed  as  toggle,   set   or   erase.Clicking it  simply  changes  the  editingmode. It also selects pixel editing  mode.Pixel editing is always on when  the  EDITmenu shows, except in Circle or Line mode.
   1 To turn OFF the light, it's all down to  asimple OUT 49149,0.=
   1 To show how the system will work you  needtwo disks. Label one of them TEST and  theother ARCHIVE. Format them both  and  thenput two files onto the TEST disk:
   1 To show how Lifeguard works,  I  tried  itwith Starglider to show how easy  and  howdifficult it is to find lives.r
   1 To perform pixel editing, move the  cursorto editing area and click the cursor. Notethat, as  with  lines  and  circles,  textcodes will  be  displayed  unless  graphicescapes   are   inserted.   When   editinggraphics it is  usually  a  good  idea  toinsert a line of ESC-W's (white  graphics)down the left hand  edge  of  the  screen.These  can  be  replaced  by  colours   ifdesired when the graphic is finished.
   1 To make effective use of the  patterns  onthe Style Palette, you need to print  textfairly large  and  'Chunky',  which  meansKEEP IT SHORT! If you intend to print longlines of text, you may have to use Style-P(solid black) to ensure legibility.
   1 To make  print  outs  ,save  screen$  etc,place  suitable   commands   between   theRandomize usr and the  :stop  commands  inthe appropriate prog line. If you  try  tomake an epic extraviganza, keep a check onhow much  memory  you  have  available  asthings disappear if you overstuff it !
   1 To load back into  your  Spectrum,  simplyload your program "name".C
   1 To MOVE the window to your chosen positionUSE:- A for UP. Z for DOWN. N for LEFT.  Mfor RIGHT.^
   1 To  put  POWERPRINT  II  onto   Microdrivecartride first type in the following shortprogram:-]
   1 To  my  surprise  the  TV  was   strangelyentertaining over the  xmas  period,  withITV showing good movies like the ROCKETEERand BBC2 having a 'weird night'.
   1 To  enter  press  CAPS  SHIFT  Z.   Ensureprinter is on set Horizontal and  Verticalenlargement by pressing a key A to F.y
   1 Three   great   new
   1 Though it is nothing special, this programcould be  worth  acquiring  if  you  don'talready own Nsweep or  something  similar.6/10
   1 Thornton Cleveleys
   1 Thomas Eberle, SUC
   1 This, and its  forerunner  Arkanoid,  wereinspired by the original Breakout game, inwhich you  control  a  bat,  using  it  tobounce a ball against a  wall  of  bricks,which then disappear when hit. If you missthe ball when it returns, you lose a life.
   1 This will give you open and closed  squarebrackets on the normal brackers  and  halfand quarter fractions of "h" and "x" keys.There are plenty of other  characters.  Toselect them you must take a  look  at  thesecond character set on the  Tasword  menuand compare them with the  code  pages  inyour Star printer manual.  Note  down  thekey which each character is next to and dothe same as the above.
   1 This was one of those occasions  when  theAmerican  producers,  decided  to  set  anepisode in good old England. The storylinewas that British  VIPs  were  mysteriouslydying  from   spontaneous   combustion   -suddenly bursting into flames of fire  forno apparent reason - MI5,  at  a  loss  toexplain  this,  called  in  the   FBI   toinvestigate.
   1 This was certainly nothing against Thomas,who has  been  a  close  friend  for  manyyears, but simply because he  hadn't  sentus a copy of the magazine to look at!
   1 This tells the PC that you want to set  upthe COM port to 9600 baud, 8 data bits, noparity and two stop bits. Ignore what  themanual  tells  you  here   regarding   theSpectrum RS232 port. The Spectrum requiresTWO stop bits, not one (as stated).
   1 This resulted in a wonderful new contact -Mike Mee in Wales. He is a big user of theemulator  for  the  PC  and  is  currentlyworking  on  a  CD-ROM  of  almost   everySpectrum title ever written! To  accompanythis phenominal effort, Alchemist Researchhas  supplied  the  entire  Alchemist   PDlibrary and all issues of AlchNews to  thecollection.
   1 This puts a minimal  file  header  on  theCP/M COM file to tell +3 BASIC not to loadit as a basic file by  mistake.  You  alsoneed to do this on drive M: as it  doesn'twork on a 720K disk for some  reason,whichbrings me to another point. I  think  thatthe MSODBALL.HED  file  should  have  beensupplied  in  the  actual   library   witheveryhing else because I'll be  honest,  Idon't actually read the documentation  allthe way through. OK,  I'll  be  even  morehonest, I  won't  read  the  documentationpast where it says  what  the  program  isfor.
   1 This program will now  take  the  archivedcatalogue from our ARCHIVE disk and put itback onto TEST. As  before,  put  TEST  indrive one and ARCHIVE in drive two.
   1 This program will be  a  little  bit  morecomplicated than the others we have  triedso far, in that it needs some extra  BASICto make it  work...  Here's  the  listing-Bolt it  on  at  MAIN...  (Newcomers,  getAlchNews 13 and find out)
   1 This program seems to be more of a bit  offun rather than having any practical  use.It  has  been  well  written,   has   gooddocumentation, and is presented well,  butthe fact is that it uses memory all of thetime.
   1 This one had me foxed  until  I  read  thedocumentation. Guess what- no  COM  files!Not even a SUB! So  I  have  to  read  thedocumentation  properly.  This  is  not  astand-alone program, and  to  use  it  youmust have Mallard  basic.  That's  alrightbecause all +3 CP/M users should have  it.What hapens with this program is that  youuse the GENCOM program on side  B  of  theCP/M disk to generate  a  new  version  ofMallard Basic with RSX's in it(  RSXs  areResident  System  eXtensions).  Using   upabout  1.5K  of  Basic   Workspace,   thisprogram adds  about  25  new  commands  toMallard Basic, which really  is  extremelyuseful...
   1 This one allows  the  program's  run  timedefaults  to  be  changed,  and  lets  youchange the work drive to c:. this done, itwould finally work for me. It  prints  thename of the file it is compressing on  thescreen, alongside a  display  of  how  farthrough it is  compressing.  On  my  disk,containing some runnable  files  and  textfiles, it compressed  them  to  just  overhalf the size they were before. This is  auseful program, and I quite liked it. 8/10
   1 This new game is in fact a  remix  of  theoriginal 1993 mega-hit, which in turn  wasbased on the much loved ADVANCED LAWNMOWERSIMULATOR game (a Y.S. classic from 1988).
   1 This month I've condensed all of my  stuffinto one or two parts, so that I  can  getaway with only writing one  article.  I'llbe reviewing five CP/M programs, Exploringthe +3DOS catalogue command,  throwing  insome general silliness, putting it all  ina lightly greased baking tin, and  puttingit in an oven that's been preheated to gasmark 4 for half an hour. (serves three  tofour thousand)
   1 This issue of PD Power also made  a  snideattack on Chris Taylor for making his  newprograms non-PD, and also myself for beingthe only distributor. He called  it  "sourgrapes". You will all  be  happy  to  knowthat  The  Knights  programs,   past   andpresent are available from all Spectrum PDlibraries, with the exception of Prism.
   1 This is where MF_MAXIRAM  comes  in.  Thisutility programs the Multiface  to  bypassthe  menu  when  enabling  it,  and  as  aresult, becomes available  for  use,  freefrom any danger of corruption.  To  cancelMF_MAXIRAM and  restore  normal  Multifaceoperation, just  press  the  button  whileholding down the Break key.
   1 This is the tricky part! Grab  the  largerspring and gently give  it  a  quick  tug.DOn't strech it too far or the effect willnot work. Compare  it  with  an  un-pulledspring. Try not to make the spring  longerthan 20mm or 3/4". When  you've  done  thelot you can give them a spray if you  wishbut only if you've noticed a great deal ofgrime and even rust on them!
   1 This is one of those  programs  some  willplay with for a while, then not use, whereothers will love the program, its ease  ofuse and  possibilities  of  making  reallycomplicated bleeps. I did find it fun, andalthough it had no real technical  use,  Ihave to give it 7/10.
   1 This is going to  lead  to  a  society  ofagrophobics and that other one -  fear  ofpeople.  <peopleophobic?  Ed.>  If  you'reliving with computer images, how  are  yougoing to be able  to  interact  with  realpeople?
   1 This is  another  one  of  those  programswhere you have an arrow pointing to a  biglist of files and you tag those  you  wantto copy, erase or build  a  library  from.The concept is nothing new, I  believe  itwas started in 1983 with  a  CP/M  programcalled Nsweep. This program is written  in8080 code, and is slower because it  lacksthe   enhanced   instructions   the   Z-80provides. (Such as LDIR, to name  but  onevery useful instruction)
   1 This increasing computer control may  haveit's advantages - certainly  in  terms  ofavoidance of theft and  fraud  and  forgednotes. ventually it may be that every shophas access to your credit rating.
   1 This hardly needs any introduction,  beinga classic puzzle game which has  made  itsmark on all the major computer formats andgames consoles, but for anyone who doesn'tknow, it's of Russian origin, and the ideais to fit  together  all  the  differentlyshaped   blocks   that   are
   1 This game is not really much fun,  and  istoo difficult for just about  anyone  withits incredibly obscure  puzzles.  However,it is very old indeed and  came  out  onlyshortly after the Spectrum 48k itself, andis probably worth looking out for for thatreason - it is a collectors' item  due  toits age and unavailability in these moderntimes (what did happen  to  Artic?).  Justremember, type HELP as every third commandand you won't go far wrong!
   1 This article was  submitted  to  AlchemistResearch  for  distribution  as  part   ofAlchNews provided it was  not  altered  inany way whatsoever. If you don't like  thecontents, my opinions or anything else  inthis particular file, then  tell  ME,  notAndy. I wrote it, they  are  MY  opinions,and I am  the  one  responsible  for  it'sexistance. You got a problem, you come  toME! You got something to say, then say  itto ME, not your best mate. If you are  nota   waster   and   you   have
   1 This article revolves around  my  personalpreferences, which have also been  adoptedby a few new Star owners,  but  it's  veryeasy to configure your own definitions.
   1 This article refers to the Disciple#
   1 This article has spawned two  new  articledirections for AlchNews. You will find theinformation for encoding textfiles in  ournew series TASWORD TUTOR  and  next  issueour article will move to protecting  basicprograms  by  adding  a   coded   passwordroutine (thanks to John Thompson  for  thebasis). We'll also be continuing our INPUTseries of articles, with  many  thanks  toMarshall Cavendish.
   1 This all depends on what mode your printeris in. You will note on  page  65  of  themanual that it works under IBM mode  only.To make this effect  functional,  set  EDSswitch A1 to ON.
   1 This "real damage" stuff  also  quoted  inthe article is  NOTHING  compared  to  thedamage they have  done  to  themselves  byletting down their customers.  I  find  itVERY strange  that  only  a  few  "chosen"people  within   the   organisation   knewanything about why the customers were keptin the dark.
   1 This  is  moving  towards  the   'cashlesssociety'  where  money  is  moved   aroundwithout being touched.  Look  at  the  waydebit cards have infiltrated our  society.Being  frustrated   at   card   users   atsupermarkets  and  petrol  stations,   theAlchNews editor swore he'd never use one -now he's never without it!
   1 This  is  indeed  NOT   TRUE   WHATSOEVER.Whether this is purely accidental or  donethrough spite is yet unknown but AlchemistResearch  will  pressure  for   a   publicapology to be issued by Martyn Sherwood tothe team, in PD  Power  and  to  AlchemistResearch - the  official  distributor  fortheir titles who are NOT happy  that  thisinformation has been circulated.
   1 These are the same as  the  above,  excepthold CAPS SHIFT before pressing the numberwhilst you are still in "customise printercontrol" mode.
   1 These are all neccessary when you want  toappear  totally  out  of  your  head  whenwriting text.a
   1 Theres an article and circuit  diagram  ona MIDI interface  and  a  review  of  somegames available from Sintech Software.z
   1 Theres a new  members  section,  featuringme! An editorial  and  comprehensive  CLUBNEWS  page,  for  the  SUC  club.   Theresfurther news from  the  Spectrum  and  SAMworld. One article which interested me was"Is Format Publications hindering Sintech?" (Sintech  is  the  business  behind  theSUC). Thomas explains that Format  doesn'tpublish anything from him and that he senta free game which  prompted  the  response"what cassette?".
   1 Theres 16  pages,  in  normal  A5  format.Presentation is  excellent,  as  is  printquality.\
   1 There's also a new command  called  'VDU_'that's directly equivalent to PRINT  CHR$.Some  examples:  VDU_2  This   makes   allsubsequent output appear as standard  sizecharacters, whereas the  following  printsout 'AB': VDU_65,66. Strings of characterscan be printed  down  the  screen  of  the'DOWN_' command.  The  command  takes  theform: DOWN_,y,x,a$ Where y is the line  onwhich  the  first  character  is   to   beprinted; x is  the  column  at  which  thefirst character is to be printed;  and  a$is the string to be printed. If the stringruns off the bottom of the window then  itwraps around and re-appears at the top.
   1 There was  also  an  interesting  book  oncomputer  disk  formats,  which   includedcoverage of the 3  inch  disk,  D-I-S-K  Isaid!, this book was quite a laugh  as  itfelt the 3  inch  format  was  'likely  tobecome  the  most  popular   disk   formatavailable'!.
   1 There must be a buffer that has  been  setup to recieve the catalogue. It must  haveat least two entries in it. An entry is 13bytes long (8 for  the  name,  3  for  thefiletype, and 2 for the length in  Kbytes)If  the  buffer  is   smaller   than   thecatalogue, then the routine can be  calledagain, and read in some more  information.The way it does this is to take the  firstentry, and start the  catalogue  from  thefilename that is greater than that. eg. ifthe first entry is (c . ) then (d . )  and(e . ) will be read into the  buffer,  but(a . ) and (b . )  will  not.  this  meansthat the first time you read part  of  thecatalogue, you should fill the first entry(known as entry 0) with zeros, so that allof the other entries will be greater  thanit. Any time that you  want  to  read  thenext part of the catalogue, you should putthe last entry read into entry 0, so  thatthe next file read will be the  one  afterthat and none will be missed.
   1 There is only one initial drawback to thisplan.  Firstly,  as  you  are   addressingsectors yourself rather than  through  the+D's normal filing system, you  will  haveto make  your  own  records  as  to  whichcatalogue is stored where on your  archivedisk. You also have to be careful  not  tosave or load any normal  files  onto  thisdisk! This  could  be  helped  with  UT372DATASHIELD from the APD catalogue. All youneed to do with regard to keeping track ofyour disks is to  use  a  simple  databaseprogram.  APD  will  supply  one  suitablyadapted for this use should anyone requireit.
   1 There is also another sound  output  port,so that leads do not have to be plugged inand out of the tape port too much. The  +3sound bug has been cured(IE. the +3  soundbeing crap when the Tape is plugged in)
   1 There is a choice of two Oddball  formats,one with a larger root directory, and  onewhich is more compatible with certain  DOSversions   but   with   a   smaller   rootdirectory. Format 1 made  a  0  byte  fileappear with a dot as a filename, which wasvery disconcerting, and a bit like an  eyewatching me as I eradicated  it  from  thescreen  with  a  CLS  command.   I   triedconverting it back with a  test  file  on,and I got  a  complaint  about  a  missingaddress mark.
   1 There is  a  circuit  diagram somewhere inthis article, and  only  a few points needbe explained further.i
   1 There are two  methods  of  modifying  themenu,  either  manually  or  through   theinbuilt facillity. I prefer the former butit's a little more fiddly and may need theuse of Tasword 2.
   1 There are some games in which the crashingsymptom never happens, however many  timesthe snapshot button is pressed, and  thesealways turn out to be ones which overwritethe  BASIC  area  and  put   values   into23728/23729!
   1 There are five libraries  of  programs  onthe disk-3
   1 There are 160 tracks on a normal 80T  DSDDdisk. A normal +D formatted disk catalogueuses four tracks. This means that 160/4  =40.
   1 There are  several  files  which  must  beloaded,  I've   renamed   them   to   lessmeaningful names(!):h
   1 There  was  a  time,  back  in  the  earlyeighties when  interfacing  your  computerwith a robot  or  buggy  seemed  to  be  anecessity. A  whle  range  of  fashionableadd-ons  existed,  from  robotic  arm   toturles...? This  was  fine,  although  thecost usually deterred most Speccy owners.
   1 There  is  no  doubt  that   this   game'satmosphere and sense of realism is largelyattributable to the Freescape environment,which,   coupled   with   an   imaginativescenario, makes a winning combination.
   1 There  are  five  programs  on  this  diskanyway, and I find that they are a  prettyfair bunch._
   1 Theorganisation  is  run  by  two  very  nicegentlemen, Eddie and  Arthur  and  run  itvery  much  in  the   way   of   AlchemistResearch.  They cover all the older 8  bitcomputers,  including   ALL
   1 Theo obviously has an interest  in  dinos,as when you load up the prog, and select adinosaur  you  want  to  learn  about,  itpresents you with a beautifully drawn  picof the dino in question, and then presentsyou with a screen of info.
   1 Theo has made it clear that  the  programshe has sent are NOT Public Domain and  mayonly be distributed in the UK by AlchemistResearch only.
   1 Then, the  public  lies.   I cannot recallany   libellous   or   vicious   attackingarticles before  PD  POWER  came  along. Iremember it started  with  a public attackof  Alec  Carswell,  and  then  ridiculousmemos in FISH  magazine  to  myself. If hewanted to  say  something  to  me, why nottell me  personally  rather  than a publicmessage like that?  For his information, aMEMO is  classed  as  a  personal internalmessage - not given to a third party.
   1 Then you get the problem  of  writing  theinteresting bit  that  everyone  wants  toread!!! Well, I cant tell you  much  aboutthis, because as we talk complete nonsenseall the time, we dont  know  exactly  whatbits are interesting. We've been  told  byreliable  resources  that  our  texts  are'funky' 'really funny' and 'mad'. Most  ofthis  came  at  the  time  the  intro   toCEREBRAL was watched, and who  wrote  thatstrange text?? It was I, me, myself,  moi,Orson,  (and  any  other  words  used   todescribe me - usually "fat  git"  &  "bowlcut" from Dok).
   1 Then I got the shock of my  life,  a  bookentitled - Introduction to  PC  computing,MS-DOS, GEM, and BASIC on the PC200 and PCcompatables - by Patrick Hall.
   1 Their  catalogue  contains  thousands   oftitles, all at very  low  prices.  Besidesnew titles, he can also get some  classicstoo.  Theres  even   provision   for   +3,Microdrive, Opus and +D  programs.  For  acatalogue, send an IRC to:
   1 TheAN15.6:  final part, broken down into  two-
   1 The whole point  of transferring files wasso that somebody  with  a Microdrive and a+D system could transfer files between thetwo different  storage  media.  Of course,because of the ROM conflict, using the twodevices on the  same  machine  at the sametime was  out  of  the question. Splittingfiles longer  than  20K  into  two or moreparts was not really  an option either, sosome other form  of data communication hadto be found.
   1 The whole  point  of  DB2  is  to give youthe power to  back  up  all  your disks toanother  disk  or  tape.  It  doesn't copydisk based files to tape, it copies a diskimage, which is  a  far  better  way to goabout it.
   1 The way in which user-defined graphics aredefined   on   the   Spectrum   isL
   1 The way I see it is that  as  soon  as  weawaken we will don our  helmets  and  liveour lives alone. It doesn't matter if it'slight or dark, our reality  headsets  willguide us around our house.  Want  to  movethe furniture? Simply use your cursor  andmove the furniture. Shopping? Turn on  the"Sainsbury's" program and  walk  around  acomputer generated store for your goods tobe sent later.
   1 The upshot of  this  is  that  the  screenbuild-up is slow, and though  there  is  agood help page, after each read of it,  itbuilds up the screen again, printing  eachfilename from scratch, instead of using anLDIR copy instruction to  put  the  screenback after itself.
   1 The unit can't have cost more than  a  fewpounds  to  make  and,   thanks   to   theexcellent  skills  of  Lloyd  Garland,  itlooks neat and VERY professional  and  notout of place whatsoever.
   1 The two new char sets are  stored  in  RAMand thus can be altered if so desired. Thepseudo BBC  char  set  starts  at  address48000 and the  AMSTRAD  at  address  45000(CHR$ 32 - CHR$ 127)
   1 The trick is to save  the  catalogue  fromyour disk onto an archive  disk  with  theaid of sector saving. Since you  won't  beusing the normal disk  catalogue  of  yourarchive disk, the entire 160 tracks  couldbe at your disposal.
   1 The thing to remember is that the  programis  not  articficially   intelligent   andcannot instantly find something  it  knowsnot what it's, or  even  we,  are  lookingfor. It's  simply  a  case  of  trial  anderror.
   1 The textmarks:
   1 The textmarks themselves don't  appear  inthe scroller itself but are exchanged by aspace. The parameters  are  left  out,  soeven with parameters, the gap between  twowords is always one spacechar. So you  caninsert the  textmarks  without  disturbingthe look of your scroller!
   1 The textmarks are registered  when  a  newchar would normally appear  on  the  rightside of the scroller. So to stop a word inthe middle of the screen, the textmark hasto be set some chars after the  word.  Theexact postion must be tried out!
   1 The tape port seemed  the best bet, seeingas how the port  was  tailor made for filetransfer, even  though  it  was  to a tapedeck!  Software  is  available  that  willtransfer Microdrive files  to tape, and soare  programs   to   transfer  tape  basedsoftware to the +D system.
   1 The system is semi-Opus and +D compatable,and will copy from this format to MB02.Q
   1 The start of a procedure is defined by  an'@'symbol,  followed  by  the   proceduresname.  The  'define  procedure'  statementmust be the first statement on a line;  ifparameters  are  to  be  passed   into   asubroutine  then  the  'define  statement'must have an underlined character followedby  the  required  parameters,  after  theprocedures name. The parameters should  beseparated by commas.
   1 The spec sounds pretty bad doesn't it?,'
   1 The spec for the PC200 was :-
   1 The same issue  of  SPC  also  contains  amulti-size   formatter   for   the   Opus,allowing upto 935k per disk! It also alloschoosable track  and  sector  numbers  and"sampling  without  hardware"   over   thecassette port.
   1 The routine to catalogue a disk  lives  at11Eh. It is  entered  with  the  followingconditions...a
   1 The program really depends  on  how  luckyyou are and how the game is programmed.  Ihave found the counter for Hard Drivin  48to stop the clock and "OFF ROAD" timer andfrom this I was able to analyse  the  gamevia GENIE and then find the same pokes forthe 128k version (Lifeguard doesn't accessthe memory pages of the 128k).
   1 The program comprises of a small suite  ofdisk utilities for the Spectrum  +3.  Whenloaded, you are presented  with  a  littlered menu. You should now  enter  the  diskyou wish to work with.
   1 The price is sadly `100 but  includes  allsoftware,   power   supply,   cables   andinstructions.a
   1 The price has also not been decided yet.(
   1 The price for this superb magazine is only`1, or 80p & SAE.;
   1 The pointer will then reappear and you canselect one of the options. Clear clears  awindow. Invert inverts one (this does  nothave much releva nce to text blocks but isuseful for graphics). Seleecting moves youanother  cursor.  When  you  position  andclick it, the window will be copied there.Clear and move is self explanatory.
   1 The operational structure of this  programsimply provides a counting  mechanism.  Inthe first phase of the progrAm,  28  indexvariables are set to zero. These are  usedto store the frequency counts  of  the  26letters.  The  final  two  variables   areincluded in case you  want  to  amend  theprogram in order to produce percentages orother summary statistics.
   1 The only problem  then,  was  how to boostthe mic signal sent from the Spectrum to atape deck.  A  small  amplifier was built,and the problem was solved!
   1 The only mistake which has  been  made  isthe incorrect name featured in  issue  14,to which I ALREADY  SENT  OUT  AN  APOLOGYbut he blatantly ignored.
   1 The only drawback with the Star printer isthe lack of space  in  the  help  page  toaccomodate all functions!m
   1 The only drawback is the speed.  While  itis a good idea and to transfer  files  the"middleman"  of   a   tape   recorder   iseliminated, it's  still  only  1200  baud.But,  there  are   plenty   of   turboloadroutines to  take  advantage  of.  As  thequality isn't degraded by tape  decks  andcheap tapes, it may be possible to  use  afar faster speed rate than a  normal  tapedeck can handle!
   1 The only drawback as I  mentioned  earlieris that  it's  trial  and  error.  If  theMultiface POKEs a vitally  important  areawith  zero,  you  may  see  a  spectacularcrash when you return to the game!
   1 The official supplier of CP/M material  toAlchemist PD. They can supply it on 3"  or3.5" format and have thousands of programscatering for all tastes. Send a blank diskfor their introduction  volume,  featuringhelp file, order details, a complete  listof their library, plus sample programs andutilities.
   1 The next game which I am going to look  atwas released by the same company  (Ocean),round about the same time.  Clue:  it's  afootball game. Yep - "Match Day". This hasthe same sort of packaging, but  is  in  abigger box (the writing down the  side  isin the same colour,  font,  type  of  box,etc). I also have this  game  on  the  BBCMicro (or it might be "Match Day II"), andit doesn't have any of  the  Speccy  bits,like the way the  (blocky)  players  marchonto  the  pitch  or  the   team   coloursselection  menu.  Anyway,   the   Spectrumversion: there are lots  of  menus  beforeyou actually play, in which you move  ontothe  appropriate  option   by   repeatedlypressing the same key, rather than  havingnumbered  options.  The  game  is  a  goodfootball   simulation,   with   nice   bigsprites,  good  graphics  and  some  soundwhich isn't too bad.
   1 The new commands detect if  the  Multifaceis either disabled or  not  attached,  andwill then just stop with an error  report.This side effect can be useful  in  itselfwhere  you  simply   need   a   means   ofdetermining the status of the device. (Seethe start of MULTIDEMO 3 as an example.)
   1 The most  hardest  part  of  the  unit  iswiring the BT plug. Quite why  BT  decidedto  use  such  an   outdated,   difficult,uncompatable plug is  beyond  me  but  I'msure that above term could describe BT  asa whole!
   1 The machine will still be CP/M Compatible,and it  is  being  considered  whether  toupgrade   the   graphics   to   a   higherresolution in more  colours.  It  is  alsopossible that another sound chip  will  befitted, to work alongside the AY chip, butwith 12 channel stereo sound.
   1 The line editing  capabilities  have  beengreatly enhanced by YSMB and, as a result,some keys  produce  different  effects  tothose found on the standard Spectrum.
   1 The latter contains SEVERAL Disciple unitsfrom only `35 - an  ideal  alternative  tothe +D.[
   1 The last  option  on  the  text  menu  barsimply returns you to the main EDIT  menu.Alternatively  simply  click  the  editingarea with the pointer cursor.
   1 The larger message: DEPART FROM  PARIS  ATMIDNIGHT ON SATURDAY  ARRIVE  AT  ROME  ATDAYBREAK ON  SUNDAY  is  coded  asZ  6867790075 12128 26569 6783 27921  68719  1212823874  12128  70355   69783   48553.   Theencryted text: 74891  22317  12128  26569,translates to SEND MONEY AT MIDNIGHT.
   1 The graphics are simple, the animation  issomewhat jerky  and  the  sound  is  aboutaverage for a 48k game, but I would  stillhave enjoyed this game, was it not for theappallingly slow game speed. To be  frank,this  game  reminds  me  of  something   Ihalf-wrote a few years ago  in  BASIC.  Ittook me ages but I eventually abandoned itdue to its slowness. The  programmer  herehad no such aversion to lack of speed  andreleased it anyway. I haven't  really  gotvery far in this  game  as  when  you  diethere is  a  frustrating  wait  of  a  fewminutes as the computer builds a new  map.This is better  than  the  same  one  eachtime, but I would have thought part of thegame's size could have been sacrificed forextra speed. Ah  well...  I  wouldn't  buythis  game,  except  for  my   collection,perhaps, but look around at sales and  youmight pick it  up  for  a  non-financiallydepriving amount of money  (maybe  10p?!).After all, a lot of my rarest  games  camefrom car boot sales along with old  rubberkeyed Speccies
   1 The funny thing is,  a  few  pages  beforethis attack is  a  report  about  two  newsources of Spectrum software. The softwarewill only be availble from Prism PD in theEXACT SAME METHODS as the way he has  justattacked!
   1 The function of OUT (63),A is  to  disablethe Multiface, and is used by  the  RST  0routine before returning to  the  program.OUT (191),A is  also  interesting,  thoughperhaps  less  useful,  except   for   theinternal  workings  of   the   Multiface'soperating  system.   What   it   does   isre-enable the red button before returning,and if by any chance you should ever  findyourself in a sitaution where  the  buttondoesn't seem to respond at all,  it  couldbe because this OUT  wasn't  executed  forsome  reason.  Instead  of  resetting  theSpectrum to rectify things, try typing OUT191,0  and  you'll  probably   find   thatrestores it to action!
   1 The font in question is similar to the oneused  in  the  hit  tv  series   'MidnightCaller'.\
   1 The first thing you'll  need  is  a  "nullmodem" cable, and details on how to  buildone should appear somewhere in this  issue(provided I can get Icon Graphics  128  tobehave!) For those of you already familiarwith RS 232 comminunications  should  notethat  the  Interface  1  (and  the  +2A/+3machines)  all  have  their  serial  portswired as a TERMINAL, and  so  my  diagramshave been drawn to  show  this.  When  youwire a connector between two machines thatare wired as a terminal, then you  connectthe TX line to the RX line  of  the  othercomputer and so forth. Not the case with aPC and a Spectrum though, as the  TX  linefrom the Spectrum goes to the TX  line  onthe serial port of the  PC,  the  RX  linefrom the Spectrum goes to the RX  line  onthe PC etc.
   1 The first thing  to  understand,  is  thatit's okay to  actually  have  a  one-sidedconversation with  the  viewer,  but  it'sbetter to talk with another member of yourgroup. If you're not in a group, then  allyou do is simply make someone up!! Or  youcould just talk to yourself,  it's  up  toyou.
   1 The final game I will review this time  isanother adventure - this time  text  only.This was released by Artic in 1981 for the48k Spectrum (a true oldie!) and is called"Inca Curse". Sounds promising? Well, youraim is to go  into  a  temple,  grab  sometreasure and get out again. This adventureresponds quickly, a very important  thing,and though text only, presents a challengewhich makes it a lot more playable than itseems. Text only adventures can  sometimesbe as good as graphical games!
   1 The end of the text is marked by the  byte0. In most cases this comes  automaticallyafter your text (as whole memory is filledwith 0). If this isn't the case  you  haveto poke a 0 at the end  of  the  text.  IfUNISCROLL recognizes the end of the  text,the scroller restarts.
   1 The end of a procedure is defined  by  the'ENDPROC_' command. Once this  command  isencountered,  the  computer  will   resumeprocessing  at  the  statement  after  theprocedure call. To aid  legibility  it  ispossible to tag the  procedure  name  ontothe  end  of   the   'ENDPROC_'   command.Example:
   1 The diplayfile table might  of  course  beused for own purposes too.  Therefore  youcan use the following MC program:u
   1 The cursor keys (caps 5-8) will allow  youto  move  the  text  cursor   around   thescreen.  DELETE  deletes  characters   andbackspace. (It is destructive, unlike  thePrestel delete.)
   1 The capacitors should be  rated at 16 voltworking or greater.=
   1 The amplifier was  built on stripboard andhoused in a small aluminium case.  Poweredby a  small  PP3  type  battery,  the unitdidn't require yet  another plug socket onthe wall either!
   1 The alien landscapes are well drawn and  aspecial mention should  be  given  to  thelawnmower  screen$,  I'm  told  that   therepresentations
   1 The advances in  technology  are  far  toofast for any of us to take in at any pace.Now it seems that Virtual Reality  devicescan be easily purchased to fit to your PC.
   1 The address across from it is the  addressof the last command, say "DEC A" which hasbeen NOPped (POKEd with 0).o
   1 The Window  expands  from  the  right  andbottom edges. You may first need  to  MOVEthe Window up/left to  achieve  a  desiredsize. All 8 keys are live so you can,  forexample, press A and X together to  expandat the top.
   1 The Update
   1 The United  Minds  explains  what!
   1 The Spectrum UK Affair - My opinion#
   1 The PSU will have been beefed up a bit  tocope with all of these extra  features  ofcourse. It will still have TV and  Monitorsockets, but best of all, it will  have  aStandard Parallel port at the back so  youcan use a PC centronics printer lead. Alsothe serial port  has  been  changed  to  anormal 9 way  D  plug,  so  possibly  it'sHayes compatible  modem  time.  The  +3DOSwill  probably  have   to   be   rewrittenslightly, to accomodate fo the 1.44M  diskdrive,  and  it  is  unknown  whether  thedecision has been made to include  a  harddrive option in the package.
   1 The PC will ask you for the PRN device, towhich you  respond  with  COM1:.  Run  theprogram on the Spectrum, and hit RETURN onthe PC.
   1 The New commands are preceded with a  hash(#) and are letters to  save  memory-  forexample #b will beep #f,n Flash  screen  ntimes #g,x,y prints hi-res  graphic  pointat x,y and the most useful is probably  #cwhich will clear the screen. There is alsoa  locate  command  amongst   them,   someprinter things and a  command  to  draw  awindow. I had a  few  tries  at  this  newsystem and  I  love  it.  It's  everythingMallard basic should have been. It's worththe 1.5K it takes up,  because  more  thanthat in a program would probably be  takenup with escape  codes  otherwise.  I  alsohave got to mention that it intercepts thedrop  back  to  CP/M  when  a  disk  erroroccurs.  This   program   is   excellentlyprogrammed, and I have to give it 10/10.
   1 The MAXIRAM routine itself  occupies  from8257 to 8360, leaving you with 7978  bytesof RAM at  your  disposal,  starting  fromaddress 8361. N.B. It is vitally importantNOT to overwrite the area  8192-8360  whenMAXIRAM
   1 The LC-100 isn't short of options, it  hasno less than 20 settings, all can make  itoperate in varied conditions. So, heres mychoice of settings and why I  chose  them.they   aren't   necessarilly   the
   1 The Demon Hacker!
   1 The Demon Hacker moans, groans, gripes and*
   1 The Decoder routine is  the  same  as  theencoder, but with the plus symbol in  line90 altered to a minus.j
   1 The BLUE rectangle in the  middle  of  thescreen is the PRINT WINDOW. Think of it asa sort of adjustable RUBBER STAMP that youcan set to any SIZE or POSITION.  Wheneveryou press the PRINT control, any text  youhave previously entered  expands  to  FILLTHE CURRENT WINDOW.
   1 The 1995 CATALOGUE
   1 The 'SWAP_' command allows  one  attributeto be swopped for another.  It's  followedby two numeric expressions, first the  newattribute  and   second   the   old.   Theattribute file is searched and if an 'old'attribute is found then it's  replaced  bythe 'new'.
   1 The 'PUT_' command is the direct  oppositeof   'GET_'   and;
   1 The 'MODE_' command can be followed by oneor two numbers  just  like  CLW  (n=windownumber). When using Mode 4, it's  possibleto introduce a feature called 'stippling',which allows the chars to  appear  shaded.The type of pattern used is defined by thecommand 'STIPPLE_'. The  command  word  isfollowed by a single number that indicatesthe pattern. Values  should  fall  betweenzero and 15,  the  higher  the  value  thedarker the  shading.  The  value  of  zeroresults in the 'printing' of blank spaces.
   1 The 'INVERT' command  is  very  simple  inthat all  it  does  is  invert  the  wholescreen.[
   1 The 'FADE_' command can produce some  veryspectacular effects.>
   1 The 'Ben Douglas' Piece of Alchnews#
   1 The "HEY YOU" device
   1 The "Four Seasons"  demo  by  The  Kinghts(formerly  Triad  Developments)   is   nowcompleted. The suite of four  demos  costsjust 1p, +media & SAE.
   1 The  reason  for  spring  pulling  is   tore-tension the keys.  After  thousands  ofkeypresses, the springs will obviously getcompressed and this method  restores  themto their almost-natural state.
   1 The  program  is  especially  useful   forchecking disks before you subject them  toa sector repair program, like DOCTOR.y
   1 The  output  (OP)  of  the  amp  should beconnected to a  small  jack  socket on thecase to allow connection to the EAR socketon the computer,  although  you  can use asmall loudspeaker should  you  only want a"beep booster".
   1 The  other  magazine  to  retreat  is  theexcellent SPELLUNKLER, the  last  Spectrumonly adventure  magazine  on  the  market.It's  editor,  James   Waddington   blamedpeople who  promised  plugs  into  certainareas which never worked.  He  has  passedall  his  work  onto  Alec   Carswell   ofMotivation (late of  Venturesoft)  who  isplanning a new Spectrum paper magazine  tocontinue where Spellunkler left. Alec  hasyet to supply details of his  project.  Weare hoping to keep James in the public eyewith some work with Alchemist Research.
   1 The  movement  of  the   reels   is   veryrealistic, and it also sports many of  thefeatures of a real machine, such as Holds,Nudges, Free Spins and so on.
   1 The  letter  I  received  soon  after   mytelephone  call  was   typical   of   onesreceived previously. He  says  that  I  amgoing over the same grounds yet in  a  waythat others  would  think  they  were  newoccurances. You are the jury here  -  haveyou seen any old occurances  reprinted  tomake it look that they have just happened?Of course not. Look at  this  article  forexample.
   1 The  first  three  lines  just  fill   theattributes file with random  characters...the last line is the  important  one!  Thecommand 'FADE_' is followed  by  a  singlenumeric expression. The attributes file issearched and any bytes that are  equal  tothis expression are left alone;  any  thataren't are decremented.
   1 The  first  is   a   simple   three-in-oneinterface  which  plugs  into  the   soundsocket of the Spectrum +2. Quite simply itgives me three sound  sockets  instead  ofone. This means I can use my  monitor  andtwo tape decks without the complication ofleads and connectors! It could have  quiteeasily have been a six-in-one or more!
   1 The  file  will  now  have   a   differentaddress, so typing LOAD "" CODE will  loadit to the wrong area. We must:r
   1 The  expansion  ports   have   also   beenmodified in such a way that there are  twoof them now, and one of them is wired likea FIXIT (a through port which modifies the+3 expansion port to allow 48K peripheralsto be used), but the other is still  wiredlike a normal +3 port.
   1 The  codebook  program  sets  up  a  smallsample code dictionary of 20 words.  Usinga two dimensional array A$(i,j)  in  whichi=1 indicates plain text and i=2 is  codedtext, the program first READs in the  datadisplayed in the table. The  next  section(lines 120-170) takes in a word  from  themessage   and   then   prints   out
   1 The  circuit  is  connected  to  a  bridgerectifier   6   amps   and   240/12v,   2Atransformer.`
   1 The  answer  is  the   second   marvellousinterface from Lloyd Garland.G
   1 The  Spectrums  char   set   consists   ofprintable  characters  and  others   whichaffect the way the characters are  printed- called 'control' characters. A number ofnew control characters have been  includedin the MB's char set:
   1 The  REM  statements  appear  as  a  basicprogram listing  and  are  incremented  in10's Lets look  at  how  the  windows  aredefined:-
   1 The  Morse  code   program   will   eitherencipher or decipher plain text, or decodea series  of  dots  and  dashes  into  theappropriate letters. As  an  example,  thewell known distress signal SOS becomes:
   1 The  +D  utilities  disk  has   some   newprograms added to it. Should  any  of  yourequire your disk updating, simply  returnit for a free update.
   1 The  'PRINTER_'  command  is  provided  toallow screen output to be  diverted  to  aperipheral, such as a printer. The commandis   followed   by   a   single
   1 The   new   catalogue   has   a
   1 The   first   of
   1 That, at any  rate,  is  what's  MEANT  tohappen, and indeed when it does work  thatway, all goes well. On the occasions  thatit  crashes,   however,   something   veryunusual occurs.  It's  almost  as  if  theabove process were carried  out  all  overagain a SECOND TIME, a split second  later-  just  when  the  program   counter   isactually at address 102, in fact. Now, tryto imagine what would then ensue: the nextaddress, 103, would therefore be  stacked,so when you returned to your  program,  itwould resume from  there.  By  that  time,however, the Spectrum ROM would  be  pagedback in again, so it wouldn't  be  address103 in the +D that was  executed,  but  inthe Spectrum ROM  instead,  i.e.  plunginginto the Speccy's own bugged NMI  routine,and heading straight for a reset!
   1 That's the end of my nattering  away  thisissue. Thanks for reading it - bye!M
   1 That's it. If  you've  got  any  problems,suggestions for future versions, or  wannaswop demos (new stuff and  +D  only)  thenwrite to:
   1 That concludes  customising  Tasword  128.If you have any problems,  don't  hesatateto get in  touch  but  before  you  do,  Iadvise you take your  time,  prepare  somescrap  paper  and  test  each   customisedoption carefully. I gave Miles  Kinloch  areally hard time when requesting help  andadvice when setting up my printer!
   1 Thanks to: Albert Harper
   1 Thanks to all who helped with the new 1995catalogue,  from   advice   on   labellingprograms to, most  importantly,  those  ofyou who supplied it. I  really  must  alsothank Womo PD who supplied a great deal ofit.
   1 Thanks  go  to  Arnold  Yates  in  helpingproduce this article.?
   1 Text:. This  option  takes  you  into  thepowerful text  editor.  Another  menu  barwill appear at the top of your screen. Thefirst option on this menu is Show Escapes.This simply redisplays the  current  framewith the escape codes  inverted.  (Similarto ESC-0 when using  Fireview).  The  nexttwo options are  Screen  and  Window.  AllEditview  editing  is  done  in  a  window(jargon for screen area).  Screen  definesthe whole screen as the window. If  windowis selected a box cursor will appear. Thisshould be  moved  to  one  corner  of  thewindow you wish to work  on  and  clicked.Another box will appear and this should bemoved to the opposite corner and  clicked.A new cursor will appear, this is the textcursor.  It  will  either  be  a  box   ifcapslock is on, or a '
   1 Text can either  be  incorporated  in  themain listing  (as  in  the  original  demoprogram ) or you can make REM  subroutinesthat contain the text and can be called by;^a;
   1 Tetris vindicates my  strongly  held  viewthat the secret of  good  gameplay,  whichthis game has in abundance, is not just  aquestion of stunning graphics and  amazingsound effects. Here,  it's  not  only  thehand controlling the  joystick  that  getsexercised, but the brain as  well  -  thisgame makes you THINK! In  my  opinion,  ithas a formula which is destined to make itendure  as  an  all-time   classic,   withevergreen appeal.
   1 Tel: 0952 462135
   1 Tel: 081 397 0763
   1 Tel: 0494 871319
   1 Tel: 01353 777006
   1 Take your LED, whichever one you  want  touse first and slightly part the legs.O
   1 TRUE VIDEO: Deletes the whole of the inputline./
   1 TOTAL = `2.47
   1 THIS TO 850 IF
   1 TEXT-33283/33284 (4
   1 TASMAN, creators of the excellent  TASWORDwordprocessors still sell their three besttitles. Contact them at:l
   1 TABADR-33295/33296 (39680): Address of thetable used by the FSLP  function.  It  has(always!) a length of 256 bytes  and  mustbe placed at a address that can be dividedby 256. The table (Sine values are of mostuse) is automatically made topical. So youonly have to provide the table, switch  onthe FSLP function and  handle  the  trickyCLSCR bit.  If  you  don't  use  the  FSLPfunction, TABADR is without meaning (whichmeans that you can place anything  at  theaddress at  which  TABADR  points  withoutbeing corrupted)
   1 TAB puts spaces in text but does not  seemto work properly with < text line;L
   1 TAB 19;CHR$ (77+i); TAB 27;n(13-i)"
   1 TAB  10;"Any  key  to  run";
   1 T.A.W. supply adventure games for  a  widevariety of computers, including  CP/M  andthe Spectrum.  Most  software  is  writtenwith PAW, GAC or QUILL and can be suppliedon  tape  or  disk.   The   22   page   A4Spectrum catalogue goes into great  detailof all their available  titles,  giving  awell written scenario,  game  type,  partsand prices. This catalogue  details  seven128k   adventures   and   over   64
   1 Sutton-In-The-Isle
   1 Supplier   of   ZX   Microdrives,!
   1 Sub-Editor:
   1 Study the print-out of the listing, save acopy of the  code  and  prog.  Try  makingalterations so you can see how it works.|
   1 Structure of program
   1 Strange though the above may seem, all theexperiments I have done seem to  point  tothis happening. For instance, if I go into48k and POKE either 23728  or  23729  (thelatter  is  better,   since   23728   alsofunctions as an error-trap  with  the  +D)with a non-zero value, I  can  then  pressthe snapshot button as often  as  I  like,and it never crashes afterwards.  This  isconsistent with the bug in the  Spectrum'sroutine at 102, the result of which is  tocause a jump to address 0 when both  23728and 23729 hold zero, but to RET harmlessly(albeit
   1 Strange then,  that  DB2  won't  cope withdisks formatted to  203K  by DICE. It willcope with the vast majority of "protected"games disks, but  not  a disk formatted byDICE.  Why?!
   1 Str M. Kogalniceanu
   1 Stops the scroller for n seconds. n can bea value from 1-5. Example:  "|2"  to  stopthe scroller for 2 seconds.o
   1 Still here ?. Good. Type this in and  saveit on the same disk as the Code.J
   1 Starglider is a bit  of  a  no-no  becuasethere are no lives as such, but an  energybar. This makes it very difficult  to  seehow many units of energy you have left. Ifit told you in decimal that you had,  say,67% energy, you could just stick 67 in theLIVES counter of Lifeguard.
   1 Star Micronics
   1 Staffs.  ST3 5BH
   1 Staff Writers
   1 Spectrumcommunity and would welcome any  comments.This was in  June  1994.  The  letter  wasfeatured  in  Format  in  September,  someTHREE MONTHS later. I questioned Brenchleywhy this was so, especially since so  manythings had happened  since  then,  but  hefailed to respond.  This  led  to  my  notre-subscribing to INDUG partly because  ofthis and  the  poor  service  recieved  bymyself and dozens of  ex-readers.  Perhapshe was a little upset that his service wasnot featured in AlchNews  because  it  wasconsidered "not in the Spectrum  interest"by so many. You all know how well AlchNewsgets about, and now being  on  Internet  -well, it's a bad loss of publicity!
   1 Spectrumatribute value.
   1 Spectrumaccompanyment, a phoenix from the ashes ofFISH magazine.@
   1 Spaceman Bob II adventure
   1 South Wales
   1 Sounds a bit far fetched I  know,  but  itworks! The basic control loop program  maybe a bit slow (24K in around  5  minutes),but it's far faster than having to re-typeyour text files!
   1 Sorry, SUC!
   1 Some of the names who have already reachedthe hall of fame must surely be:J
   1 Solder the RED lead to the SHORT leg.%
   1 Solder the BLACK lead to the LONG leg.&
   1 So, we have no options to archive  a  diskother than a simple backup. Sector  errorscan occur anywhere on the disk,  it  couldbe just by chance that they occur  in  thecatalogue tracks and  the  odds  could  bequite small, but I have  come  up  with  avery simple idea  which  could  have  yourbacon if it does happen. The idea is  verysimple and would take just one +D disk  toprotect almost forty others.
   1 So, run the game  and  press  the  button.Press "L" and alter the number of lives to1. We haven't a clue what DEC  command  ituses so we may as well stay with DEC a.
   1 So, now you know how to  write  a  scrollydemo. Theres a couple of scrolly shells inAlchNews where all you have to do is writeyour text. Best scroller to arrive by  May1995 gets a free sub to  AlchNews.  For  acopy of the  scroller  shells,  just  sendblank  media  and  SAE  and  ask  for  the"Scroller Shells".
   1 So, now it's time to offically launch  it.If you are a 3.5" disk  system  owner  andwould like to take advantage of  telephoneordering, you are most welcome.
   1 So, my estimations  is  that  it is simplyMartyn Sherwood himself  who  is the causeof all of the trouble and the sad state ofthe Spectrum. As many of you have said, itis an attitude problem  of his. If he gaveup his business  tomorrow  I  am 100% surethat nothing would  be  heard of it again.Not that  the  succesor  would  be foolishenough to  use  the  name  Prism  - it hasindeed been sullied for life.
   1 So, expanding from my  PD  catalogue  I'vedecided to pen some  "8  BIT  GUIDELINES".Now, they don't HAVE  to  be  accepted  byPrism PD or any other groups but they  arein effect from  Alchemist  PD  and  are  aguarantee on a high degree of service.
   1 So, a look at the points again-
   1 So, I repsonded to  Mr  Sherwood's  letterinforming him of his strange statement  ofan end of th matter  in  the  Summer  whencome  autumn  there  are   more   attacks.Needless to say, he failed to come up withan answer.
   1 So, I finally have a copy of  the  programthat  will  decompress   all   those   PMAarchives... Well, actually  I  don't  haveany on hand, so I'll have to make my  own.
   1 So with this build up, you  find  yourselfon the alien  homeworld,  from  there  on,your on your own.e
   1 So what do you do? The catalogue is a  lotmore than a visual reference  so  that  weknow whats on the disk. It's also a guide-book for the +D, to tell it the file  typeto load, where the file is archived on thedisk and how  many  sectors  it  occupies.Without  this  information  the  disk   isalmost useless.
   1 So this is very useful  if,  like  me  youhave a +3 and a PC. Once copied, this diskwas  put  into  the  +3  and   it   workedperfectly. So the next thing was  to  copyall of the stuff out of the  various  userareas and into user 0 of  the  disk.  CP/Muses all of the other disk drives with thesame user area as the one you are curentlylogged  into  if  you  see  what  I  mean.Probably not. Right, say you are on  driveb: and you change into user area 2.  (Goodtrick if  you  can  manage  it...  once  Ichanged into  user  area  4  and  coulnd'tchange back  for  a  whole  week,  it  wasreally terrible and  I  missed  my  dentalappointment).
   1 So now we take a look at the February 1995issue.0
   1 So instead, a look at  one  of  the  oldersoftware houses - Psion. I reviewed HoraceGoes Skiing last time,  but  I  happen  tohave tonnes of their other games, so  heregoes...
   1 So if using a  normal  charset,  UNISCROLLuses the addresses  from  32768  to  34433(1665 Bytes). This might seem a  lot,  butremember that displayfile tables (they area   lot   faster   than   normal
   1 So how does the patch work? Well, wheneverthe +D's  button  is  pressed,  the  firstthing the snapshot routines  do  is  storethe current  stack  pointer  in  addresses16382/16383, before setting up a temporarystack in +D  RAM.  SNAPFIX  looks  at  thecontents of 16382 / 16383 and tests to seeif the return address is 103.  If  so,  itincrements the contents of 16382/16383  to'drop' this address, so the one before it,i.e. the genuine return address,  will  beused instead. The  reward  is  a  snapshotbutton which, at least in my case, is  nowmuch more reliable.
   1 So far we have  only  considered  ciphers.Proper codes -  that  is  whole  words  orphrases which are encrtyted by other wordsor numbers - are traditionally favoured bylarge organisations tht operate from fixedpremises. Embassies,  ships  and  businesshouses fall into this category.  Operatingfrom fixed locations is preferable becauseone or more bulky coding dictionaries  arenecessary for translating the plain text.
   1 Since there are no  local  variables,  youmust make sure  that  those  used  in  oneprocedure  don't  clash  with  others   inanother part of  the  program.  Procedurescan only be called from within a  program,and so can't be used as direct commands.
   1 Since my article in  the  last  issue,  itseems  that  many  more   have   abandonedSpectrum   UK   forg
   1 Simply modify the menu now it's  presentedon  the   screen.   Don't   forget   aboutwordwrapping,a
   1 Silviu Stroie, RAMTOP magazine
   1 Shropshire
   1 Sheepsoft PD
   1 Several variants of Tetris  have  appearedover the years, all of which  are  equallydelightful   to   play,   includingw
   1 SetBleep- Changes CP/M Bleep
   1 Set in the far future, you (yes you)  playthe last of a warrior  race.  Your  peoplehave been at war for many years,  and  nowthings are getting worse.
   1 Set  the  Window  to  one-line  high,  anddesired width. Enter  text  to  match,  orfall short of, the dark  bar  beneath  theinput cursor. (if Window is maximum  widththe bar is omitted - in this case aim  fora full line of text). Press  (P)RINT-P  toprint black text  automatically  justifiedinto the full Window width. At a paragraphend, where  you  don't  want  a  justifiedline, press CAPS SHIFT Q (QUICKPRINT).
   1 Seriously though, when you type a  commandlike d to run D.COM  in  user  area  2  ofdrive b: and it is in user 0 of  drive  c:it will not be run because it is not foundas CP/M is only searching user 2 of  driveC:.
   1 Separate  print-out  into  strips  at  thedotted lines. Trim off left-hand  edge  ofeach strip except the leftmost  one  alongthe dotted line.
   1 Send an SAE  for  their  comprehensive  A5catalogue dealing with the Amiga, Amstrad,Atari, Commodore, PC and Spectrum. Lots ofSpectrum hardware and spares available  atthe lowest prices. Theres even  a  specialoffer of +2a computer consoles (no PSU  orleads etc) for only `10 + P&P which  is  abargain to say the least, if only used forspares!  They  also  deal  in  the  Newnespocket books for `9.99.
   1 Select these by  pressing  CAPS  SHIFT  C,followed by a number 1 to 5 - no  need  towait for  the  Menu  to  appear.  C-Set  4(OUTLINE  TEXT)  is  matched  by  C-Set  5(INLINE TEXT) which  fits  exactly  withinthe interior spaces. Thus,  if  you  firstselect C-Set 4, (P)RINT  with  one  style,you  can  then  switch  to  C-Set  5,  and(P)RINT  in  the  spaces  in  a  differentstyle.
   1 Select C-Set 5
   1 Select C-Set 4
   1 Selanswei 25
   1 Seek Fail 0:1
   1 See the following description of Uniscrollas a part of our  helpline.  If  you  havequestions to this then write us or  directto Vision. You will find his new adress atthe end of the file.
   1 See SPECTRUM PROFI CLUB, previous page&
   1 Scan through the other options  until  youare returned to the main menu. Press R  toreturn to editing a text file.r
   1 Save this onto your cartridge with"
   1 Save onto  disk  using  exactly  the  sameinstructions as for microdrive up  to  andincluding BREAK. NOW! Type 2120 Then pressENTER, This will CLEAR line 2120 from  theprogram. NOW! Type in the  following  lineusing the KEY WORDS:-
   1 Save as SAVE d*"prog" LINE 10
   1 Save Editview to  
   1 Save  to  Memory/Load  from  Memory  Theseoptions allow  the  current  frame  to  bestored  and  retrieved  from   the   framestores.
   1 Sat on top  of  the  +3's  external  drive(the  unit  is   black   and   blends   inperfectly), it features a volume  control,external /  internal  power  selector  andinternal / external sound selector. It canrun from an  external  9v  supply  from  asocket at the back or can be run from a 9vPP3 battery inside the case. On  the  backis an INPUT and OUTPUT jack socket. Simplyplug your Spectrum to  the  INPUT  socket.Selecting the switch to  "SKR"  gives  yououtput via the  speaker.  Setting  to  SKTdirects it to the  OUTPUT  socket  on  theback.
   1 Sad  news  again.  Two   cornerstones   ofSpectrum magazines have closed down.  ZAT,which aired the  works  of  our  very  owneditor  has   finally   bowed   out.   Theremaining  readership  and   contributionshave been absorbed into their sister  diskmagazine SAM PRIME.
   1 SUC, Germany
   1 SUC and SPC magazines  which  are!
   1 STOP-33288 (0): Stops the scrolling of thetext. To stop poke  STOP  to  1,  continuewith 0.[
   1 STOP : Moves the 'copy' cursor left.$
   1 STEP TWO - Removing the keys
   1 STEP THREE - Cleaning
   1 STEP ONE - Tools
   1 STEP FOUR - Spring Pulling
   1 STEP :   "
   1 STAR LC-100 
   1 STANDARD LOADERS: 99% of our programs  aresaved via standard SAVE methods. WE  avoidusing Multiface or disk SNAPSNOT  routinesexcept for programs which were sent to  uson this format and cannot be "un-snapped".
   1 SPLIT-33285 (1): Splits the scroll. Highervalues than 3 aren't very  useful  as  thescroll gets  quite  unreadable  then.  Thegaps aren't changed and CLSCR only  clearsthe used area. It is also possible to  usethe value 0 but this is only useful if theFSLP- Function is used. Just  try  to  seewhat I mean!
   1 SPEED-33286 (1): Speed  of  the  scroller.Useful are values from 1 to  4.  A  fasterscroller needs more time!m
   1 SPC FIND FD-1?
   1 SNAPFIX by Miles Kinloch
   1 SHIFT.CAREFULLY place the screwdriver under  thekey, at the bottom edge  and  then  gentlyprise it up using the computer  lid  as  asort of lever. From there work  along  thekeyboard, either using the computer lid asa lever or putting the screwdriver  in  atthe key side  and  using  the  next  as  alever.
   1 SHEEPSOFT deal in a great many CPC titles,as well as  supplying  CP/M  material  forversions 2.2 and +. Prices  are  extremelycheap.
   1 SGG, Netherlands
   1 SCROLL=33402: Scrolls the  text  into  theworkspace and copies it onto  screen.  Thescroller runs smooth if SCROLL  is  called50 times in  a  second  (whenever  the  TVbuilds  up  a  picture).  Synchronized  inBASIC by using PAUSE 1  and  in  MC  usingHALT or own generated interrupt (IM 2).
   1 SCREEN$ : Displays the automatic  listings(output to window 1)>
   1 SCREEN$ 1: GO TO s.
   1 SCB, Netherlands
   1 SAVE *"m";1;"name" LINE 10.
   1 SAVE "MENU"CODE 59648,383
   1 SAVE "MENU"CODE 58176,2239
   1 SAVE "CAT.BIN" CODE 36864,1024
   1 S.C. sells a wide range  of  Spectrum  andSAm  software,  including   an   excellentwordprocessor,b
   1 S ave  -  screen$  to  tape  or   M/drive L oad - load screen$ file  from  tape  or  M/drive.]
   1 S L C N U S O N S
   1 Run this, and you will get  a  two  columnlist of all the files  on  the  disk,  andtheir sizes.  If  there  are  any  system,protected or archive files then  you  willnotice that the  extension  of  that  filewill be corrupted. This is just  +3  DOS'sway of storing attribute information.  Youcould alter the basic program to stop thiscorruption happening, by:
   1 Run this program and follow the prompts.(
   1 Roy Burford
   1 Roy Benson
   1 Roy  Benson  has  already  given  a  briefreview of DINOSAURS and EEC, but there areplenty  of  great   games   and   graphicsprograms. One of my personal favourites isthe "BLACK AND WHITE HUMOUR 1  &  2",  twoslideshows  of  cartoons,  similar  to  innewspapers  and  so  forth  but  a  littlewittier. Theres also a great driving  game"HOT  TYRE"  and  four  volumes   of   VGApictures from the PC.
   1 Route De Bel Air
   1 Romantic Robot
   1 Roger G41DE
   1 Robert Skene, where's the tapes? 
   1 Right, on with the show. The next game  topass under my critical eye  is  one  whichmany people will have  heard  of:  Psion's"Horace  Goes  Skiing".  Horace  was  verypopular for a while  and  this  game  soldwell -  though  not  as  well  as  "HungryHorace" (alas, I haven't got that one!). Ithink there was a third one as well.  Thisgame stars good ol' Horace as he  attemptsto cross the road (no, not with skis on!),get some skis and cross back over. Then hemust  take  to  the   slopes,   preferablywithout  crashing   into   the   liberallyscattered  trees,  and  score  points   bypassing between the flags. Finally, Horacecan gain a bonus  by  going  under  a  bigbanner-type thing at the end. After  this,the game starts all over again...
   1 Right, next one then. Personally,  I  havenever heard of Spectrum UK, much less doneany business with  them.  Still,  I  thinkthat they  are  a  bit  out  of  order  inaccusing Andy Davis of trying to take themover. As we all know, AlchNews is  a  tapeor disk based magazine, and Spectrum UK ispaper based. Why would Andy  try  to  takeover a paper based magazine then, when allthe efforts except the  PD  catalogue  areread from a magnetic media?
   1 Right, here I am, attempting to  write  anarticle for you all. This is about how  towrite text for demos and things!t
   1 Right, got those? good. let's begin...&
   1 Right, before I go then, I  just  want  tosay that if you stick to these rules,  no,guidelines, then  your  text  will  indeedbe.. well, it'll be very mad!!  That's  ifyou skip out the last 3 points  until  thelast  bit  of  your  demo,  or   text   orwhatever.
   1 Right, This Issue, as you may have alreadygathered, is about Cataloguing disks. AlsoI'd like to say hello  to  any  newcomers,and  welcome   to   Alchemist   Research'sAlchnews. This part  of  the  magazine  isdevoted to the +3 and using it in  machinecode. To use this tutorial, you will  needthe following...
   1 Right, I start this issues report with  anapology. In issue 14  I  stated  that  theUnited Minds were  being  harassed  by  MrSherwood,  and   in   particular   PatrickMorriss. I would like  to  make  it  clearthat this was an  error  on  my  part  andshould have been Robert Skene. It can  getvery  confusing  working  with   all   themembers of the team seperately as well  asa group and I get phone calls from  Robertand letters from Patrick.
   1 Right then, it's the 3rd of  January,  andI've been woken up by someone  telling  methat there's a letter been  delivered  forme. 'It looks like it's got a disk in it.'I hear through the darkness.  Instantly  Iam out of bed and  wondering  who  it  wasfrom,  as  it  couldn't  have  been   Andybecause I hadn't got round to  writing  tohim yet, in fact it could only  have  beenfrom Miktor,  who  hasn't  written  to  mesince I wrote to him ages ago.  It  turnedout to be from Andy anyway, and he's  sentme some CP/M stuff as it  turns  out,  andasked me to review it. Fair enough says I,and proceeded to  power  up  my  computer,stopping only at the  breakfast  table  onthe way.
   1 Reset  the  computer,  and  type  in  thisBASIC, which I've got to go  and  dig  outfrom somewhere, and print it out so I  cantype it in here... Don't go away.
   1 Remember to reset values if you generate anew scroller and changed some variables inthe preceding one!f
   1 Register C should contain 1  if  you  wantsystem files to be displayed, otherwise itshould contain 0. (Remember that if a fileis a system file, it will have  bit  7  ofthe second character  of  the  type  fieldset,   so   to   print
   1 Register B  must  contain  the  number  ofentries in your buffer. remember  that  anentry is 13 bytes long, and though it saysin the book that a +3 disk can  only  have64 directory entries, this is not true  of720K  3.5"  disks,  which  can  have   256directory entries. However, +3 basic  onlyreads the first 64 of these which can leadto some amazing confusion.
   1 Readers may be  interested  to  know  thatthis fiasco is  now  eighteen  months  oldwith no clear indications of  being  endedon Mr Sherwood's part.
   1 RUN to return back  to  Tasword  and  thencheck your handiwork. If it's all  jumbledup  beyond  belief  or   crashes,   you'veprobably loaded it to the  wrong  address.reset and try again.
   1 RUN as a direct command ignores  the  REMs(of  course)  and  goes  straight  to  theRANDOMIZE USRa
   1 RS 232 communications are quite  pointlessfor many people, but seeing as how I writearticles for AlchNews on a  PC  using  theDOS version of WordPerfect 5.1, I need  todo it quite often!
   1 ROY BENSON still has a few items for  salefrom his mega-clear out. For more details,send him an SAE to:g
   1 REFUNDS: Many orders do not take advantageof our free software service or  discountsin effect.  So,  you  may  find  a  chequerefund with your order, or  some  of  yourcash returned.
   1 RANDOMIZE USR 63103 - The magic word  thatmakes it all work!<
   1 R" to set YPOS to 100 (R=ASCII  Code  82=> (82-32)*2= 100!). Got it?  WARNING:  Ifthis instruction is printed on a  printer,it might be that  the  copyright  char  isused as a commando by  some  printers.  Inthis  case  the  copyright  char  as   thepreceding char aren't printed!
   1 R ightshift - centres text
   1 Quite why this article  was  published  isquite unclear, perhaps it has something todo with the  team  not  responding  to  M.Sherwoods  comandeering  letters   tellingthem  to  cease   links   with   AlchemistResearch and telling them  what  to  writein their letters to us!
   1 Quite recently, one outstanding effort wasfrom Mr George Munro  who  provided  LloydGarland with a complete and fully  workingInterface   1   and   Microdrive
   1 Quite complex compositions can be produceddirectly onto the Spectrum  screen.  Thesewill  generally  consist   of   areas   of'Chunky' patterned text intermixed with aninteresting  variety  of  smaller,   solidblack text. Hovever,  for  more  ambitiouscompositions, 'paste up' techniques shouldbe  used  using  hard   copy   from   yourprinter,superprinted as  required  to  thedesired size. Using this  technique,  evenlong  words  or  lines  of  text  can   beproduced in patterned styles  by  printingthem in sections, as large as  desired  onthe  screen,  and  then  pasting-  up  theprint-out.   Finally,   photo-reduce   forquality.
   1 Quite a line-up eh??? Oh,  and  the  otherthing you do, is the  credits!!!  This  isthe bit where you  and  your  other  groupmembers say what you  did  for  the  demo.With us, it's usually I  do  the  program,some text, maybe a screen, and possibly anidea once  in  a  while,  and  Dok-  Well,according to him,  he  does  everything!!!Nah, he comes up with all the ideas, drawslots of screens,  slaggs  me  off  a  lot,swears a lot, slaggs everyone else  off  alot  (but  usually  me!),  writes  mad  stsongs, drinks tea, and comes up with  moreideas!!!
   1 Question Marks
   1 QL's,Spectrums, cartridges, keyboard membranes,disk drives, monitors and the Z88.  Flyersusually  go  out  with  all   letters   toAlchemist Research, but send an SAE to theabove address for the latest  catalogue  &deals.
   1 Q uickprint -  prints  normal-sized  text  aligned to top-left corner of window.P
   1 Professionally programmed using the G.A.C,the author, Roy Benson,  has  really  brednew life into what was once  a  tired  oldformula game. The graphics  really  are  ajoy  to  look  at,  and  the  font,  againcreated by Roy Benson,  give  the  game  areally futuristic feel.
   1 Prior  to  making  a   choice   from   theStyle-Palette during (P)RINT  -ing,  pressthe 0 key to add a 'shadow  edge'  to  thetest as it is printed.  this  is  often  agreat help  in  visually  separating  textfrom a back-groung pattern. A second pressof the 0 key cancels  prior  to  printing.NOTE: IF  WINDOW  IS  TOUCHING  RIGHT-HANDEDGE OF SCREEN, THE SHADOW IS  OMITTED  INTHAT DIRECTION.
   1 Price: n/a
   1 Pressing  GRAPH  and  the  key  turns  thefunction ON, you will need to do the  CAPSSHIFT version of the key to turn them off!~
   1 Press S to search and  we  find  it  findsseven pokes. Try the first one by pressing"N". Launch a  missile  in  the  game  anddetonate  it.  Try   to   launch   another(although there may be no missiles visibleinthe  counter,  there  still   could   beinfinite missiles remaining).  It  doesn'twork so we press BREAK and abort the  gameand try again.
   1 Press EXT  and  then  3  to  call  up  theprinter menu option.>
   1 Press ENTER, and  then  save  the  programonto your disk thus:-?
   1 Press  the  'P'   key   during   ON-SCREENprinting (i.e. when  the  printer  is  notrunning) to make the program pause at  thebottom of the current vertical pass whilstyou change paper roll.
   1 Power-Print
   1 Ports 191 and 63, normally used with an INinstruction to page the  Multiface  memoryin and out, can also  be  used  in  outputi.e. OUT (191),A and  OUT  (63),A,  thoughthe Multiface instructions don't  actuallymention  this.  Here,  their  function  istotally different, and because they  don'thave anything to do with ROM  paging,  theBASIC OUT command can be used  here.  (Thevalue output to the port is irrelevant.)
   1 Please also consider these  other  sourceswhen wishing your  programs  and  articlesdistributed:`
   1 Pleasant View
   1 Picture the scene
   1 Phil Glaves
   1 Peter Beardwood
   1 Pear Tree Cottage
   1 PbRd u&e%`U
   1 PbQD U&CEPU
   1 Paul Newman
   1 Paul Fairman
   1 Patrick Morriss
   1 Patrick Morris
   1 Pass the cable through the hole so that itgoes INTO the main part of the box.M
   1 Part of Sinclair Computerclub Benelux%
   1 Part One: The menu
   1 PS. Joke for PC  owners:  How  many  IntelPentium programmers does it take to changea lightbulb? Answer: 1.k
   1 PROCESSING: Programs are loaded  into  theSpectrum and saved independantly. In  somecases, programs may be archived on  masterdisks and transferred to  required  mediumwhere they are tested.
   1 PRINT (drive:filename.ext)
   1 POWERPRINT  II  provides  a  powerful  andextremely3
   1 POWER PRINT II for 48K Sinclair  Spectrum.K
   1 PMARC - The program that makes  all  those.PMA archives7
   1 PEEK (F+7);".";CHR$ PEEK (F+8);
   1 PEEK (F+5); CHR$ PEEK (F+6);CHR$ 
   1 PDcounterparts TOBOS and USCHI.
   1 PD,   Propac,Alchemist, or Neon Grafix.'
   1 PCW+ Magazine
   1 PC200! THE Sinclair  PC200?,  yess!!,  andsure enough on the  front  cover  of  thisbook was a woman  operating  a  big  blackchunky doorstep with keys on it!. Yes,  assome of you  may  remember,  the  SinclairPC200 was  Amstrads  attempt  to  bring  acheap  PC  compatible  to   the   consumermarket, much in the  same  way  Sir  Clivebrought the speccy - a cheap home computer- to us.
   1 PAYMENT:   Like   all
   1 PACKAGING: Media is covered  in  foil  andwrapped in bubble wrap and / or  cardboardfor  protection.  Packaging  is   securelyfastened. With large envelopes  and  jiffybags, the media may be placed in a smallersealed  envelope  and  address   labelled.Then, if the package splits, the media  isstill safe.
   1 P.M. Reynolds
   1 Our  techniques/writing  styles   are   asfollows-2
   1 Our   series
   1 Orson talks on how he sees all  these  madspinny dots in front of his eyes  wheneveranyone mentions how much better  PC's  areto Amigas. And the solution to it which isto remove the problem. Namely, the  stupidperson who  said  PC's  were  better  thanAmigas in the first place.
   1 Original Programming: Dominic Morris$
   1 Opus / Microdrive programs
   1 One  of  the  main   advantages   of   theMultiface RAM is its immunity from resets,but  up  till  now,  there  has   been   adrawback: except when you program  it  for'direct jump' mode, in  reality  you  onlyhave a little over 5K,  as  8192-11144  isused  as  a  buffer  when  the   menu   isdisplayed. Because the  device  is  alwaysdisabled after a reset, there  would  seemto be no  way  round  this,  as  you  mustalways press the button  first  to  enableit...
   1 One  of  my  many  tasks  for  this  issue(according to the boss), is  to  tell  youall  how  to  transfer  data  files   fromanother computer to a Spectrum, along withwhat RS 232 communications are all about.
   1 Once you have your null modem cable  builtand attached,  type  in  the  small  basicprogram that appears on  page  37  of  theMicrodrive instruction manual.  Type  intoyour PC, at the DOS prompt (A> or C>):
   1 Once the PC has been set up, you can printyour textfile to COM1 with:E
   1 Once again, a most excellent issue, and  Iguess will be sought after by many UK  +2aowners![
   1 On the 10th December  1994  I  received  aletter from Martyn Sherwood. I would  haveliked to have printed it but  he  made  itcopyright   and   not   for
   1 On paper, it seemed like a good idea,  butit never took off. This was due in part tothe botched marketing of the PC200,  therewere reports that it was shiped WITHOUT itoperating system,  which  is  akin  to  anissue of ALCHNEWS without Roy  Benson!.  <h
   1 Okay, back to the game  in  question.  Theanimation in this game is good,  with  theaforementioned   Daley   sprite   leaping,vaulting,  throwing  and  running   ratherwell, and the game isn't slow either. As Isaid before,  everyone  must  have  playedthis game at some point, and I don't thinkit's very difficult to obtain, so  if  yousee it for a bargain price at a  car  bootsale or something, it's worth  getting  toplay  as  well   as   to   decorate   yourcollector's shelves with.  (My  games  aresafe  from  accidental  erasure  from  theoriginal cassette, etc,  now,  as  I  havecopied all the ones that I  play  onto  +Ddisc).
   1 Okay, back to the demo  text.  What've  wegot so far??6
   1 Ok  let's  take  these  programs   in   noparticular order-;
   1 Of course,  as  previously  mentioned, theamplifier can also  be  built  as a simple"beep booster"  amplifier.  Simply  wire aloudspeaker to the  output  instead of thesocket!
   1 Of course this is not the best footy  gameever on the Speccy, but it was  very  goodat the time of its release and for a  goodwhile afterwards. Later in Speccy history,in fact, lots of football  games  suddenlyhit  the  market,  all  of   them   fairlysimilar, some better,  some  worse  -  andthen  all  of  those  appalling   footballmanager games...  I  don't  actually  play"Match Day", but it's a significant  Oceangame to own, and again, not very  hard  tocome across.
   1 Of course it turned out that the caretakerwas to blame for these deaths, and this iswhere the 'disturbing' aspect came in,z
   1 OVER : Moves the  'copy'  cursor  to  nextwindow.1
   1 ORSON 1995
   1 OR  :  Moves  current  line  up  one   anddisplays automatic listing.E
   1 OK, the  disk  is  a  bit  bashed  by  theabominable postman, but I'm just  thankfulthat it arrived at all because  you  neverknow if your post is going  to  arrive  atall up here in chilly newcastle, and it ischilly because we've been having  some  ofthe  coldest  weather  for  a  long  time.Anyway, our postman is  a  complete  moronwho I'm  sure  is  illiterate  because  heposts all of the  letters  down  our  roadthrough  the  wrong  letterboxes,  and  ofcourse isn't my letter always amongst  theones that don't get to me,  so  I  usuallyhave  a  couple  of  days  before  someonebrings it round.
   1 O-CONDENSED (17/20 CPI) : 27 15
   1 O ver - does the same. except  using  the  'OVER 1' condition, thus mixing with any  pattern already present.m
   1 Nr Longton
   1 Nowadays the only option  available  wouldbe to build your own, and this  has  neverbeen well documented over the  years.  Onemajor  problem  however   has   been   theSpectrum I/O port which needs it's addresslines  decoded  to  operate   any   add-ondevices.
   1 Now, when you play the game again you  canpress the Multiface button,  press  T  fortoolkit, press SPACE and then  type  60396and then 0 and ENTER. Press Q then  R  andre-start the game. You will find  infinitemissiles.
   1 Now, whatever you have  done,  reset  yourcomputer  and  load  up  Tasword  2.  Whenloaded, simply load up the file "MENU" viaTasword or from Basic.
   1 Now, we continue.  Last  issue,  you  willremember an open letter from Johan  Koningto Alchemist Research and Prism, and  alsomy response to both Johan  and  to  MartynSherwood.
   1 Now, use the old buds to wipe between  theholes across the  keyboard.  This  sectiondoesn't play a major part in the  keyboardoperation so old buds are fine  to  removethe grime.
   1 Now, this is a bit tricky one. It  changesthe  variable  YPOS.  The  new  Y-Positioncomes straight after the texmark.  Problemis  that  UNISCROLL  can   only   indicatenumbers that aren't bigger than 9. To givecontroll over the whole  screen  Uniscrollinterprets the ASCII Code of the followingchar. A  further  problem  was  that  onlychars in a ASCII Code range from 32 to 127can be  shown  or  entered  (At  least  inTasword). This would mean, that you  wouldbe limited to a  change  of  YPOS  in  therange from 32 to 127. To get around  this,32  is  subtracted  from  the  ASCII  Code(range changes from 0 to 95) and then  thewhole thing is multiplicated with  2.  So,nearly the full range (0 to  190)  can  beused with the limit  that  the  change  isachieved  in  steps  of   2   (0,2,4,...).Example: "
   1 Now, the  fence  post  code  is  really  aspecial   case   of   the   moreJ
   1 Now, take your box. you should find it hastwo circular holes in the middle  and  twosquare  holes  at  either  side.  With   ascrewdriver or a file, gently open up  thesqaure hole so that  the  cable  will  fitthrough it.
   1 Now, say for  example  you're  talking  toyour  group  member,  what  do  you   talkabout??? There's lots of  things...  Like,well, you could comment on how dark it  isat  night,  or  how  Yellow  the  Sun  is,something like that. Or you could take theeasy way out,  and  completely  slagg  offyour group member. This is exactly what meand Dok do all  the  time.  Say  Dok  says-"Orson, you're crap." I would say, "No, Ithink you're wrong."
   1 Now, move through the  options  until  youcome to UNLOCK HELP - select "Y".K
   1 Now, get a cotton bud  and  impregnate  itwith the cleaner. Gently give a tiny  wipedown each hole. You may have to use a  newcotton  bud  after  each  row  but   don'tdiscard the old  ones.  Sit  them  on  thecloth for a while.
   1 Now, first of all  I  must  admit  that  Iwasn't looking formward to  this  article,but once I got started I soon realised  itwas simple. Secondly, I must thank all  ofyou who have passed on compliments to me.
   1 Now you can edit the menu as  if  it  wereyour own text file. I recommend  that  youturn  OFF  Wordwrap,  Insert   and   RightJustify options. If you were  editing  theend of a line  and  made  a  mistake,  youwould find all your menu re-justified  andmessed up!
   1 Now where did I put that disk to write thearticle to...?8
   1 Now try, CAT 1. The TEST disk  should  nownot work at all.:
   1 Now load  the  POWERPRINT  II  tape.  Whenloading is complete, BREAK  and  save  theprogram onto your cartridge thus:-v
   1 Now I missed most of  this  'weird'  themenight, but one program I did catch  was  -THE X FILES!. This particular episode  wasbeing  shown  at  11  o'clock  at   night,because it was to 'disturbing' to be shownin it's normal 9pm slot.
   1 Note,   the   serial-parallel
   1 Note that we are only wiring  one  LED  atthe moment. This is because I haven't  hadtime to wire up the second  and  work  outhow to operate it.
   1 Note that the top 6 of these  only  affectthe current window.=
   1 Note that how the line is  drawn,  dependson the editing status, shown  in  the  topright hand corner of the EDIT menu. If thecurrent status is Toggle, then  all  'set'pixels that the line passes through,  willbe reset, and all  'unset'  ones  will  beset. Simple really. If it is Set then  allthe pixels will be set, and if it is Resetthen all will be reset. You  can  continueto draw  lines  until  another  option  isselected from the EDIT menu.
   1 Note first, however, that  the  screen  issplit up into three different sections  orwindows. SEE WINDOWS. Window zero displaysuser input and error messages; window  onedisplays automatic  listings;  window  twodisplays  all  output  produced  by  basiccommands; and window three is used by  thefront panel. Note too that a second cursormay be used to copy text from another partof the screen to the 'input' cursor.  Thiscursor appears as  a  flashing  square  onscreen and can be moved around the currentwindow via pre-defined control  keys.  The'copy'  cursor  will  only   function   inwindows zero, one and two.
   1 Not to be outdone, Mr  Benson,  a  greaterself publicist than Richard  Branson,  hasincluded some  of  his  other  beautifullydesigned fonts on the  loading  screen  ofthe game, plugging that they are availablefrom  Alchemist  Research,  a  well  knownPublic Domain library.
   1 Not strictly a computer related  magazine,but an excellent read! They  also  promiseto do "Your Thingclair" but we've  yet  tosee a copy!
   1 North Deighton
   1 No software is needed at all to transfer aprogram, thats the beauty of it! I  loadeda program into my +3 and typed LOAD ""  onmy +2. A simple  SAVE  "t:":  SAVE  "prog"saved the file from the +3 into the +2.
   1 No  seriously,  there  I  am  on   a   HNDComputing course, looking at the computingsection  of  the  library,  and  here  arehundreds of books, on everything from  JSPA.I., Prolog, to PHd computing for sadists, er sorry, software engineers.
   1 Next up is  Match  Point,  a  tennis  gamewhich was released in 1984. It has  simplegraphics but runs quite fast and the  ballcontrol is quite accurate. There is a  twoplayer   option
   1 Next there is a block of 8  numbers,  thisis in fact  four  pairs  that  define  theposition and size of the window, they workon the ordinary spectrum character  screenof 32 by 24 lines.
   1 Next issue we'll give a  full  feature  ofthe keypad devices along with articles  onusing it. In the  meantime,  I  hope  thislittle device is of some use to you.
   1 Next issue  : AlchNews 16, June 1995$
   1 Next Service: PD Catalogue 9, July 1995'
   1 Next  is  the  excellent  CRASHED.  An  A4magazine,  costs  only  `1   and   is   ofexcellent quality. It covers the  Sam  andSpectrum in a lighthearted way but withoutthe sillyness  of  YS  and  the  like.  Itfeatures a great editorial, lots of  news,reviews and more reviews and  a  technicalarea, contributed by our very own editor.
   1 Neil Thompson
   1 Needless to say, we will be pressing for aretraction of the article and  an  apologyto the team  which  can  be  published  inAlchNews, which is the source of news  anddistribution for the group.
   1 Needless to say, I  apologise  to  Robert,Patrick and to Martyn  Sherwood  for  thismix up. Patrick has made it clear that  hedoes not wish to be associated with  PrismPD in any way whatsoever.
   1 Nearly everyone who has a bank account nowhas a card which enables them money to  bewithdrawn  from  a  'hole  in  the   wall'machine.  The  card  has  it's  own  code.Likewise, each cheque  has  codes  writtenalong it's bottom  edge,  related  to  thebranch, account and cheque number.
   1 NOW! press ENTER and the program will  nowbe saved to the disk and  will  PRINT  out(assuming  that  you  have  a   compatibleprinter, I use a CITIZEN 120D).  To  PRINTjust
   1 NOTE: No keywords. doubles such as =),  orcontrols such as INV VIDEO.E
   1 NO THANKS: Prism PD
   1 NEXTCH-33287 (8): This one  defines  afterhow many scrolls a new char shall  appear.As the charset has a wide of 8 pixels/bitsit is set to 8. By increasing NEXTCH to  9you can use the full width of the  charsetwithout  the  need  to  leave  a  gap   toseperate the char  to  the  next  one.  Ifusing  the  ROM-Charset  you  can   easilychange NEXTCH to 7 as  Sinclair  left  twogaps in the charset. Or if you want to usethe Tasword charset you can set NEXTCH  to4.  It  is  important  that   the   "emptybits/pixels" always are on the right  sideof a char!
   1 N-12 CPI (ELITE)
   1 My other RSS game was described as "a realtime  graphic  adventure  among  the  LostColumns of  Atlantis".  Have  you  guessedwhat it is yet? Yep, "Devils of the Deep".It is old,  but  unfortunately,  and  like"Transylvanian Tower", this game  takes  along time generating the  seabed.  Anyway,when you begin the game, your character (asmall diver) is on the sea floor. You haveall  sorts  of  time/oxygen   limits   andthings. Your task, I  think,  is  to  findburied treasure. The objects you may  findare a harpoon gun (to shoot the Devils  ofthe Deep: giant eels), a  spade,  harpoonsand other paraphernalia. Your character isable to run (although this drains  energy)and hide behind columns,  should  a  nastysea-creature approach.
   1 My final 1982 game for  this  month  is  alaughable attempt at  a  game  by  RichardShepherd Software. For  those  going  "Eh?Who?", RS Soft was a company  specialisingin adventure  games  and  simulation  typethingies. This "game" is appallingly  slow- about the speed of an engineless  Skoda.When it's first loaded, it takes 2 minutesto generate a maze! To add  to  that,  thegame's no good either! Simple graphics andrubbish sound combine  to  create  a  gamewhich is a lot of fun...  to  kick  aroundyour office! This  may  be  a  collectablepiece of software but not one  that  you'dactually play!
   1 Must be preceeded with either < or ^$
   1 Multi-systems
   1 Mr V. Bishop
   1 Mr Staniford
   1 Mr Sherwood was soon to come crying for  apublic apology when he was wronged,  let'ssee how forthcoming he is when the boot ison the other foot!
   1 Mr J. Thomson
   1 Mr F. Ridout
   1 Moving onto the  'SPRINT_'  command,  it'snow possible to print characters on screenin any size required.  The  command  takesthe form: SPRINT_x,y,a,b,a$ Where x and  ymark  the  pixel  position  of  the  firstcharacter to be printed; a is  the  numberof  times  the  characters   are   to   bemagnified in the x direction; b the numberof times in the y direction;  and  a$  thecharacters to be printed. SPRINT and otherYSMB commands take the screen origin to bethe top left-hand corner of the screen.
   1 More information  on  PRINTERS  and  EXTRACHARACTER  SETS  in  a  later   issue   ofALCHNEWS.]
   1 More experiments  next  month.  Meanwhile,enjoy Lloyds construction article  on  theunit.Y
   1 Monika & Wolfgang Haller
   1 Mind you, it was a nice change to see  theIrish being portrayed as villains for onceinstead of the English!.l
   1 Miles Kinloch.
   1 Miles  Kinloch  and   Mark   Harris   havepreviously pointed out that  it  seems  MrSherwood doesn't read his  mail  and  thisproves true if  his  numbering  goes  likethis on two  occasions  and  he  also  hascompletely  ignored   my   first   apologyrelating to the United Minds name mix up.
   1 May I re-assure Thomas that this is not anisolated incident and no matter  how  goodand  beneficial  his  club   is   to   theSpectrum, he'll only get a feature  if  hepays for it. Alchemist  Research  sufferedthe exact same scenario. We  don't  chargeanything, offer free advice and  software,but  nothing  except  a  price   list   ofadvertising.
   1 Matt Beal, Fish
   1 Martyn, if you really  want an end to thisagro LIKE YOU  SAY  YOU  DO,  then all youhave to do  is  ANSWER  YOUR MAIL! It's OKthough if you  don't,  I  will just assumeyou don't  give  a  damn  about any truce.Either way,  this  subject  WILL be sortedout by  the  next  issue  of AlchNews. Youeither answer your mail and talk about it,or you ignore your  mail  again and we allknow you  don't  want  a  truce. Simple asthat really! It's  no  good giving anybodythe silent treatment  or thinking that the"olive branch"  Andy  is  offering  you isbeneath your contempt.  Both  you and Andyhave a go at each other in your respectivefanzines,  and  these  are  distributed tomembers of the public, like me. Therefore,if a member of  the public decides to talkto  you  about   it,  really,  you  shouldanswer. YOU  HAVE  MY  ADDRESS  MARTYN, MYNAME IS  LLOYD  GARLAND!  By debating yourgrievences in public,  you  have both madethe whole issue a matter for public debate(as  was  so  rightly  pointed  out  by  acollegue of mi
   1 Mark Sturdy, Crashed
   1 Many of you write great  letters  praisingthe work Alchemist Research provides. But,half of it is  not  possible  without  thesupport and work you provide.
   1 Many of you who have  taken  advantage  ofour  Romantic  Robot  offer  of   discountMultifaces  may  now  have   a   copy   ofLIFEGUARD but not much advice  on  how  touse it.
   1 Many  other  Spectrum  companies  may   betut-tutting at this service and  wonderingwhy we may be venturing out like this  butit's just another example of our  Spectrumdedication  and,  most  importantly,   ourTRUST of you, the user.
   1 Many  of  youhave   told   me   that   theoverlining function fails to work  on  theLC-100.[
   1 Malcolm Gent, MGPD
   1 Malcolm Gent
   1 Make sure you use CLEAR  to  lower  RAMTOPone address BEFORE the address you want topoke your text (eg):h
   1 Make sure you leave the CAPS SHIFT,  ENTERand SPACE BAR on the computer.  They  havetiny latches  on  them  and  shouldn't  bemessed with. Don't worry about  mixing  upthe keys too much as theres  a  layout  inyour  manual.  However,  keeping  them  inorder will make replacing swifter.
   1 MULTIBASIC consists of a short routine  of310 bytes, which, via  the  +D,  adds  newcommands to BASIC for accessing  Multifacememory. These let you  POKE  and  PEEK  itjust  as  easily  as  you   could   normalSpectrum memory, move blocks  of  code  inand out of its RAM, and execute  any  codeinstalled there. Apart  from  the  obviousconvenience, it also unlocks the door  forpeople who might want to  use  the  devicefor storage, but are perhaps  put  off  bythe need to do it from machine code.
   1 MS Oddball- Program to  translate  betweenPC and +3 formats;
   1 MS Oddball
   1 MODE_n,4 Calls the double  height,  doublewidth char set8
   1 MODE_n,3 Calls the double height char set)
   1 MODE_n,2 Calls the standard char set$
   1 MODE_n,1 Calls up the 64 column char set(
   1 MODE COM1: 9600,8,N,2
   1 MISSING TITLES: Should we not be  able  tocomplete your order becuase of one or  twofiles, we'll  add  twice  as  many  secondchoices you add.
   1 MINUTES before the deadline,  Des!
   1 MGPD, United Kingdom
   1 METHOD TWO - Via Tasword Two
   1 MB02 will be available in  March  and  theonly official place to get it is SINTECH!S
   1 MB02 contains 128k sideways  RAM  (like  aRamdisk) and runs from a 3v supply. with a3 year "memory".d
   1 M-10 CPI (PICA)
   1 Lots, some of which I'm not too  sure  of,still here are the easy bits first.M
   1 Lots, Lots, and even more Lots of:"
   1 Looking at the circuit, it appeard that itis configured for a DS DD drive,  enablingyou to get 720k from 3.5" disks.t
   1 Logically none of these  chars  should  beused as normal text, as  UNISCROLL  alwaysinterprets   them   as   textmarksv
   1 Locations  of  the   menu   are   slightlydifferent.4
   1 Load up Tasword 128 as normal, then  press"B" to return to Basic.A
   1 Lloyd gives his feelings.
   1 Lloyd came up with the idea  of  making  atiny   amp   which   was   inbetween   theSpectrums, amplifying the signal. Not onlythis but he also put a speaker in the  boxso you could amplify the music  from  yourgames or have sound and avoid the nasty TVbuzz from the +3!
   1 Lloyd Garland was telling me  of  a  greatfeature in MS-DOS for the PC which  allowsyou to save an entire compressed disk intoa small space of  the  hard  drive.  Then,should  you  suffer  a  fault,   you   canuncompress this file and have normality.
   1 Lloyd  has  been  active  with   Spectrumsduring their entire course and has a greatextent of knowledge of the  computer,  the+3 in particular  and  just  recently  theMicrodrive. He also works with his PC  andAmiga  but  assures  me  that   they   arestrictly secondary systems!
   1 Lines When you  click  this  nothing  willseem to happen! You have now entered linesmode. Move the pointer  cursor  down  intothe editing area and click  it  where  youwish the line to start. Then  move  it  towhere you want the end  and  click  it.  Aline will be drawn between the two points.Note that if no graphic  codes  have  beeninserted then the line  will  then  changeinto the text code equivalent. The graphicform can be retrieved by inserting  escapecodes using the text option.
   1 Line 70 This is the SAVE Editview  option.You must also alter line 80.F
   1 Line 50 Line 60 This is the CAT x etc line*
   1 Line 40 These are the load options.#
   1 Line 30 And this is the second.
   1 Line 20 This is the first save to  storageoption.1
   1 Likewise, the input  to  the  unit (IP) istaken to a small jack socket to allow easyconnection to the MIC socket.q
   1 Like  a  lot  of  readers,  I  started  atuniversity this  past  September.  It  washere that my epic quest beganq
   1 Later, I asked him why he did that and  hesaid it was the thrill of  it.  Thrill  ofwhat?  Looking  at  a  bridge?   Andy   isparticularly  interested   in   transport,enjoys driving, cycling,  riding,  sailingand even being a trainee pilot and I askedhim if he ever did the same  when  on  oneform of transport or another:
   1 Later Programming:
   1 Last, and by no means least is 8 BIT.  Runby Brian Watson, "8 BIT" aims to cover all8 bit computers. This worried me  somewhatas the last  8  bit  magazine  I  saw  wasextremely <yawn> boring and  struggled  tomake any sort  of  impact.  This,  on  theother hand, is far  better  and  has  highhopes of evolving into  the  90's  fanzineversion of "Your  Computer".  Rather  thanjust having sections on each computer,  itaims to culminate them all  together  withtheir   compatability   -   perhaps   withcommunications or CP/M. The editor is alsorunning a personal project of interest  tous all - accessing EMAIL facillities  froman 8 bit computer.
   1 Last issue I prepared a ribbon price guidefor some large  scale  mail  order  firms.These companies usually  deal  with  largescale orders, handing is usually free withorders over `25. Smaller items must incurrthe wrath!
   1 Lancashire
   1 LOAD *"m";1;"b"
   1 LOAD "MENU" CODE 59648
   1 LOAD "MENU" CODE 56640
   1 LLOYD FOR KING? Well, no.2 then! 
   1 LIFEGUARD, the  program  most  of!
   1 LET a=a-1: REM you died, take off a life(
   1 LET a=5: REM 5 lives
   1 LD a,5 ; 5 lives
   1 LD HL,32768   ; BUFFER BEGINS
   1 LD DE,32769
   1 LD DE,32768   ; BUFFER BEGINS
   1 LD BC,3330
   1 LD A,127   (Test space key)
   1 Kobrahsoft.
   1 Kobrahsoft
   1 Kevin Gurd.
   1 Kevin Gurd
   1 Karen Moore
   1 KOBRAHSOFT are suppliers of  some  of  thebest software around for the Spectrum  andSAM. Their biggest successes are the  tapeto disk  utilities,  along  with  such  +3applications like DICE,  DB2  and  so  on.Send an SAE and a  couple  of  stamps  fortheir catalogue:
   1 K lear screen - clears the screen."
   1 Justin Thorpe
   1 Just a quick note to plug a few things,'
   1 Joyce Cook
   1 John Wilson
   1 John Westhead
   1 John Thomson would  would  any  games  andutilities for the Amstrad CPC, Dragon  32,ZX81 and Vic 20. He is also on the lookoutfor cartridges for the Commodore 64. He isselling off some Spectrum  and  Dragon  32games if anyone is interested. Write:
   1 John Stowe
   1 John C. Blomley.
   1 John Blomley
   1 Johan Koning, SGG
   1 Jethro Tull and  Hawkwind for making greatmusic to type to.;
   1 James Waddington
   1 Jacksoft assembler or something similar   A spectrum +37
   1 JP C,MAIN  (If not press, jump main)$
   1 JIM LEESON, makes and sells printer cablesfor the +2a / +3 to any Centronics printerfor `10 including P&P.j
   1 Its new, Its fresh, its here
   1 It's very strange that  none  of  us  haveheard anything from his "friends". Lots ofyou have  complained  about  Prism,  whichhave been detailed in these articles. Yet,Mr Sherwood has  been  unable  to  do  thesame. I  have  also  yet  to  recieve  oneletter of complaint from anyone about  thematter.
   1 It's up  to  you,  after  all,  it's  YOURspectrum, it's your life.C
   1 It's possible, pixel by pixel,  to  scrollthe current window and  uses  the  command'PAN_' (scrolls  a  window  sideways)  and'SCROLL_'   (scrolls   vertically).   Bothcommands must be followed by two  numbers.The first indicates whether  the  edge  ofthe window should be filled  with  INK  orPAPER; if it's a  one  then  the  edge  isfilled with INK - zero fills  with  PAPER.The second number shows in what  directionand by how many pixels, the window  shouldbe scrolled. With  'PAN_'  if  the  secondnumber is  positive  then  the  window  isscrolled left to right. With 'SCROLL_'  ifthe number is positive the window  scrollsup.
   1 It's possible to program the  top  row  ofkeys to  produce  strings  of  up  to  255characters. To program a user defined key,you use the 'KEY_' command, followed by  anumeric expression and a string expression(seperated  by  a  comma).   The   numericexpression defines  which  key  is  to  beprogrammed,  and  the  string   expressionprovide  the  means.  Placing  an  'ENTER'character (CHR$ 13)  at  the  end  of  thestring will  enable  the  key  to  executeitself automatically. YSMB already has twofunctions defined: VERIFY: Comprising  thestring 'RUN+CHR$ 13', runs current programin memory.  VAL$:  Comprising  the  string'LOAD"":RUN+CHR$ 13', loads and then  runsthe next program on tape.
   1 It's now possible to store  a  portion  ofthe screen in memory and then put it  backon screen in a different position. The twocommands  used  are  'GET_'  and   'PUT_'.'GET_' takes  the  form:  GET_0,a,y,x,d,w.Where a is the address at which  to  startstoring the screen information; y  is  theline number of the top left hand corner ofthe area to be  saved;  x  is  the  columnnumber;  d  is  the  depth  of  the   area(measured in standard  character  blocks);and w is the width.
   1 It's early February and  my  Spectrum  nowboasts two new  pieces  of  hardware.  No,they are not second hand devices from  thegolden age of Spectrum; they were  made  alittle over three weeks ago  and  I  wouldlike to think they are the prototypes  andfirst ones in use anywhere!
   1 It's doubtful you've use DEC SP since thattakes  one  from  the  Stack  Pointer,  animportant register which  deals  with  thecalculator stack.
   1 It's best to start in the bottom  left  ofthe   keyboard,   with@
   1 It's also possible to make the contents ofa window wrap around. This is  done  using'PANW_' and 'SCROLLW_'. These  2  commandsare   followed   by   a   single   number,specifying the  direction  and  number  ofpixels to be scrolled. The  'FX_'  commandis used to control the way the YSMB systemoperates, and a number of 'FX' calls  havebeen  set  aside  to  control  choice   ofwindows for  particular  tasks.  The  'FX'command is  followed  by  2  numbers,  thefirst being  the  call  required  and  thesecond providing any data which  the  callin question may need.
   1 It's a real pain to be honest, as the bestdisk sector editor  program around is alsoproduced   bya
   1 It's  now  possible,  for   instance,   toconfine output to a particular area of thescreen; this area can be any size and  caneven cover the whole screen.  These  areasare referred to as 'Windows'; each  windowhaving a number (up to ten  numbered  from0-9, although windows 0-3 are always  usedby the system). All PRINT  statements  usewindow 2 automatically. It is possible  toswitch to another window using the command'CURRENT_'. The command word  is  followedby a single numeric expression. It's  alsopossible using  'CURRENT_'  to  manipulatethree windows at once,  switching  betweeneach in  turn.  As  mentioned  earlier,  awindow can be any size  and  take  up  anyposition on  screen  using  the  'WINDOW_'command and takes the form: WINDOW_y,x,d,wWhere y (the  line  position  of  the  topleft-hand corner of window y) can be  from0-23; x (the column position  of  the  topleft corner of window x) can be from 0-63;d is the depth of window  in  char  lines;and w is the width  in  char  columns.  AsYSMB incorpora
   1 It worked again, no problems at  all.  Thevolume was set at exactly 50% and  I  havehad a 100% success  rate  with  all  filestransferred - no need to alter the  volumeone bit.
   1 It was in early January of 1995 that JoyceCook of Spectrum Software Hire informed methat Mr Sherwood had written  to  her  andtold her of some "concerted action to  putan end to Mr Davis's activities", one aidein this would be  her  old  friend  DarrenRandle.
   1 It is early,  as  I  am  mindfull  of  theGerman exchange  students  throwing  theircoats over the terminal operator chairs at7.00 in the morning
   1 It is also easy to  install,  so  that  itcomes up each time you run CP/M,  just  bycopying a FID (Field  Installable  Device)file to your  startup  disk.  However,  toperform the task of intercepting the bleepand playing it's own  sound,  It  must  gointo  memory,  and  set  up  an  interruptpointing to itself. This means that  thereis  less  memory   available   for   otherprograms. The programs supplied  are  easyto use though,  and  there  is  a  programsupplied to make your own  bleeps,  eitherusing  your  own  AY  chip  machine   coderoutine, or telling the program  notes  toplay. It does make CP/M a bit  more  noisyanyway. The problem is that I  have  nevercome across an occasion when  CP/M  bleepsanyway.
   1 It is  also  dependant  upon  the  editingstatus.1
   1 It didn't work, address was 56867!
   1 It didn't work, address was 42164!
   1 It didn't work, address poked was 41696.  Try again.4
   1 It comes out every  month(ish)  and  costsonly `1. It's in A4 format and is a great,easy read with no wildly  stupid,  unfunnyhumour. Buy a copy now  and  get  20  freecredits to APD!
   1 It appears he'd  have  me  print  any  oldstatement just so he can smile and say  hegot an apology. This is the behaviour of achild, stubborn until  their  own  way  isachieved. And I shall certainly not  statethat  I  was  misled  unless   I   recievethorough proof that I was!
   1 It  has  the   ability   to   repair   anymagnetically damaged areas  of  your  diskwithout the need to format it and lose allfiles on it. But please  note,  it  cannotrepair PHYSICALLY damaged disks (ie: bent)nor can it bring programs  which  were  onthe damaged sectors back to life.
   1 Invincible Island, we are informed, is theprimitive ancestral home of the mysteriousXaro   tribe`
   1 Interface  1'2  RS232  ports   in!
   1 Instead of simply viewing  your  textfile,you could of course  POKE  the  data  intomemory;  simply  change  line  30  of  theprogram to read:
   1 Insert plug into socket and turn  on,  youshould find the light is lit. Hooray,  younow have another "ON" light!p
   1 Incidentally,   in   128   mode,   POKEing23728/23729  doesn't  help,  as  the  128Kshadow ROM doesn't contain any NMI routineat all - not even a bugged one! A call  to102 in it will inevitably spell disaster.
   1 In this, the first of two articles, I willexplain how to get files from a  PC  to  aSpectrum via the Interface 1.q
   1 In the library are  a  few  sounds,  whichhave the extension BEL,  and  there  is  aprogram to play the sound file for you  soyou can choose the one you want to replacethe bleep with. The files are  mostly  PCWones,  and  don't  sound  right,  but  theprogram warns you if  this  is  the  case.There are a couple for the speccy however,and these use the AY soundchip.
   1 In the Star Users Club this  issue  you'llfind details of customising  Tasword  helpmenus, otherwise tune in next month for  aguide on converting Apple IIe textfiles toTasword.
   1 In one  last  attempt  to  win  the  finalbattle, it has been decided that you  (yesyou) should undertake a secret mission  toyour enemies homeworld.  Once  there,  youmust destroy the enemies fortress. If  youare  successful,  your  enemies  will   bedefeated, forever.
   1 In machine code, it may be something like:*
   1 In issue 10 you will recall Lloyd  Garlandexplained the differences of  the  Taswordwordprocessors. Now, almost all of us  ownat least one of  them.  If  not  then  GETTHEM! Out of all Spectrum text editors,  Idon't  think  there  is  one  finer   thanTasword. It's fast, versatile and full  ofwonderful features. Text written on any ofthem  are  easily  transportable   betweentheir sisters.
   1 In either even it  will  be  necessary  tocount  the  letter  frequencies   in   themessage. This is both time  consuming  andsuseceptible  to  error.   The   frequencydistribution program given below comes  inuseful here. All you need to do is type inyour text and when  you've  finished,  thecomputer  displays  the  complete   letterfrequency count.
   1 In conclusion, I have  to  say  that  thisgame is brilliant, get it now!.I
   1 In brackets you'll find the values of  thevariables after loading  UNISCROLL.  Theseare standard values which of course can bechanged (That's the  point  of  variables,n'est pas?).
   1 In MC this would have been:
   1 In  use,  you   simply  connect  the  unitbetween the two  computers,  save files onone machine,  and  simultaniously load thefile on  the  other  machine. Once loaded,the file can then  be  saved in the normalway to tape,  Microdrive,  +3  or +D disk.All this sounds pretty useless really, butremember that you  can  load  your file infrom Microdrive on  one  computer, save itto the other machine,  and  then save to a+D  disk.  How  else  would  you  transferfiles from a  Microdrive  to  a +D disk soeasily?
   1 In  the  latest  SPC  magazine  there  aredetails of a floppy disk interface for theSpectrum  +2a.  Although  I've  not  fullytranslated the article it appears to be  adirect replacement for the Amstrad FD-1  -the interface which allowed the +2a to usedisk drives.
   1 In  his  letter,  he  also  seems  to   bedictating all the terms, but unwilling  toaccept any for himself. I quote:t
   1 In  general  it  is  possible   to   driveUNISCROLL  from  Basic,  but  if  possibleBasic should be compiled with  a  compileras the time loss would be  actually  high.It is of course  the  best  if  you  driveUNISCROLL from MC.  I  didn't  include  aninterrupt driver in UNISCROLL (this  wouldhave get around the time problem in Basic)to leave you free  to  generate  your  owninterrupt and add your own routines.
   1 If your programs are of marketable qualityand you would like to  make  a  few  pencefrom it, add it to our small  but  qualitycollection of software.
   1 If your printer is a ZX printer,  Alphacom32, Floyd 40, Timex 2040, or  any  similarnon-interface printer that can  produce  ahigh-resolution screen copy using the wordCOPY  (without  any  prior  initialisationproceedure) then you can proceed  directlyto  use  POWERPRINT  II.  Users  of  otherprinters are advised  to  first  read  theparagraph at the end of these instructionsheaded SETTING UP YOUR PRINTER.
   1 If you've ever wanted a display like  thatof the Sinclair QL,  then  enter  and  runthis short program:g
   1 If you've built our "hey  you"  device  aspreviewed in issue 13 you could  even  usethis.   Issue   16   will   contain   fullconstruction details and offers  of  readybuilt devices.
   1 If you've  selected  the  code  pages  andcharacter sets as I have, you will need tomodify Tasword to print out hash and poundsigns.  To  do  this,  select   "CUSTOMISENORMAL CHARACTER SET" and then press:
   1 If you've  ever  experienced  the  fun  ofplaying a one-armed bandit  in  a  pub  oramusement  arcade,  then  you'll  have   aflavour of what this  game  is  like.  Theonly difference, of course,  is  that  youcan play the computer simulation  as  longas you like, and it won't cost you a penny(though, by  the  same  token,  you  won'tstand to make a mint out of it either...)
   1 If you'd like to use  some  of  the  fancygraphics  characters  your   printer   canoffer,  select  this   option   from   theCUSTOMISE menu as before and type:
   1 If you'd like to do a  brief  tutorial  onyour favourite program, old or new, PD  ornot, send it  in  and  we'll  extend  yoursubscription for an extra three months.
   1 If you want to see the effect of  OUT  63,try loading one of the  MULTIBASIC  demos,and  run  it  first  with  the   Multifaceenabled. N ow type OUT  63,0  and  run  itagain: this time you'll  be  greeted  withthe tell-tale 'Invalid DEVICE' error.
   1 If you use Tasword 128 or Tasword  +2,  oreven Tasword  +3  for  that  matter,  thenyou'll enjoy  the  extra  printer  commandfeatures  you  can  tailor  to   yourself,thanks to the full  use  of  the  graphicscharacters.
   1 If you look at the keyboard, you will  seemany little holes which the  keys  sat  onand the key spring went  into.  If  theresdust  in  there  gently  remove  it   withtweezers. Get all the large bits  of  dustoff the keyboard with the same method.
   1 If you have POWERPRINT II on cassette typeLOAD"".1
   1 If you don't compress them, you could  addthe following line to show  har  long  youhave to wait:a
   1 If you do get to the next stage,  it  willcheck the  sectors.  Note,  it  will  onlycheck 39, not 40, 41 or 42 as  created  byany high capacity formatters.
   1 If you are satisfied, return to  the  mainmenu and select SAVE TASWORD option.N
   1 If you are not happy, press EXT then X  toerase the text and start  again  from  thebeginning.^
   1 If you  don't  have  Microsofts  DINOSAURSCD-ROM, then this is the next best thing!.T
   1 If we all go around with our heads in  thesand, nothing would improve and  we'd  getstung by dodgy software houses  (etc)  allthe time. If you simply don't care how youget treated by other "user  groups",  thengo ahead and  use  them,  but  don't  moanabout it if you get ripped off or have  towait a month for your software to  arrive.The reason for public slaggings is becausehow else does anything get sorted out whenpeople refuse to answer mail (and no, I amNOT reffering to  Prism  here).  When  theonly way to warn potential customers of  adodgy company is to expose them, then Andydoes it, without fear so  that  YOU  don'tstung, and for no other reason.
   1 If we  look  at  the  first  line  in  theprogram , (if it is not  the  same  as  inyour copy demo alter it to this, it  worksnicely!)
   1 If this is starting to  look  complicated,then one alternative could be  to  tapethe+5v supply from the I/O port because  onlya few milliamps are required,  this  wouldthen  leave  the  +12v.   Maplins   supplyregulated power packs which  when  set  to+12v would eliminate the  construction  ofthe power supply unit. However, these  areexpensive, and it still remains  to  powerthe model...?
   1 If this is defaulted in any way, which canclearly  be  proved  since  your  personalcomments  and  tricks  have  been  exposedseveral times before, then  the  defaulterCLOSES DOWN THEIR ORGANISATION COMPLETELY.
   1 If theres anyone not listed, LET US  KNOW!We can't keep asking you  if  you  want  afree  plug!  You'll  notice  one  or   twoservices  missing  this  issue.  This   isbecause they have closed down  or  are  nolonger in the Spectrum readers interest.
   1 If on M/drive cartridge type  the  keywordRUN..
   1 If on Disc-drive  then  you  know  how  toload!.0
   1 If it doesn't work, deliberately  end  thegame  and  start  it  again.   Press   theMulitface button and then press "N"  againto move to the next poke  in  the  series.You will see the counter has moved up  oneand the address in the right  hand  cornerof the last poke tried.
   1 If anything, I think this  whole  businesshas  taught  Mr  Sherwood  a  lesson   andperhaps improved Prism,  although  I  haveseen no proof.
   1 If any of you  thought  the  Alchemist  PDcatalogue was huge, then you haven't  seenthe   one   from   SOFTk
   1 If any of you  doubt  my  words,  then  atleast consider  this.  WHY  would  I  lie?There are  quite  a  few  of  us  AlchNewswriters out here, and all of  us  only  dowhat we do so that you people who read  itcan get the most  out  of  your  computer.This really  is  the  only  motivation  weneed!
   1 If any of  you  would  like  to  write  toLloyd, please pass on  your  mail  to  thenormal AlchNews address and  it  shall  beforwarded. Those of you who know his  homeaddress carry on using that by all means.
   1 If WIDTH and XPOS  are  left  to  standardvalues UNISCROLL leaves a gap of one  charon  the  left  and  right  side   of   thescroller. This enables you  to  shape  theedges with some nice patterns or  whateveryou want.
   1 If Spectrum UK  took  over  AR,  then  whowould be the top man?  The  big  boss  manwould be whoever runs SUK now, or a personchosen by them  almost  certainly.  Eitherway I look at it, I can't see  this  as  amisunderstanding.   It   looks   like
   1 If I,  and  any  other  editors  for  thatmatter, were to receive any criticism,  nomatter how slight or serious, I  would  beexpected to act positively on it and thankthe author for their advice.
   1 If  your  disk  was  damaged,  then   thisprogram would clear the catalogue tracks:S
   1 If  you've  ever  messed  with   a   Basicprogram, and  found  the  "LET  a=a-1"  orsimilar, you could just simply remove  theline altogether so it doesn't take  off  alife.  This is what  the  Multiface  does.If you used a  disassembler  to  find  thecommand, you could even change it to INC ato GIVE you a life when you died!
   1 If  you  want  to  edit  the  ENTIRE  menusystem, type the following:E
   1 If  you  have  any  further  difficulties,please don't hesatate  to  get  in  touch.Next month we'll take an in depth look  atthe GENIE disassembler, possibly the  bestdisassembler available.
   1 If  you  have  any  experience  with   theSpectrum, no matter what, and  would  liketo share  it  -  it's  always  welcome  atAlchNews.  We  accept  articles   on   anyformat, although a wordprocessor  textfilefrom either a  PC  disk  or  any  Spectrummedia is preferred.
   1 IT'S THAT EASY!  just  follow  the  simple1-2-3 instruction as follows:-H
   1 IT WORKS! Press the  button  to  see  whataddress was poked. In  this  case  it  was60396. Write it down!i
   1 INVERSE VIDEO: Deletes  the  character  tothe right of the cursor.B
   1 INVERSE : Resets 'copy' cursor to top leftof current window.<
   1 INPUT Software Library
   1 INIT=33297: Initializes UNISCROLL by doingthe following operations:C
   1 INIT needs  the  variables  TEXT,  HEIGHT,CLSPAT and  WIDTH  when  initializing.  Ifthey aren't left with the standard  valuesthey have to  be  changed  BEFORE  callingINIT!! A change of these  variables  aftercalling INIT doesn't show  any  effect  orleads to rubbish! If using PRINT USR  INITthe last  address  used  by  UNISCROLL  isshown. If you use MC the address is  givenin the register BC. (Important if you wantto place MC or data after UNISCROLL)
   1 IN A,(254)
   1 IC1 TBA 820M
   1 I've seen this problem four times  in  twoyears of +D operations, two by myself  andtwo by APD customers.  Almost  every  diskrelated book, magazine and document  tellsyou to backup your  disks,  but  it's  notalways so cheap and convenient, especiallyif you are constantly updating your disks.
   1 I've just  heard  that  a  french  companycalled 'Poissons d'avril  industries'  arebuying  up  the   rights   to   make   Z80processors. However, the  processors  willnot just be any old thing, they are  goingto remake them in a new type of  material,which will allow the processor to  run  atthe speed  of  33  Megahertz.  Consideringthat the normal Z80 runs at 3.5  Megahertzthis is a fair step up from the  spectrum,but all of the existing  code  will  work,but faster. So why not  build  a  spectrumout of it, I hear you cry...
   1 I've asked Lloyd about the possibility  ofa "true tape interface" for  the  Spectrum+3. A small box would  plug  into  the  +3tape port and give you a  proper  designedport - seperate  EAR  and  MIC  ports!  Intheory it is very simple and  possible  tomake and would be extremely practical.  +3tape leads are not  easily  available  andplugging the wrong plug of the  lead  intothe wrong socket can severely  damage  thecircuitry.
   1 I've  been  to  Sheffield  to  visit  AndyDavis, as long time readers of Andy's workwould  know.  I've  seen  for  myself  theamount of work the man puts into AlchemistResearch, I've seen him  struggle  to  getthe PD orders out on time. I've  seen  himrun around answering the phone,  and  I'veseen him frantically search through  filesto find the answer  to  some  question  oranother on behalf of an AlchNews reader. Ican personally vouch  for  the  amount  ofwork Andy puts into Alchemist Research  onbehalf of YOU, readers of AlchNews,  usersof  Alchemist  Research  PD  material  andfellow Spectrum users.
   1 I'm sure you'll all welcome  Lloyd  aboardofficially with open arms who  I  am  surewill further  enhance  the  work  AlchNewsprovides to the Spectrum community.
   1 I'm not sure of any facillities  availableto do the same  for  the  +D  which  couldcompress the entire disk, the only  choiceis the snapshot option  which  takes  morespace than  an  uncompressed  file  would!Perhaps some  enterprising  +D  programmer(cough cough Miles Kinloch  cough!)  couldcome up with something to compress a disk,even if it's only by 50% we could put  twocompressed disks onto one.
   1 I'm afraid, I must admit that I  have  notused my copy a great deal, due to  varyingdegrees of success.g
   1 I'm a little more lucky as my second driveis a 5.25"  which  is  more  flexible  andcheaper than the 3.5", so I can backup allthe time as I have lots of these disks!
   1 I'll be writing to  the  designer  of  thecircuit shortly and passing  him  some  ofour +3 utilties, more details will  be  inthe next issue.
   1 I'd very much like to hear your  comments.Where is it going to all end? Will  peoplebecome  recluses  choosing   to   live   acomputer generated life?  One  things  forsure, I think we can safely  say  that  itwon't happen on a Spectrum (can you  imageliving in a house created  by  3DCK  -  itwould be like something E.M. Escher  woulddraw on a particularly bad day!)
   1 I'd never be able to write  a  chess  gamemyself. Having to work out all those rulesin machine code,  especially  tricky  oneslike  castling,   would   be   well   nighimpossible, and how  on  earth  do  peoplemanage to make the computer find the  bestmove?!  It's  very  humiliating  when  theSpeccy beats you; you just have to go  outof the room and get a sledgehammer!
   1 I'd like to thank  all  of  you  for  youroverwhelming support on the  matter.  Yourletters have provided me with a great dealof information and proof that Prism is notas perfect as he tries  to  make  out.  Noorganisation is perfect and we all have toaccept  problems  and  mistakes  but  whenpeoples complaints are dismissed then it'sboiling down to poor management. It's  thecustomer who is  always  right.  They  arepaying for a service and can  take  actionif they don't get it.
   1 I'd like to hear of your settings and  howyou find  them  comfortable.  A  printer'ssetup is very much a  personal  thing  andcan differ greatly between  one  user  andanother. This  can  sometimes  cause  someproblems,  like  with  the   printing   ofsymbols, but can soon be amended thanks tothe forward thinking of  programmers  likeTasman Software.
   1 I wrote to Spectrum UK asking why this wasand  also  why   they   had   lied   aboutsolicitors and that I hoped this situationcould be sorted out. I also  sent  them  acopy of AlchNews  14  and  the  latest  PDcatalogue.
   1 I was watching a program the other eveningon Channel Four  appertaining  to  virtualreality and the computer world in  generaland how it is making  a  "better  society"for us all. No doubt you've seen the  manyMicrosoft and IBM ads recently. (OS2  Warpmay be tremendous but will  it  cook  yourdinner?)
   1 I was surprised to hear  in  January  thisyear that someone found a copy of AlchNews9 from an Internet site in CHILE! It seemsthat  ALchNews  has  also  been  seen   inseveral  other  locations  worldwide  -  Ithank anyone who is reading up loaded themfor me!
   1 I was recently informed by a  friend  thatafter  I  passed  the   complaints   aboutSpectrum UK to  them,  they  claimed  theywould  be  passed  to  their   solicitors.However, it has come to  light  that  suchaction wasn't taken. Instead,  they  wroteto these people ATTACKING THEM  for  theircomments and then ignored their  follow-upletters.
   1 I was going to suggest operating a  ribbonsupply service but Office World, my  localstationery supplier, have just raised  theprices to  almost  a  fiver,  from  `3.51!Colour  ribbons  haven't  escaped  either.Once at `7, they are now almost `12!
   1 I was going to do 1983 next but I have toomany games from 1983 to cover them all andI can't be bothered to sort them out.Also,I've been converting games to +D disc  andI don't know which games in the  cardboardboxes are from which  year  and  by  whichsoftware house. You get the general idea.
   1 I told Darren who considered this slightlyamusing! But, it appeared to do the trick.He said Mr Sherwood had drafted a  letter.Why did it take this though  to  prompt  aresponse.
   1 I thought that because the  PC  720K  diskhas 9 sectors per track, 80 tracks  and  2heads it might be worthwhile trying to usethe MS DOS Diskcopy  command  (a  straightDisk to disk copier for the PC). So I typein Diskcopy A: B:.. Will  it  work?  Afterthirty seconds of rattles and  grunts,  itfinally prints on the screen  'Copying  80tracks'
   1 I though I'd follow it up  by  just  goingover the basics once again and a  new  tipwhich  seems  to  improve   the   keyboardresponse.  This  article  caters  for  theAmstrad Spectrum +2, +3 and +2a, the  oneswith built in tape or disk systems.
   1 I think the only way to end it all  is  toignore these questions and  just  try  andforget it. He's asked for an  apology  andhe's got one. He's promised a silence  andpromptly  broke  it.  As  far  as   I   amconcerned, this is the very  last  in  thePrism Problems series. I  am  prepared  toturn a blind eye to his activities in  thelast five months in the hope that it  willend the matter forever.
   1 I think that's it for this month.  If  youhave any  questions,  just  pass  them  toAndy, and He will pass them on to me  nexttime  he  writes   to   me.   Thanks   forreading...
   1 I think  that  covers  everything.  Shouldyou   have   any   further   comments   orguidelines to offer  then  please  let  usknow and we'll cover it next issue.
   1 I telephoned Darren  and  he  informed  methat this "concerted action"  was  nothingmore than a personal letter from Darren tomyself "appealing to my better nature"  toapoligise.
   1 I still have some games left for sale, 10pand  25p  each  +  a  COMCOM  programmablejoystick I/face, my  address  <oh  no  notagain...ED> as ever is,
   1 I plugged the long cable into  the  OUTPUTsocket of the amp and the other  end  intomy EAR socket of  my  +2  (remember,  I'vemodified my +2 to  use  an  external  tapedeck).
   1 I notice that Andy was referred to  as  "areal friend" by some top  brass  bloke  inSUK. Well, that can't be the truth! If  itwas, why are they not seeing Andy's  offerof help for what it is,  rather  than  forwhat they want it to  be.  Why  think  theworse of a "real friend"?
   1 I must say that as I loaded this one I didnot think it would work, as  I  had  triedthe previous version to no avail. However,this was very easy to use,  and  had  soontransferred a test file from the PC to the+3. This program works by  taking  a  CP/M720K disk and Changing some  parts  of  itinto an  'Oddball'  format  which  can  beread, and more importantly written  to  bythe PC. It can then  be  transferred  backagain, and read,written to etc. by the  +3or indeed, any CP/M 3.5" machine. It worksby changing the whole disk from one formatto the  other,  instead  of  just  copyingfiles. This is useful, because unless yourPC has  a  3"  disk  drive,  you  will  becopying the files  180K  at  a  time,  andcopying files bigger  than  that  will  beimpossible, and you have to consider  suchoptions as serial transfer of files, whichseems to be a bit over  the  top.  Taswordfile transfer was the order  of  the  day,and  although  the  headers  had   to   bestripped  off  Tasword  2   files   beforetransfer  for 
   1 I must admit, I wasn't  greatly  impressedby the device, as  it  only  ran  at  tapespeeds but once I tried  it,  I  found  ithard to stop using it!
   1 I much prefer this method as I feel I havemore 'control' over what I  do.  You  willneed  a  copy  of  Tasword2  or  converterprograms to convert Tasword 2 textfiles toTasword 128. But, this  latter  reason  ispointless as you'll only be doing the sameas method one!
   1 I may not have the other Horace games, butI do have all  sorts  of  Psion  bits  andpieces, some of them more classic-ish thanothers. The first  game  on  my  shelf  byPsion is a racing  game  called  ChequeredFlag. I must say that racing games  aren'tmy cup of beer (I don't like tea), and theonly two I've  ever  enjoyed  playing  arePole Position, a nice colourful one, and agame on someone  else's  Megadrive  (sorryabout that). Chequered Flag is quite  wellpresented and plays at a good  speed.  Thegraphics  suit  the  game,  with  lots  oftwists and  forks  in  the  road  (but  noknives, ha ha) and a car which, if  not  aFerrari,  looks   distinctly   racing-ish.Unfortunately, this is one of those  gameswhere the programmers  have  seen  fit  toinclude an array of nasty  engine  noises.On the 48k,  this  sort  of  sound  alwayscomes out far too loud,  as  in  ChequeredFlag.  Silence  would  probably  be   lessexciting, but they  could  have  stuck  toskidding noises.
   1 I know I said I had lots  of  Psion  gamesbut they've all gone missing! Honestly,  Ithink I have copied lots of them onto discand put the originals up into  the  attic!Ah,   here's   another   one;   it's   theimaginatively  titled  "Chess".  I   won'texplain the rules  because  I  assume  youreaders are educated, but  basically  youraim is to  trap  the  opponent's  king  byputting it into check (ie you can take  iton the next nove if the  king  remains  inits  place).  There  have  been  lots   ofadvances  in  computer  chess  recently  -there's now a game which  has  beaten  theworld  champion  and   also   has   storedhundreds of international  games  and  howthey played. Not on the Speccy though!
   1 I know I promised to add some new sectionsin the 1995 catalogue but after  promotionat my new job in December,  a  great  dealof time was lost, time I hoped to  use  onthe catalogue.
   1 I have seen other Pinball Simulators,  butnone have come even close to matching thisone's superlative quality. This is a  gameI can see myself continuing to  enjoy  formany years to come, as I never tire of it.
   1 I have pinpointed  the  state  of  affairsthat gives rise to the problem,  at  leastfrom a software point of  view,  and  havewritten a DOS patch which, I'm pleased  tosay, now eliminates it  in  my  own  case.However, I'm convinced that the underlyingcause is in the hardware,  and  I  suspectperhaps something like a timing error  maybe responsible. Anyway, I'm interested  toknow how widepsread  the  effect  is,  andwould  therefore  like  to  ask  if  otherreaders ers could write in and say if theysuffer from it. It may turn out to be justcertain models of the  Spectrum  that  areaffected, I don't know, but  I'd  like  toget to the bottom of it. (My machine is  agrey +2, by the way.)
   1 I have noticed something significant here.When did most  of  this  trouble start? Itstarted just  after  Martyn  Sherwood cameonto the scene with  Prism PD after takingover the running of Total PD.  Before thatthere  were  no   major  reports  of  thismagnitude   with
   1 I have had a few hours of  fun  from  thisgame; the Speccy has not had loads of thistype of game but it wouldn't  be  fair  tocompare it to later ones.  Overall,  MatchPoint is a good simulation and one to haveif you are a collector. I don't think it'sparticularly rare though -  try  the  goodold car boot sale!
   1 I have found this game to be fun and  witha good difficulty level.  I'm  not  reallyinto adventures, but I find a lot of  themtoo hard or  with  very  limited  languageinterpreters. This  is  an  exception  andthough   the   locations   are
   1 I had just begun to picture  a  sequel  toJURASSIC PARK, where  they  recreate  longdead speccy books by cloning the DNA of  adead  Andy  Davis
   1 I eventually find the section I need,  andthrough the dark misty winds  I  can  justmake out a  bookcase  (ok,  there  are  nowinds or mist, but I am trying to inject abit of colour in to this drab tale!)
   1 I don't find  computer  chess  as  fun  ashuman chess - perhaps  because  you  can'tcheat and I always lose when  playing  theCPU! Obviously it loses the human element.This game  is  quite  passable  but  chessmaniacs should go for a more recent  pieceof software like the aforementioned CDS 3Dgame, or Mastertronic's Master Chess... oreven a PC with Battlechess!
   1 I decided to make an archive of everythingI had on the disk. The first thing  I  sawwas that  it  said  that  the  work  drivedefaults to M:. This is fine if you have aPCW, but with us +3 owners  we  only  havedrive C: Luckily there is a switch to override this and tell it a new drive, but  itdidn't work, so I  tried  running  anothersupplied program, PMSET.COM to set what itwas about.
   1 I decided  to  try  another  experiment  -direct copying from and to disk. I  loadedup DISCTAPE on the +3 and TRANSIT  on  the+2. The trick is to  transfer  files  froma +3 disk and save them onto a +D disk.
   1 I couldn't think of a theme here  so  I'lljust take games off my  shelf  at  random.Right,  the  first  game  is...  Oh  dear."Magic Land Dizzy" isn't a classic, is it?
   1 I cheated and got Lloyd to  wire  mine!  Imay have a word with him  about  supplyingready connected plugs to 1m of  cable  forthe cost of the parts and  postage  and  afew pence for Lloyd.
   1 I can't see the point  of  this  business.While it may be very good in some respects- helping the disabled and so  on  but  ifthe line  is  not  gong  to  be  drawn  atcomputer sex then where are we going?
   1 I asked Darren what Mr Sherwood would likeme to apologise for and  he  told  me  thewrong name error in issue  14.  I  assuredDarren that an apology had been sent to MrSherwood some weeks before.
   1 I am in luck, a free terminal, I  use  theterminal to gain the information  I  need,and then I embark on  my  search  for  thesacred books of a bygone era. (ooer!)
   1 I Can' find it so I'll sign off this monthby saying3
   1 I  personally  don't   like   this   game,probably because I  have  an  aversion  toracing games (I'm no good at them), but  Iwould recommend it  to  anyone  who  likesthis sort of thing - and has a mute optionon their TV.
   1 I  finally  filled  up  the  rest  of  theavailable space  with  compressed  spacing(as seen on the PD  catalogue  to  get  80lines per page) and normal spacing:
   1 I  doubt  that  we  will  ever  get  thesequestioned answered, even though they havebeen brought up several times.r
   1 I  don't  care  what  Martyn  Sherwood  isthreatening  or  what  other  lies  he  isprinting, I have  documented evidence, themajority  of  which   concerning  a  thirdparty, which clearly proves he has lied orneedlessly caused trouble.
   1 Hulme Lane
   1 However, the game's appeal soon wears  offas you  discover  some  negative  aspects.Firstly, the input parser is very  limited- to get  into  the  temple  I  needed  toremove the leaves  from  a  heavy  branch.This was obvious but it  took  me  severalminutes  to  work  out  how  to  tell  thecomputer what to do. The other problem  isthe way every room links up with  lots  ofothers. The game turns into  a  huge  mazewith lots of objects but very few  puzzlesuntil you find the boat. I'll say no more,but asking for HELP will usually give  youa hand. Some of the puzzles  are  far  toohard to think of. In one  place,  I  triedEXAMINE on everything, and then used  LOOKon its own. In fact, I  couldn't  get  outuntil I tried LOOK UP (I had to use  HELP,which just told  me  LOOK  UP  instead  ofgiving me a clue). It should have  replied"Which way?" to my LOOK command, not  justdismissed it as nonsense.
   1 However,  it  was  the  invention  of  theelectromagnetic telegraph and accompanyingsubstitution cipher known as Morse Code inthe 1830's  that  really  speeded  up  thesending of secret messages.  The  Americaninventor Samuel Morse devised  a  code  inwhich dots and dashes replace letters,  asshown in the table.
   1 How often you do this job is upto you, howmuch agony you put on  your  keys  or  howdusty your house is! I find once every sixor seven months  is  best  to  give  it  athorough check up, along with cleaning  ofall interface ports and leads.  Spray  theleads  with  cleaner  too   for   a   goodconnection. I came up  with  the  keyboardtrick one evening in 1990 when I found  my"H" key wouldn't depress! I was even  moreworried when I found it also affected  the"G" key and then "Y". When I  removed  theoffending keys I found a piece of pencil Iwas chewing over the keyboard - be warned!
   1 How many titles?  Well,  give  or  take  adozen, the number is:?
   1 How many of you  have  suffered  from  thedreaded SECTOR ERROR? Thought so, now  howmany of you have suffered the error in thefirst four tracks of your disk?  You  haveif your disk won't catalogue. If  you  tryand CAT a  disk,  you  get  the  familliarclick as the drive is moving and then  thechugga chugga chugga as  it  comes  acrossthe error.
   1 How many of  you  have  tried  to  save  aprogram from one Spectrum  to  another  byplugging one tape end  of  the  tape  leadfrom the EAR socket and the other  to  theMIC? It didn't work because of the lack ofa voltage to send the signal.
   1 Hold the plug upside down.  You  will  seeit's almost flat with the exception  of  aslight step 3/4 of the way down, a  littlehollow "box" in this step and a hollow "U"at the top end.
   1 Hmmm, first up is "Invincible Island",  anadventure game (most  RSS  games  were  inthis genre), written by Peter  Cooke.  I'mnot sure, but I think  this  is  the  samePete Cooke who  wrote  quite  a  few  morerecent Speccy games, such as "A Whole  NewBall Game", which I  loved.  Anyway,  thisadventure's inlay calls it an  "intriguingsplit-screen graphic and text  adventure",and after playing  the  game,  I'd  agree.This is much better  than  some  of  RSS'sother releases (I think you know the one Imean!). The particularly good thing is itsresponse time - very good when compared toother adventures of the  time  (mostly  inBASIC). This game is well-written, and hasa graphic representation of every room youenter. The graphics are really quite good;better than the vague shapes in games like"Blizzard Pass" (not that I'm slagging offBP - the puzzles are good).
   1 His letter also goes on to  inform  me  ofhow the people who complained to  me  weresorted out. Why do this now? For  Christ'ssake, this was upto a  year  ago,  and  heaccuses me of raking up the past! He  doesthe same with his faulty disk drive  whichcould not handle HD  disks.  Only  now  hetells us it was a prototype drive!
   1 Hilton Court
   1 Hi and welcome to  Ye  Olde  Reviewes.  Inthis section I will be reviewing some  oldclassics   (and   not-so-classics!)   fromdifferent places in Spectrum history.  Butfirst things first - readers  of  SpectrumUK may be wondering why I am  now  writingfor Alchnews. Well, I am still writing forSpec UK as well, but Andy kindly asked  meif I would like  to  write  something  forAlchnews, so here I am! I will  remain  ongood terms with both AR  and  SUK  for  aslong as possible.
   1 Heres a very  simple  routine  which  willremove the directory  from  one  disk  andstore it onto another. It's configured fortwo drives, with TEST  in  drive  one  andARCHIVE in drive two  but  can  be  easilymodified for one.
   1 Here's where it  gets  confusing.  So,  itended in the summer of 1994?  Just  so  wedon't mistake anything, can we  all  agreethat the Summer is technically  from  June21st to September 21st?
   1 Hello to Ferry (Netherlands)
   1 Hello again, although it's probably  Marchwhen your reading this, some of this  willhave been written in the run up  to  Xmas,so please forgive any festive  feeling  tothis column!.
   1 Hello Spectrum freaks,
   1 He was ready for a new ribbon so purchaseda black NX-100 from CPC of  Preston.   Thecost was a very  reasonable  `3.31.   But,there was also a `3.99 handling charge andalso `1.26 VAT - making a total of `8.56.
   1 He sounded more cockney  than  Irish,  andhis English 'accent' was even worse -  nonexistent.]
   1 He later said "D. Sinclair  did  not  likeabiding  by  my  terms  of   trading   andcomplained at  guidelines  commonplace  inthe 16 bit market - not my fault"
   1 He claims that they were prepared to writeto me but he "advised them to hold  back".Is he sure thats all it is?  Perhaps  he'safraid of them hearing the other  side  ofthe  story  and   seeing   some   of   thecomplaints  you  all  sent.  I  can   nameseveral ex-Prism customers  who  had  onlyheard Mr Sherwood's  side  of  things  butwere shocked when they saw the  extent  ofthings.
   1 He also says:
   1 He also says that  I  can  stop  it  quiteeasily by apoligising for  printing  wronginformation on myself and Prism PD.  Wronginformation? The information used in thesearticles comes from you, the  readers  andcustomers. If Mr Sherwood  can  prove  theinformation you  have  sent  is  erroneousthen I shall immediately apologise and notbefore.
   1 He also advised Mr Koning to "stay out  ofit, especially  since  the  situation  hascleared up anyway.".h
   1 Have  you  had  a  letter  from  AlchemistResearch with an upside  down  letterhead?If so then you are this  quarter's  letterprize winner! Send your odd letterhead  tous to claim a free year's subscription.
   1 Happy byte wishes you,
   1 Halskestr. 6
   1 Half a dozen cotton buds
   1 Hackers Workbench is an excellent tool forexamining snapshots, and when I use it  tolook at the state of the Z80 registers  ina snapshot which crashes on  loading,  thePC, i.e. representing the  stacked  returnaddress to be jumped to, invariably  showsas 103.
   1 HERE are the rest of the program commands.To use them Press CAPS SHIFT - LETTER.P
   1 HEIGHT-33293 (8): The height of the  chars(Normally  8).  You  can  use  higher   orsmaller  chars.  Double  high  chars  needtwice the  time  to  scroll!  Thus  higherchars as 24 bytes aren't very useful.
   1 HAVE A 3" DISK
   1 H-COMPRESSED (80 LPP) : 27 65 9
   1 Grindleton
   1 Greetings time:-
   1 Greatful appreciation must go out  to  allwho helped in the production of this  finepublication. Notable thanks must go to:{
   1 Graphics-wise, this game  is  quite  good.Colour  is  splashed  around  nicely,  andalthough Horace skis rather  jerkily,  hissprite is a nice, simple sort of head witharms and legs (hmmm). The sound isn't  badeither, with  some  good  48k  effects  asHorace dives  into  black  lines  (erm,  Ithink they're meant to be  deep  crevassesor something!) and a passable crunch  whenhe hits a tree.  Other  sounds  include  ahorrible raucous BBC Micro type  sound  atthe beginning, and  car  horns  as  Horacerisks the M4. This game  would  have  beenbetter if the piste  (the  bit  where  youski,  thickies!)  was  longer,   or   evenrandomly generated each time.  Because  itisn't, you come to know  where  the  flagsare and the game gets a little  too  easy,but overall, this game is good -  by  1982standards! (It beats "Sonic 3" though!).
   1 Got it then? If not just try it  out.  Therisk of a crash is low in most cases. Withthe first tries you surely won't  get  theresult you  wanted,  but  at  last  you'llmanage it.
   1 George Munro, many thanks for the goodies,hope your problem is solved now?J
   1 George Imrie
   1 Gastackerstrasse 33
   1 Gastackerstrasse 23
   1 GUARANTEES: Should you order any  softwareon  our  media,  including   titles   fromAlchemist Software, there  is  a  LIFETIMEGUARANTEE with the titles. This means thatshould the disk or  tape  become  damaged,even some years from when it was  ordered,the program will be re-supplied again freeof charge. This  also  covers  updates  toprograms you may have  already  purchased.
   1 GRAPH (caps 9) home the cursor to the  topleft corner of the current window.L
   1 GET and PUT
   1 G-GREEN  : 27 114 6
   1 Full Stops
   1 From the main menu, select  the  CUSTOMISEoption  again  and  then  PRINTER  CONTROLCODES.  Now, you simply press  the  numberof letter and then enter the  code.   Hereare mine:
   1 Format 2 worked perfectly however,  and  Iwas soon transferring files like they weregoing out of fashion. As well as the  CP/Minterface, There is a +3DOS one  supplied.To use this, you  have  to  use  the  rarecommand COPY filename TO SPECTRUM  FORMAT.
   1 For those of you wanting a "standard" disksystem, I'd say buy a +D but  if  you  areserious  about  the  Spectrum   and   wantsomething powerful and new  to  experimentwith, I'd strongly suggest this.
   1 For the more experienced builder this  hasnever been a problem, but for  the  noviceit could represent a real headache.  Thereis one way to  overcome  this,  especiallyfor the +2a and +3 owner, and that  is  tothe printer port. It has  the  eight  datalines which are needed to operate a simplemodel  and  be  addressed  using  the  OUTcommand in +3 BASIC.  Giving  the  commandOUT 4093,1 would send a signal  down  dataline D0. To stop this signal  simply  sentOUT 4093,0. The circuit given over  is  aneasy to build model controller  using  12vrelays. I hope by approaching this in verybasic terms it  will  be  of  interest  tothose ofyou  who  are  not  electronicallyminded, like myself...?
   1 For more details on all of these excellentproductions,  their   addresses   are   inTRADING POST of this and future issues.{
   1 For more details contact:
   1 For many years, stock control has been maeeasier by using computers, with each  itembeing assigned a  code  number.  With  theintroduction of bar codes - the black  andwhite stripes found on  shopping  items  -prices can be automatically read, and  thebill compiled at  the  same  time  as  thestock totals are adjusted, besides  givinga detailed itemisation of your purchases.
   1 For all of you who wants to use  Uniscrollin your own programs we will  give  you  afamous description of all  the  facilitiesin english. But thats not  all:  it  comesdirectly from Vision, who knows best  whatthe program can do.
   1 For  those  interested  in  the  technicalaspects, it's  the  NMI  mechanism  that'sgoing  wrong  when  the  +D's  button   ispressed. When  the  Z80  receives  an  NMIsignal, the  current  program  counter  ispreserved (pushed) on  the  stack,  and  acall made to address 102  decimal),  whereit executes the NMI service routine  (i.e.the snapshot  routine).  The  +D  hardwaresimultaneously detects when a call is madeto this address, and then takes  immediateaction to page itself in, so  it  will  bethe NMI routine in +D ROM, rather than theone in the Spectrum ROM (which contains  afatal bug anyway), that's executed.
   1 Following the earlier information in  thisarticle regarding the United Minds and  MrSherwood's half accusation of their  trustwe  have  just  been  informed   that   MrSherwood has published an  article  in  PDPower that the group has split up.
   1 Firstly, RS 232 is NOT a port that  ownersof a Spectrum have. RS 232 is  actually  astandard  means  of   data   communicationbetween two computers. It is the  industrystandard that is called RS  232,  not  theactual port itself. The  RS  232  port  onyour computer should actually be called  a"serial" port that happens to  conform  tothe set standards of RS 232,  as  that  iswhat it really is.
   1 First, reset the computer and then load upTasword 128 again and  go  into  Basic  asbefore.[
   1 First up  is  THE  THING  MONTHLY,  an  A5sattire magazine. Whether  you  enjoy  themagazine depends  on  the  level  of  yourhumour, but also promises to include  YOURTHINGCLAIR,
   1 First of all, why did he approach  Darren?He has ignored no less than FOUR differentsources to  end  this.  These  being  Mark"Miktor" Harris, St. John Swainson,  JohanKoning and myself. Why should he tell themall to  keep  their  noses  out  and  thenrecruit someone else, an outsider  to  theentire matter. One thing  to  consider  isthat Darren does an occasional article  inPD Power!
   1 Finally, a most  unlikely  utility  provedinvaluable in analysing the problem - PlusD Poker! Invaluable because it allowed  meto look at the stack  AFTER  the  snapshotbutton had been pressed, and  examine  thereturn address. On every occasion when  itcrashed  on  returning,  the  address  wasalways 103, and using this method, I foundI could  always  predict  in  advance  theoccasions when it was about to happen.
   1 Finally, HL will contain  the  address  ofthe filename  you  want.  (  You  may  usewildcards, and it must be terminated  with255) Now the routine may be called at 11Ehor 286 decimal. On exiting, if there  wereany problems, as always,  the  carry  flagwill be reset and the error code  will  bein A. If all went OK then B  will  containthe number of  completed  entries  in  thebuffer. (If B is the same as the number ofentries,  your  buffer  contains,  it   ispossible that there are  more  entries  tocome)
   1 Finally, F. Ridout is  selling  an  UNUSEDMultiface 128 with a copy of Lifeguard for`15. He is also  looking  for  a  completelist of EPSON Printer  control  codes  andcommands if anyone can help. Please  writeto:
   1 File: Selecting this simply takes  you  tothe FILE menu.8
   1 File ends:
   1 FX_3,n Sets the window used by  the  frontpanel/
   1 FX_2,n  Sets  the  window  used  for  useroutput0
   1 FX_1,n Sets the window use  for  automaticlistings2
   1 FX_0,n Sets the window used for user inputand error messages<
   1 FSLP-33294 (0): Switches the FSLP  on  (1)or off  (0).  Every  single  line  of  thescroller is  assigned  to  a  value  of  atable. CLSCR must  be  used  as  otherwiseonly rubbish would be seen on the  screen.Timing of CLSCR can be  very  tricky,  butcan be done (means  that  CLSCR  sometimesclears the scroller  before  it  has  beenwritten by the TV beam). If combined  withdifferent values of  SPLIT  you  can  alsochange the look of your scroller.
   1 FONT_2 Calls char set similar  to  AMSTRADCPC 4641
   1 FONT_1 Calls char set similar to  BBC  andACORN/
   1 FONT_0 Calls the standard char set"
   1 FILE This controls the storage of  frames.The first thing that should be done is  toconfigure  the  menu  by   selecting   theconfigure menu option. You can  then  typein the filing systems you intend to definethe BASIC to, pressing enter when to  moveonto the next one. Altering the  BASIC  isexplained later on.
   1 FICHEROS allows you to copy any files  youselect from drive A to B. Although I  havenot  tested  it  I  suspect  single  driveowners will be able to use it to copy fromdisk to disk (A=source, B=destination).
   1 FAULTS (Outgoing): If  any  of  the  aboveoccurances happen on  their  way  back  toyou,  your  order   will   be   redone   -COMPLETELY FREE and treated as if it  wereany other order and not  relegated.  Sinceyou have already paid for the programs youwanted, how can you be ripping us  off  byasking for them again?
   1 FAULTS (Incoming): If your tape or disk isdamaged on arrival, we will do our best torepair it. Snapped  tapes  can  be  easilyfixed. Disk corruption can be  cured  withour programs, or simply reformatting.
   1 F-ORANGE : 27 114 5
   1 F ill - fills the window with  a  pattern  selected from the STYLE-Palette.K
   1 Exit : DE=Displayfile address
   1 Exclamation Marks  (
   1 Example: "}1" to print the following  textinvers,  "}0"  to  get  back   to   normalprinting.]
   1 Even the  most  secure  of  codes  are  oflittle use if  it  cannot  be  transmittedquickly. Napoleon  made  som  attempts  toovercome the problem of speed by  buildingsignal   towers   throughout   France.   Aprimitive version of semaphore was used topass messages from tower to tower.
   1 Escapes can be inserted using TRUE  VIDEO,followed by the  relevent  key.  Red  textwould be TRUEVID followed by A. Watch  thecase, esp. with capslock.  CAPSLOCK  (caps2) simply toggles the case  between  lowerand upper.
   1 Ernastrasse 33
   1 Ernastr. 33, D-51069 Koeln, Germany#
   1 Erm, see you then I suppose!
   1 Entry: B=Y-Position
   1 Enough of Ocean -  the  next  game  to  bereviewed,  "William   Wobbler"   (!)   waswritten by Tony Crowther of a lesser-knowncompany,  Wizard   Computer   Games,   andpublished by Melbourne  House  (when  theywere  also  doing   books   and   things).Wizard's  address  was:  Alpha  House,  10Carver Street, Sheffield... Yes, later  tobecome the home of Gremlin  Graphics  Ltd,still  going  today  under  the  name   ofGremlin Interactive, but  now  at  numbers2-4 and only programming for the  consoles(scum!!). By the way, don't write to  themabout Speccy games - they only have  threeleft  (Turbo  Esprit,  Man  Utd  and  HeroQuest) and couldn't care less about  8-bitowners.
   1 Editview has 26 frame stores,  labelled  ato z. These can either be in Fireview (920bytes)  format,  or  Editor  (960   bytes)format. Selecting the format option on theFILE menu alters the frames between  theseformats and should be used before  loadingor saving frames to disc  or  tape.  Belowthe format option is a count of the numberof escapes and * graphics present  in  thecurrent  frame.  This  is  useful  if  theframes are going to be later up loaded  toPRESTEL or another  Viewdata  computer.  Iwill now consider the other options on theFILE menu.
   1 Editview II is a dedicated Viewdata  frameeditor.  It  has  been  designed  to  makeediting easier and more fun. Most  of  itsmany  features  are  accessed  using   thepointer cursor. This is  controlled  usingthe keys Q,A,O,P and a key on  the  bottomrow for up, down, left, right  and  select(or  click)  respectively.  To  select  anoption you simply move the pointer to  it,and press select. The  program  has  threemain areas. These are  EDIT,  for  editingframes, FILE, for  storing  and  recallingframes, and the  BASIC  so  that  you  canconfigure  Editview  to  your  own  filingsystem.
   1 Editview II Tutorial.
   1 Edit This gives you the EDIT menu."
   1 Ed's Note:
   1 Ed's  Note:  Thanks  to  John   for   thatexcellent article. Should  you  require  ahard copy and / or a printout of the  DLANprogram, just send an SAE to us.
   1 Earlier, I reviewed a rather poor game  byRichard1
   1 Earlier detailed in the news  section,  anexcellent multi format magazine.J
   1 EXTENDED MODE (pressing both  shift  keys)moves the cursor to the next tab stop  (ifone is present) within the current window.Tab stops can be defined  using  the  tabsoption on the Text menu bar, or  by  usingESC TRUEVID followed by t  while  editing.Many other functions can be accessed  likethis:
   1 ESC-e Moves to the end of the text in  thecurrent window. ESC-i Inserts a space intothe  current   line.   ESC-d   Deletes   acharacter. ESC-l  Inserts  a  line.  ESC-k"Kills" a line. ESC-r Moves  down  a  lineinserting any ESC codes.
   1 ESC-0  Inverts  any  escape  codes.  ESC-tDefines tab  stops.  ESC-s  Save  to  lastaccessed frame.c
   1 ERASE will erase any files you select fromthe presented catalogue.B
   1 ENTER  leaves  the  current   window   andreturns to the pointer cursor.H
   1 EDIT: Copies the current program line intothe input line.9
   1 EDIT: After selecting EDIT from  the  FILEmenu you will be presented with a menu barat the top of the screen. The rest of  thescreen is used as an editing area for  thecurrent frame.
   1 ED. was it my imagination or was this%
   1 ED. Oh well, theirs still 'The easily%
   1 E-YELLOW : 27 114 4
   1 E L O S L S O E T
   1 Dwbas - RSX Mallard basic extension#
   1 During the American  Cival  War  the  RailFence  code  was  used  to   send   secretmessages. It works like this: suppose  youwish  to   pass   on   this   commerciallysensitive warning  SELL  CONSULS  SOONEST.Then, take a  sheet  of  lined  paper  andwrite the first letter on  the  top  line,the second on the second line,  the  thirdletter on the first line,  and  so  on  toget:
   1 During RUN-time the Space key is used as anew Shift key. Consequently, to  obtain  aspace between characters, both the  Symbolshift  and  Space  keys  must  be  pressedtogether.  The  Space  key  -  when   usedtogether with another key - will from  nowon be referred  to  as  the  Control  key.Control   functions
   1 Due to a character design, EXTRA BOLD  andOUTLINE texts appear offset towards Windowtop-left. Us the above controls to add  An'R' or 'D' to status  display.  (A  secondpress cancels).
   1 Does anybody even wonder why Andy gives  abad review every now and then?  I'll  tellyou why, Spectrum users  we  all  may  be.Desperate for new software we may be  too.We still have rights to expect  a  bit  ofquality though, be it software or service.If a company promising good service  givesa shoddy one instead, then we all  have  aright to know about it.  We  are  Spectrumusers, not second class citizens that wantto get ripped off. Another example of  thefact that Andy cares  about  the  Spectrumworld. He doesn't  want  to  see  you  lotripped off, and  that's  why  when  a  badreview needs to be given, it gets given!
   1 Do you really want to do business  with  aperson who craves that sort of  power  andcould charge you anything they wanted  forwhat you get now for FREE? Because that iswhat a monopoly is all about.
   1 Do you really want a business-  who  fallsapart when a key member of staff falls illfor a while-  in  charge  of  YOUR  hobby?Because that is what has already  happenedwith SUK. People were  left  wondering  ifthey had "run off with the subs".
   1 Do you REALLY want a  person  who  screams"TAKE  OVER  BID"  whenever  you  offer  afriendly word of action of help to be  theONLY  person  you  can  turn  to  for  newsoftware or help? This is what has alreadyhappened  to  Andy  Davis  and   AlchemistResearch.
   1 Do  you  really  want  to  get  all   yourSpectrum  support  and  software  from   aperson or business with an ego big  enoughto want to rule the Spectrum world? That'swhat a single Spectrum outlet amounts to!
   1 Diodes are inserted purely as a protectivemeasure.  Depending  on  the  application,this circuit could be doubed up to includeall eight data lines. Relays are  used  asswitches, allowing an electric motor to beturned on and off,  forward  and  reverse.They  also  seperate  the  model's   powersupply  from  the   interface   circuitry.Connecting just four lines to operate  twosmall electric  motors,  relays  could  beused  to  turn  the  power  on   and   offindependently,  and   give   forward   andreverse.
   1 Did  you  here  the  caretakers  (Americanactors) incredibly BAD Irish accent?,O
   1 Despite the inaccurate report in PD POWER,The United  Minds  have  not  ceased  demowriting. Indeed, they threatened  to  stopcoding because of the harassment they weregiven by  M.  Sherwood  of  Prism  PD  butdecided to continue  with  APD,  MGPD  andWomo.
   1 Desmond Tyler
   1 Design:-  POSTERS...LETTERHEADS..  TICKETSETC in a vast range  of  exciting  styles.MAGIC-WINDOW - Auto-justify, 4 way system.~
   1 Depending on the position,  speed  or  thenumbers of the scroller and the height  ofthe  charset  it  can  happen  that   yourscroller might flicker. If CLSCR  is  usedit might  even  happen  that  no  scrollerappears on the screen, as  it  is  clearedbefore it is written by the  TV-Beam.  Allthis is due to the construction of the  TVpicture but can be avoided with some  goodtiming. See, it is a small price to pay  Ithink. I could have  limited  you  to  onescroller with no change of  anything.  Butthis way it's more of a use for you, isn'tit?
   1 Demos Only
   1 David Ledbury
   1 David Crookes
   1 Dave Fountain and Amy
   1 Darren, however, had only heard  one  sideof the story and had a different frame  ofmind when I informed him of  the  mass  ofevidence I had  collected  over  the  pasttwelve months from many sources.
   1 Darren was confused with  the  matter  andsuggested that I telephone Mr Sherwood andspeak directly to sort it out.  Not  beingan unreasonable chap, I made the effort.
   1 Darren Randle, for those of you not in theknow, used to run Rasputin PD and SinclairNews, which Alchemist Research took chargeof in late 1993.
   1 DT: Why? Why spend two hours in  front  ofthat when you can just as  easily  get  inyour car and do the same in Sheffield?z
   1 DT: Well, yes, you do have  a  point.  Butlook at it from this  angle  -  would  yourather spend two hours on  an  interactiveadventure or go out  and  do  it  in  reallife?
   1 DT: That game where you drive  around  thetown - I know you can't get enough of it!S
   1 DT: So, why do you do  it  when  you  playthat flying game?;
   1 DT: So, when you go under a bridge in yourcar do you look right  underneath  it  andbehind you as you emerge?m
   1 DT: Okay, but I have one that will  REALLYstump you out now - TURBO ESPRIT.K
   1 DT: Could it be the safety element? Be  asrisky as you want and know  that  you  cansafely walk away?e
   1 DT: Can you honestly say that you'd preferflying  a  Spectrum  rather  than  a  realplane?Z
   1 DT: And what would you expect to  find  ifyou did look under a bridge?F
   1 DT: AlchNews 15.
   1 DT: AND... That game is SO  predictable  -you don't know what will happen if you  goout in your car.d
   1 DOCTOR is an  excellent  +3  utility,  onewhich all owners should have  a  copy  of.Quite  why  Amstrad  decided  not  to  letEnglish +3 users have this kind of programon  their  disk  which   came   with   thecomputer, rather than  half  a  dozen  oldgames is beyond me.
   1 DOCTOR  is  the  only   known   low-price,non-commercial   disk?
   1 DISCO  is  the  same  as  above  but  willcopy the entire disk.?
   1 DISCKIT programs, plus  Lloyd  on!
   1 DINOSAURS is a PD prog available from AlchResearch. Programmed by the very  talentedTHEO DEVELEGAS (I hope I've spelt his nameright!) it's  suitable  for  readers,  andespecially   children,   or   those   withchildren, who have an interest in dinos.
   1 DICE,   orDisk Information Copier  Editor, has to bethe best  sector  editor  around.  It willeven format 3" disks  to 42 tracks, givinga large increase in capacity.
   1 DH. No I think your right, Roy must be&
   1 DELETE:  Deletes  character  to  left   ofcursor.1
   1 DEC a ; take one from 'a'
   1 DB2  is  by  far  the  best  disk  back uputility produced for the  +3, but it won'tfully  back  up   disks   that  have  beenformatted to greater than 40 tracks!
   1 DAVE WOOD has some spare PC  equipment  tosell. It  includes  an  SX386  motherboardwith AMI bios, 6 ISA slots and  space  forSIMM RAM  to  16Mb.  It  also  features  aTRIDENT VGA board 512k with IDE I/O  boardwith printer port / joystick etc.
   1 D-PURPLE : 27 114 3
   1 D-40215 Duesseldorf
   1 D ownshift - centres text vertically.%
   1 Cut and Paste This allows you  to  move  awindow from a stored frame to the  currentframe. This feature allows you to build upa library of graphics. The  fragments  canbe  placed  anywhere  in  a  frame.   Uponselecting this option, the  current  frameis displayed, and a menu shows  the  frameletters, a-z. Pick the one you wish to cutfrom. This will then be displayed with theusual box cursors. Define the  window  youwish to paste. The current frame  will  beredisplayed. Move the cursor to where  youwant to paste the window and click it.
   1 Credits and  a  few  last  things!
   1 Creative.Radical.Alternative.Productions(
   1 Congratulations to:
   1 Commodores,BBCs, Dragon, Oric,  MSX  and  many  more.They do not seek high  profits  and  theirprices  are  cheaper  than  most   privatesellers. Indeed, their catalogue  uses  15feet of paper! Most prices are 50p and  `1and they even  sell  books  and  hardware.Howdoes a +3 printer lead at `4 sound,  ora  Spectrum  128  for  `30,  +2  for  `35,Wafadrive for `25, ZX printer `12,  CurrahMicrospeech  for  a  tenner  and  externalspeaker with amp for `3!!!  If  you  don'tsend them an  SAE  immediately,  then  youcan't be a dedicated Specateer!
   1 Circle This is exactly  the  same  as  thelines option but instead of  defining  theends of a line you define the  centre  andthen a point on the edge of a circle.
   1 Chris Taylor, The Knights
   1 Chris Norfolk
   1 ChoosingShadow-edge text over-rides both settings.2
   1 Choosing which type of  relay  to  use  asdescribed above can be very  confusing.  Ihave used items  YX94C  and  DC80B  boughtfrom  Maplins,  which  are   very   usefulrelays.   Incidentally,   all
   1 Chic Computer Club
   1 Characters can now be printed on screen in4  different  sizes,  using  the   'MODE_'command[
   1 Changes the variable speed. The new  valueof  speed   comes   straight   after   thetextmark.  Example:  "{3"  to  change  thespeed of the scroller to 3.
   1 Changes the variable SPLIT. The new  valuecomes   straight   after   the   textmark.Example: "~2" to change SPLIT to 2.w
   1 Catalin Russen, MicroCRIFS
   1 CURSORS: Move within the input line.$
   1 CPC Undercover
   1 CPC / PCW support
   1 COPY=33500:   Copies   the   content$
   1 CONTROL R: Resets YSMB  system  (does  noterase program in memory)B
   1 CONTROL F: Calls up front-panel (SEE FRONTPANEL)0
   1 CONTROL E: Stops program execution"
   1 CONTENTS (5)
   1 CONTENTS (4)
   1 CONTENTS (3)
   1 CONTENTS (2)
   1 CONTENTS (1)
   1 CLW_n,3  Clears attributes only
   1 CLW_n,2  Inverts contents of window#
   1 CLW_n,1 As above but with INK
   1 CLW_n,0  Clears   window   using   currentpermanant colours;
   1 CLSPAT-33289/33290 (0,0): Pattern which iscopied into screen when calling CLSCR.P
   1 CLSCR=33635:   Clearscroll,   clears   thescroller  at   the   actuall   Y-Position.Necessary if  the  Y-Position  is  changed(=FLP) or if you use the FSLP function.
   1 CLS is used to clear the whole  screen.  Anew command 'CLW'  is  provided  to  clearindividual window areas. The command  wordis followed by one or two numbers. If  twoare supplied then the first is the  numberof the window and the  second  shows  whattype of clear is required:
   1 CHRISTIAN AYMARD is on the lookout for thefollowing programs:=
   1 CHR$7 Inverts the char set at  the  cursorposition2
   1 CHR$24-31  Select  the  window  used   foroutput; CHR$24 selects window zero whereasCHR$ 31 selects window 7.m
   1 CHR$1-4 Select the mode of current window)
   1 CHR$, VDU and DOWN
   1 CHR$ PEEK (F+9);CHR$ PEEK (F+10);""
   1 CHR$ PEEK (F+2);CHR$ PEEK
   1 CHR$ (h+64);
   1 CHAR-33281/33282 (15360): The "address" ofyour charset. Because the first  32  charscan't  be  used  (see  Speccy  manual  fordetails) you always have to subtract 32  *high of your charset (normaly 8) from  theaddress where your charset is placed. Onlythis  value  must  be  poked  into   CHAR!Example: If you want to  place  a  charsetmade with Art Studio  at  35000  then  youhave to poke 35000-32*8=34744 into CHAR.
   1 CHANGE_3 Each attribute byte is ORed  withthe data byte7
   1 CHANGE_2 Each byte in the attributes  fileis ANDed with the negated maskH
   1 CHANGE_1 The mask is negated - all ones tozeros and all zeros to onesE
   1 CHANGE and SWAP
   1 CAUTION WHEN EDITING-  The  program  auto-renumbers when it is run. All instructionsplaced in the REM must be  closed  with  asemi-colon (;) otherwise will probably  beignored!
   1 CATALOGO  is  a  simple  disk   and   filecatalogue option.;
   1 CATALIN  RUSSEL  would  like  some   Amigacontacts, wishing to swap tips, advice andsoftware for the Amiga. If you would  likean Amiga penpal, please write to:
   1 CAT Drive. This option can  be  configuredto perform a general purpose BASIC action.I use it to catalogue my disc drive.x
   1 CALL 33402 (Scroll)
   1 CALL 33297 (Initialize UNISCROLL)   MAIN  HALT.
   1 C7 330 uF 16V
   1 C6 220 nF POLYESTER
   1 C5 220 pF CERAMIC
   1 C4 220 uF 16V
   1 C3 100 uF 16V
   1 C2 100 uF 16V
   1 C1 470 nF POLYESTER
   1 C-BLUE   : 27 114 2
   1 By today's standards, it certainly  isn't,but I found this game quite a lot  of  funthe first time I played it. Just about allof  it  is  written  in  BASIC   with   noprotection, and as it plays very similarlyeach time, it gets rather repetitive aftera few goes. However, it is  a  long  game.You,  a  trader,  have  to  visit  variousplanets and try to peddle  your  wares  tothe inhabitants. Bits of the game  includecollecting   fuel   in   a   time   limit,bargaining   with   some   druggies
   1 By now, I was convinced beyond  any  doubtabout what was going on, and I decided thenext step would be to write a  routine  tofix the problem. Perhaps neutralise  mightbe a  better  word,  as,  of  course,  theunderlying hardware bug is still  there  -but to all intents and purposes it can  beregarded as cured. There are two versions:G-SNAPFIX, as  you  might  guess,  is  theversion for G+DO S and B-SNAPFIX, the  onefor Betados.
   1 By Paul Howard
   1 By Lloyd Garland
   1 By Kevin Gurd
   1 By Desmond Tyler
   1 By Ben Douglas
   1 But, we cannot survive without your input.Anything you can offer is welcomed  by  usand even moreso by the Spectrum community.~
   1 But, the most astounding  program  he  hassent is MORBUS GRAVIS 128k. It's  probablythe biggest demo ever  and  takes  up  theentire 128k memory and THREE +D disks! Thedemo is more of a  graphic  picture  storyand you'd  be  advised  to  sit  down  oneevening in the dark with it and a  POT  ofcoffee!
   1 But, it's clear to see how  many  missilesyou have - you start with one.H
   1 But, if the disk is physically damaged andwould pose a threat to  our  equipment  byusing  it,  we  will  return  it  and,  ifpossible, will send your order on our  ownmedia where you can copy it to your own orsend us replacements in your own time.
   1 But, he still refuses  to  answer  severalmore serious questions. Ones like:L
   1 But, back to his letter. He then  goes  onto  recap  some  past  events.  There  areeleven points in all, yet  he  has  MISSEDOUT  POINT  THREE!  How  can  I  have  anyconfidence in  this  person  if  he  can'tcount! This is NOT an isolated incident asI have recieved a letter from Mr  Sherwoodpreviously,  entitled  "The  real   facts"which had points numbered 1,2,3,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,12,13!
   1 But, as I said, it doesn't have to be "DECa", it could be any other  register,  suchas DEC HL, or even DEC BC.   This  is  whythe FLIP option is needed.  If the  numberof lives isn't held by 'variable' a,  thenyou will have to try another 'variable' orregister.  Move it to CUSTOM and you  haveaccess to the custom option.
   1 But, I'd just like to make one final  pleato Mr Sherwood - are you prepared  to  putyour business on the line Martyn?u
   1 But, I promise the  new  sections  in  theJuly 1995 catalogue, if not sooner:M
   1 But,  back  to  the  magazine.  Theres   apreview  of  the  new   SQ-TRACKER   soundsystem, a listing of  Solitaire  by  MilesKinloch and a list of  all  members  alongwith what equipment they own. (By the  wayThomas, put an X in my +3, 48k,  Opus  andMG boxes please!).
   1 But it doesn't, it just gets worse.#
   1 Brian Watson, 8-BIT
   1 Brian Watson
   1 Brian Gaff, BG Services
   1 Brian Gaff
   1 Brandlesholme
   1 Box got his drives from!)
   1 Both these progs,  and  my  new  lawnmovergame are available from Alch PD.J
   1 Books on the ORIC and DRAGON 32  computersThe MSX, BBC Micro, VIC 20, ZX81!!!  (boy!I feel like a cross between Alan Grant andIndiana  Jones,  discovering   these   oldrelics!  -  Que   red-line-over-map-screen(next page) aka, Indy movies)
   1 Bl: L11  Ap: 86
   1 Bill Richardson, EEC
   1 Bill Richardson
   1 Bill Clark brought up a  very  interestingand expensive problem quite recently  withhis Star LC-100.d
   1 Bill Clark
   1 Bill  asked  about  re-inking  and  I   aminclined to agree with him. There is a re-inking tool  called  MAXIPRINT,  which  isused by many readers who swear by it.  I'mnot sure exactly how it's made but you fityour ribbon  into  the  unit  and  turn  alittle handle which  re-inks  the  ribbon.The unit is adjustable  to  all  makes  ofribbon and  works  fine  with  the  LC-100ribbons, which also are the  same  as  theLC-10. It costs only a few pence to re-inka ribbon and  the  quality  is  excellent.Alchemist   Research   will   surely
   1 Big   supplier   of   Spectrum   adventuresoftware,   including?
   1 Besides which, we  have  no  advanced  DTPfacillities to produce a magazine  of  anygood quality. We would  rather  stay  withelectronic media that look  like  some  ofthe poor efforts we've been informed of inpast months!
   1 Beside those problems,  the  PC200  shouldhave been a mild success, however, lookingback it's not really that surprising  thatit wasn't.
   1 Before you  get  all  excited  I'd  betterexplain what they are.@
   1 Before we go any further we must do a  bitof work to  the  plug  again.  It  may  beadvisable to do this before wiring it. Allyou have to do is file  or  cut  a  littlepiece of the plug with a craft knife.
   1 Before publication I  was debating whetherto compile  a  list  of  all  the lies andtrouble  Martyn  Sherwood  has  caused.  Ihave decided that it will take some tie tocompile so may  feature  it in AlchNews 16if  nothing   is   done   to  rectify  thesituation.
   1 Before I go, I offer no  apology  what  soever for the contents  of  this  file.  Ifanybody is  upset  by  this,  then  tough!Things that needed to  be  said  have  nowbeen said.
   1 Because when the Multiface  is  installed,it cannot access any part of the ROM, suchas the font, printing routines etc. so  itmust have it's own "on-board".
   1 Back to Psion Chess.  This  was  an  earlychess game for the  Spectrum,  written  in"fast  and  efficient  machine-code".  Theprogrammers boast  that  "level  two  willprobably beat you!". Actually it did,  butthat's beside the point. The game has  tenlevels of difficulty and came out in  1982(could've done it last month  then!).  Youare given options to set up the board  andchoose your colour - I wanted  yellow  butit wouldn't let me...
   1 Back to "William Wobbler".  William  is  akind  of  funny   dragon,   with   massivenostrils and a red vest.  (You'd  have  tosee him yourself). He  walks  along  quitenicely in the game, and  is  an  unusuallylarge sprite. The game is a sort of  earlyplatform adventure, where you have to pickup "objects and go  to  different  cavernsand places with them, but the gameplay  issomehow not enough to keep you playing fora  long  time.  Sound  is   limited,   butsufficient. This is  undoubtedly  quite  arare item, but not a true classic or "new"game  idea.  Has  anyone  completed  this?Perhaps you could tell me what happens  atthe end!
   1 Back in issue 13 I gave some brief detailson a little keypad project to give  you  avisual signal by the computer without  themonitor needing to be on, perhaps to  tellyou  that  calculations  or   copying   isfinished, an error or so on.
   1 BASIC, as it clearly states,  returns  youto Basic!3
   1 BASIC note: The BASIC has been defined  tomake it easy to configure. At  the  momentit is configured for tape and +3 disc. Theother basic is set for Microdrives. Eithercan be altered to  cope  with  most  drivesystems.
   1 At time of writing, I cannot get the lightto behave in 128k mode so either  go  into48k mode or type USR 0.k
   1 At the moment there are three phenominallygood lists of hardware, software and booksdoing the rounds.  Should  you  want  one,send an SAE to:
   1 Aside from the traditional uses  of  codesin the shady world  of  subterfuge,  codesare finding their  way  increasingly  intoour daily lives.
   1 As usual, it was ignored and they sent theparcel back in the same envelope,  withoutreturn  postage.  The  catalogue   howeverseemed to be well used,  creased  and  hadsome characters written on one side!
   1 As the  cytographers  struggle  to  inventbetter and more secure codes, so the  codebreakers  strive  to  frustrate  them.   Apowerful tool when trying  to  decode  thesipler  transpositions   or   substitutionciphers is the letters frequency count. InEnglish the  letters  E,T,A,O,N,I,S  -  inthat order - occur most frequently. So, ifin the encoded text  the  letters  ETAONISstill appear most frequently, the odds arethat  you   will   be   dealing   with   atransposition code. Should  other  lettersoccur  more  frequently,  then  you   mustconsider the possibility of a substitutioncipher.
   1 As most of you will  recall,  AlchNews  14was  the  largest  ever,  some  576k  -  amassive 157% larger than  issue  13  or  amassive 1773% larger than issue 3!
   1 As it checks, it will list and repair  anydamaged sectors along the way.H
   1 As for the international character sets, Ihave chosen USA. This is simply because ofCHR$  35,  the  #  sign.   As   ASCII   isessentially American, the `  sign  has  noplace in it. So, when you print  a  #  youactually get a # and  not  a  pound  sign.Many small fanzines make this mistake  andwhen  they  have  a  hex  listing,  hashesappear  as   pounds   which   looks   veryunsightly! The pound sign is  at  location156 of  all  the  character  sets  and  isjust as easily accessed.
   1 As for software to use on the PC,  MS  DOSis usually good enough!A
   1 As far as we know,  Alchemist  PD  is  thefirst  library  to  offer   this   serviceanywhere. Please also see our  article  inthis issue "8 BIT LIBRARY GUIDELINES" -  anew initiative  created  by  ourselves  tofurther  protect  customers   from   beingripped off.
   1 As far as is  known,  this  is  still  thelargest collection of Spectrum PD  in  theUK.W
   1 As far as I know, you must strip off about6-8mm from the outer  sheathing  and  then2-3mm from each lead. Make  sure  all  theleads are parallel and not bent in any wayand insert into the lead. Look at the  topof the lead and behind  each  contact  youshould JUST see the  wire.  When  you  aresure it's in press each contact  down.  Ifit doesn't  work  then  the  lead  is  nowuseless and should be binned. There is  noway of recovering a partly connected lead.
   1 As a great fan of the 'Freescape'  system,I'd rank this game as being  the  best  inthat genre, and one  which  gave  me  manyhours  of  pleasure   trying   to   solve.Freescape,  of   course,   represented   amilestone in the Speccy's history, and  ifthis is a foretaste of the virtual realitysystems of the future, then I'm definitelyhooked! The first game to be  released  inthis  format  was,  of  course,   Driller,followed shortly afterwards by its sequel,Darkside. However, while the  latter  werevery  successful  in   demonstrating   thepotential of Freescape, unfortunately theylacked one vital ingredient - gameplay.
   1 As I know this is the  fastest  method  tocalculate   the   screenaddress   of   anyY-Position^
   1 As  well  as  procedures,  YSMB   provides'REPEAT-UNTIL' loops. The 'REPEAT' commandis used to mark the beginning  of  a  loopand  'UNTIL'  is  followed  by  a   singlenumeric  expression.  If  this  expressionreturns a zero value then the program flowjumps back to the statement after the lastREPEAT instruction; if a positive  number,program  flow  continues  with  the   nextstatement  as  it  should.  'REPEAT-UNTIL'loops can be nested up to ten deep.
   1 As  the  UNISCROLL  demo  was  written  incompiled Basic (I used the USCHI compiler)here's  the   basic   routine   to   driveUniscroll from Basic (text at  4
   1 As  I've  heard  that  it  really   annoyspeople. <ARRRGH - YES! And so does  "erm".Ed.> Funny that I shoud only find out lastweek, and I've said it in  nearly  all  UMdemos!!!
   1 Arnold Yates
   1 Arkanoid 2 continues the theme, but  in  avery much enhanced mould, adding many  newfeatures and 128K sound. If you played  itwith just the three lives you  are  given,it  would  be  exceedingly  difficult   toprogress beyond even the first screen, butI never play it that way - I  always  POKEit for infinite lives!
   1 Apply adhesive to  each  right-hand  edge,except on  the  right-most  strip.  ScotchSpraymount is  recommended  which,  allowsre-positioning.
   1 Apologies for what I might have got wrong,missunderstood, misspelt,  missed  out  orjust messed up! I wrote this as a  set  ofnotes  for  my  benifit  originally,   andthought they might be of general use so  Isent them to Alchemist PD to pass on  withthe DLAN program
   1 Anyway, when you do wire it up, make  surethat the ORANGE wire is connected  to  thepin which is NEXT to the little catch. TheBLACK wire should be at the opposite side.At the other end of the lead strip it  andstrip the RED and BLACK leads only for themoment.
   1 Anyway, next issue I WILL write about TimeTravel, I have a lot of points I'd like todiscuss about it. It will take some tim towrite and Andy is already telling me  thatI have five minutes before the deadline ispassed. (He gets would up very easily whenhe's on nights and has only had four hourssleep!)
   1 Anyway, in the letter,  Mr  Sherwood  toldJohan and myself that since the summer  of1994, the  whole  situation  had  "fizzledout". He also said:
   1 Anyway, imagine my surprise  when  I  havegenerated the file to allow this to be runwhen it says 'The  MSODBALL.HED  file  youare using is corrupt' Reading to  the  endof the first document I am  told  to  readanother  one  specific  to  the  +3  Basicversion,  which  then  tells  me  that  itshould be  converted  on  the  ramdisk  ordrive A:, not drive B: because it  doesn'twork properly. The best way  to  use  thisprogram would be to go  through  all  yourstuff and get 700K of files, then  convertthe disk. I have found it very useful, andwill give it 9/10.
   1 Anyway, back to  Ye  Olde  Reviewes.  Thismonth, a selection of games from the  yearthat was, 1982 (I think it was  a  vintageyear!). The Spectrum was still  quite  newat the time, and games were slowly gettingbetter as new  software  houses  appeared.The first game I will look at is a 16k/48kgame  by  Pixel  Productions,  called  TheTrader Trilogy. This game loads in severalparts and set you back `9.95! It came in alarge-ish  white  box.  Pixel  Productionsclaimed this  game  to  be  "the  ultimategraphic adventure".
   1 Anyway, I'm straying off the  point  here.As I was saying, where will  it  all  end?Already, PC's a couple of  years  old  arenow virtually obsolete. In this  throwawaysociety it's ridiculous to  consider  eventhinking of  buying  a  PC  if  you  can'tafford  to  keep  upgrading  it.  Look  atWindows for the PC - a  few  years  ago  anice option,  now  you  find  it's  almostvital to run any software.
   1 Anyway,  when  I  questioned  Mr  Sherwoodabout it, he said "NO MAJOR library (8 bitor 16 bit) worth their salt will entertainpeople under  these  circumstances  unlessthey pay."
   1 Anyway,  that's  enough  of  my   in(s)aneramblings, let's get on with the show...R
   1 Anything marked as  "RS  232"  should  allconform to the same standards as any otherpiece of equipment, hence the  possibilityof transferring data between two otherwiseincompatible machines.  Fo  example,  textfiles written  on  (say)  a  PC  could  betransferred to a Spectrum, and then editedor printed out using Tasword. Files  couldbe stored on a large capacity hard  drive,and exported to the Spectrum.  Of  course,many  Spectrum  owners  would  alreay   befamiliar with using a modem to log onto  aBB, and many of those will know all  aboutdownloading software from BBs. Things likethis  are  just  a  few  uses  that   datacommunications using an RS 232 link  couldbe put to.
   1 Anyone trying to break  the  code  withoutknowledge of the multiplication key  wouldhave a  hard  time.  All  that  is  reallyhappening is that the message  is  writtendown the page until the  first  column  ofour array is filled, and then continued atthe top of the  second  colu.n.  When  thewhole array is used up the encrypted  textis read off across the page. Sometimes  itis a good idea to add a  few  extra  dummyletters to the end of a message - just  tofool would-be code breakers.
   1 Anyone  interested  in   purchasing   thisCD-ROM (approx. cost `40)  should  requestmore details  from  the  normal  AlchemistResearch address.
   1 Any of you who used to buy  Your  Sinclairwill remember the excellent programs  fromTheo Develegas.  Such  classics  like  hisMultiface utilities FUSSLOAD  and  SPRITERare available in our library.
   1 Another rather crap text file from:#
   1 Another new  writer,  Orson  from!
   1 Andy has seen dodgy companies come and go,he's seen it all.  Alchemist  Research  isstill here though,  as  the  UK's  largestSpectrum public domain library. Does  thissuggest anything to you? It  should!  Makeno mistake, Alchemist  Research  isn't  aslarge as it is just because he happens  tohave a large range of titles, it's becauseAndy has WORKED at it,  and  with  nothingmore than a few Spectrums, a tape recorderand a lot of dedication, he's built it  upfrom scratch. Andy truely  cares  for  theSpectrum community, and that is one of thereasons why he  has  succeeded.  AlchemistResearch, and all  it  stands  for,  is  agreat example of what  can  be  done  whenpeople work together without any  childishargueing. I am proud to be associated withAndy and Alchemist Research.
   1 Andy Davis and ALL the staff at  AlchemistResearch are only here so that we can HELPand SERVE you, fellow Spectrum  users.  Ifyou can see my point, you  will  also  seethat Andy  Davis  has  no  interest  in  atakeover bid for Spectrum  UK,  he  simplywouldn't have the time required. Andy  wasquite simply trying to do his self-imposedjob, and help  out  so  that  yet  anotherSpectrum  user   group   wouldn't   vanishwithout trace.  If  anybody  doubts  that,then for what reason other than  to  offerhelp,  advice  and  free  software,   doesAlchemist Research exist?  It's  certainlynot a financial reason, I can  assure  youof that. If it was, then why  do  you  lotget free PD software? Go on, how  many  ofyou have  ever  been  asked  to  pay  AndyANYTHING for help or advice? Not a  singleone of you, I bet!
   1 Andy Davis Bsc
   1 Andy <Ed to you. Ed> thinks that I'm over-reacting but I don't think I  am.  He  wasplaying a computer game the other evening,the name escapes me and flew his  aircraftunder a bridge and as he did so, used  theon-board camera to view the underside  andthe rear as he emerged from the other side- triumphant.
   1 Andrew Parish
   1 And with that, Andy trundles  off  to  thebar  and  doesn't  realise  I  taped   theconversation! Even now as  he's  compilingthis issue and waiting for  me  to  finishthis he doesn't have a clue! He thinks I'mwriting about Time Travel.
   1 And various other books  with  imaginativetitles0
   1 And there amongst all these titles are 10-12 year old books on programming  your  ZX48k Spectrum!, I could'nt believe  it!,  Ithought these books were extinct.
   1 And the months passed. Still nothing  fromPrism. Yet,  Mr  Sherwood  found  time  towrite to the United Minds and pester  themto write me a letter complaining about themix up. Not only that, but  he  sent  themguidelines over WHAT TO  WRITE!  It's  onething to ask  them  to  do  something  buttotally out of order telling them what  towrite! Needless to say, they have declinedto do anything he asked.
   1 And the colour, these occupy graphics  A-Gand  need  no  turning  off  codes  (whicharen't allowed anyway).k
   1 And that is essentially it. Oh, no,  sorryit's not!! I forgot to mention Greetings!!T
   1 And that is basically  it.  Erm,  Oh,  oneother thing, if you ever run out of thingsto say in your text, dont say:r
   1 And so now we have -
   1 And finally
   1 And before Mr  Sherwood  blames myself, hemay like to  note  that Alchemist Researchhad excellent  working  relationships withthe entire  Spectrum  community  before hecame along.   This  is  also  reflected inEurope, where Mr Sherwood  has yet to makean impact.   In  the Euro-community, PrismPD does not exist  and there is no troublewhatsoever.  Makes you think doesn't it?
   1 Amy Pandagirl
   1 Among other things  Uniscroll  offers  thefollowing  possibilities:  FLP   (FlexibleLine Position), Split, Variable  speed  ofscroll- text, Multiscroll,  Windowfunction(Width and  X-Position  can  be  changed),Variable high of charset,  FSLP  (FlexibleSingle  Line  Position)   with   automatictable-use,  and  controll   of   differentroutines/variables by using textmarks.
   1 Always ensure that the model operates  onalow voltage. Typically I have used  3v  to4.5v which have been idea.  Building  thisinterface previously described can producea unit that is totally reliable, and  willgive  hours  of  fun,  experimenting   andprogramming.
   1 Although only on issue 3  and  the  editorunder a lot of pressure (so don't fret  ifit's a few weeks  late),  it  shows  greatpromise as an  unbiased  general  interestSam and Speccy magazine.
   1 Although his exact title is  questionable,it is a sort of deputy / assistant editor,second in command in other words!u
   1 Although an excellent word, I  don't  wantany of you wags shortening it  down  so  Ihave slightly renamed  it  and  created  arecognition and awards scheme to those  ofyou who  deserve  it  (actually,  you  ALLdo!). So, thanks to my  local  Asda  storewhere I nicked the name from, I'd like  topresent the ABCD AWARD.
   1 Although  two  of  them  could  have  beenjustified and were relating to the SUC andUnited Minds matters (it appears that bothmyself  and  Martyn  Sherwood  were   tolddifferent   things),   the
   1 Although  the  program  listed  above   islimited to 20  words,  it  can  easily  beamended to include mor. If, for  instance,you wanted to enter 50 words you will needto make the folowing amendments. Change 20to 50 in lines 50, 70 and 140.   You  willalso need  to  enter  the  new  codes  andadditional lines in the program.   In  theexisting  program  you  are   limited   toentering  words  of  no   more   than   10characters. If you wish  to  increase  themaximum of characters  to,  say,  12,  allyouneed to do is alter the  10  to  12  inline 50.
   1 Although  Alchemist  Research  has   greatfaith   over   it's   readers'   technicalcapabilities,a
   1 Also, with the new 1.44Mb Disk drive, theywill have to rewrite the format command touse two different sizes of disk,  and  addthe new formats. Stay  tuned  next  issue,when I'll fill you in on more details as Iget them... If I get them.
   1 Also, another thing to do is say what  youused to make the  demo  -  eg,  which  artpackages, screen compressors etct
   1 Also with the magazine comes two extra  A4news sheets. These  tell  us  that  EuricoCovas is back in Portugal from studies  inLondon and more  English  details  on  theMB02 interface.
   1 Also in the magazine is a great article onconverting screen pictures from the PC  orAmiga to Spectrum accompanied by a  coupleof pictures (the bottom one is from  "TrueQ" of ST:TNG".
   1 Also by Theo is a nifty little prog calledEEC1993. Like DINOSAURS, EEC1993 is like amini database of information, with info onsome of the countries in  the  EC.  Again,the graphics are well drawn, and I have togive it a mention, as I stole the  BritishIsles map screen for this issue of AN!
   1 Allie Weston
   1 All you will need is a textfile written onTasword 2  and  know  the  length  of  thetextfile,  which  should  be  found   whensaved. Type in this short program:
   1 All you need to do  is  call,  quote  yourrequested collections or order  of  twentytitles for just `1 per disk which will  beprocessed immediately and sent with  bill,to be settled within 30 days.
   1 All the speccy books disappeared  from  mylocal library a few  years  ago  -  mostlydeleted from the library collection  -  soit was a  genuine  surprise  to  see  somespeccy books still in existence. (The caseof the missing speccy books - another casefor THE X FILES methinks)
   1 All the  bits  you  require  to  build theproject   are7
   1 All of the normal spectrum ports are  backin now, including the ATTRIBUTE PORT whichAmstrad forgot to put into the +3 and +2A,thus crashing several games such  as  BombJack and  Short  Circuit.  I  wonder  whatit'll  be  like  to  reset  and  see   (C)1994,1995 Poissons d'avril ?
   1 All details contained in this article are,as far as I know, and to the  best  of  myknowledge, completely true. I do not  telllies! I stand to be corrected  on  any  ofthe above text, but it will stand as it isuntil YOU tell me otherwise. Don't  botherme with trivia, tell me the facts.
   1 Alf Fairwheather
   1 Alchnews 14 would probably also be  usefulas it has another tutorial like  this  onein it, as  well  as  lots  of  other  finethings.
   1 Alchnews 13
   1 Alchemist Software has a growing number ofNON PUBLIC  DOMAIN  titles,  all  for  theprice of media and postage.  We  have  thechilling  128k  adventure  DOOMSDAY,  manyutilities from the 007 series, plus titlesfrom  BRADWAY   SOFTWARE   and   our   newexclusive   in-house
   1 Alchemist Research is  confident  it  willpurchase an MB02 in 1995 and will  supportit in every way possible.m
   1 Alchemist Research  is  dedicated  to  thesurvival of the Spectrum by offering  whatwe do at low prices and,  in  most  cases,free.
   1 Alchemist Books
   1 Alchemist  Research   congratulates   botheditors of aforementioned publications whodid their best to ensure the Spectrum namelives on as long as possible.
   1 Alchemist  PD  give  some   basic!
   1 AlchNews 128k:
   1 Albert  Harper,   congrats   on  the  PCPDlibrary!2
   1 Alan Sharvell
   1 Ahh haa, the books I am  after  are  here,but they  are  trapped,  so  I  shift  thedebris - Windows 3.1 user guide, MasteringC  programming,  PASCAL  -  A   case   foreuthanasia...
   1 Ah   -   how   about   "Daley   Thompson'sDecathlon", by Ocean in 1984? Well, nearlyeveryone has played this  game,  but  it'squite old and "one to have" so I'll  writeabout it anyway. This game claims to  have"superb
   1 Again, this is the sort of game  you  justcan't put down, and it will always be  oneof my firm favourites.j
   1 After last  issue  I  had  a  letter  fromThomas Eberle of the SUC. He was a  littleupset  that  his  magazine  "SUC  CESSION"wasn't featured in our  round  up  of  topmagazines.
   1 After  buying  4m  of  cable  from  MaplinElectronics, I decided to give the unit  atry. Since there is at  least  2m  betweenthe +2 and +3 it would be a good test.
   1 After  all  his  loyal  service   to   theAlchemist  Research  empire,  it   was   aunanimous decision  by  all  concerned  topromote Lloyd Garland to a  high  positionin AlchNews.
   1 Addresses may be found in the TRADING POSTsection.2
   1 Address on page 1
   1 AT LAST!, I have the sacred books -#
   1 AT : Copies the character  at  the  'copy'cursor to the 'input' cursor. This commandcan also be used to copy characters  whichare standard size; it  will  not  copy  64column,  double  height  or  double  widthcharacters.
   1 ASB; this switches off the above command.)
   1 ARRIVALS:  When  orders  arrive,  requestswill  be  followed  to   the   letter   ifpossible, from requests of  where  to  putprograms on disks etc.
   1 AND : As above, but Down
   1 AN15.C    
   1 AN15.9    
   1 AN15.8    v
   1 AN15.7:  PRISM PROBLEMS.  An  even  biggerAN15.8:  article   this   issue,J
   1 AN15.7    
   1 AN15.6    
   1 AN15.5    
   1 AN15.4:  STAR USERS CLUB. The Overline bug*
   1 AN15.46  THE END.  Phew,  what  an  issue!*
   1 AN15.46   0
   1 AN15.45  SOAPBOX 2. Following M. Sherwoods*
   1 AN15.45   
   1 AN15.44   l
   1 AN15.43: TRADING  POST.   A  double  sizedAN15.44: section covering  whats  hot  andT
   1 AN15.43   9
   1 AN15.42: CRACK CITY.   With  only  FIFTEEN*
   1 AN15.42   
   1 AN15.41: DEMO CODING  -  AN  INSIDE  VIEW.*
   1 AN15.41   
   1 AN15.40   
   1 AN15.4    
   1 AN15.3:  DLAN.
   1 AN15.39: SPECTRUM CLASSIC. New writer PaulAN15.40: Howard gives his reviews of  someT
   1 AN15.39   
   1 AN15.38: PD WORLD. A quick  look  at  some*
   1 AN15.38   
   1 AN15.37: GET A LIFE. More Multifacing this*
   1 AN15.37   
   1 AN15.36: 8  BIT  GUIDELINES.   What   with*
   1 AN15.36   
   1 AN15.35   E
   1 AN15.34: WOMO WORLD.  The  SPC  team  giveAN15.35: some  news  plus   a   guide   toT
   1 AN15.34   8#
   1 AN15.33: POWERPRINT  POWER:   Vic   Bishop*
   1 AN15.33   
   1 AN15.32   
   1 AN15.31   E
   1 AN15.30: ROYS RANTINGS. He's back, not  byAN15.31: popular  demand  but  'cause   weAN15.32: can't get rid of him!r
   1 AN15.30   
   1 AN15.3    
   1 AN15.2:  KEYBOARD  CLEANING.   Follow   up*
   1 AN15.29   
   1 AN15.28   
   1 AN15.27: MEGABASIC  MEGA  TUTORIAL.   DaveAN15.28: Fountain  of   Sinclair   ClassicAN15.29: begins  the  first  part  of  his~
   1 AN15.27   
   1 AN15.26: ROBOTICS.   Kevin   Gurd!
   1 AN15.26   
   1 AN15.25: PLUS THREE PLETHORA. Quick guides*
   1 AN15.25   
   1 AN15.24: SNAP TO IT! Miles Kinloch on  the*
   1 AN15.24   
   1 AN15.23: ACROSS THE WAVES. A look  at  the*
   1 AN15.23   
   1 AN15.22: EDITVIEW  2  TUTORIAL.  Following*
   1 AN15.22   &#
   1 AN15.21: +3 MASTERCLASS. Ben continues his*
   1 AN15.21   X
   1 AN15.20   D
   1 AN15.2    g
   1 AN15.1:  NEWS. Two prominent closures, one*
   1 AN15.19: BENS BITS.  Ben  Douglas  excellsAN15.20: himself by writing a  three  partT
   1 AN15.19   :#
   1 AN15.18: CAT  RESCUE.  An  unorthodox  but*
   1 AN15.18   0
   1 AN15.17: SOAPBOX. Lloyd Garland gives  his*
   1 AN15.17   
   1 AN15.16: TASWORD TUTOR. Following on  from*
   1 AN15.16   
   1 AN15.15   
   1 AN15.14: TASWORD  MODIFICATION.  Guide  onAN15.15: modifying  the  PRINTER   CONTROLT
   1 AN15.14   Q
   1 AN15.13   5
   1 AN15.12: PROPER   RS232.
   1 AN15.12   S
   1 AN15.11: UNIVERSAL RS232? Lloyd  Garland's*
   1 AN15.11   X
   1 AN15.10: HARD TIMES.  An extended  section*
   1 AN15.10   
   1 AN15.1    J(
   1 AN15.0:  This file
   1 AN15.0     #
   1 ALBHAR is newly established.  Just send  a3.5" DD or HD disk  and  three  1st  classstamps, plus your preference  of  softwareand you  will  recieve  it  back  full  ofprograms.  No doubt Albert  would  welcomeany mail at this stage, so please  do  getin touch.
   1 AFB; this causes the current paper and inkcolours to alternate, as in FLASHK
   1 ADVICE: Advice on almost  any  program  isavailable.  We  welcome  information  fromcustomers on any programs they have so  wecan use it for future customers.  quite  agrowing number of programs come with  helpfiles for wordprocessors. These files comewith the program as standard  but  can  beprinted out by us  if  required.  This  isdone with GAC, YS  Megabasic  and  severalothers as seen in the AlchNews tutorials.
   1 AD: Yeager's AFT? Dunno!
   1 AD: What, like an Amazon Quest or  a  CaveVenture? Well,  the  latter  but  I  thinkthere it's down to the money involved.z
   1 AD: Thats true,  I  was  on  the  M1  thisafternoon and saw a  horrific  smash,  youdon't get that on Turbo.l
   1 AD: No! It's just (long pause), oh I don'tknow, I suppose more of a thrill - zoomingdown and under a bridge. I'm  not  allowedto do that on my lessons.
   1 AD: No it's not! Look, do you want anotherdrink?0
   1 AD: Erm...
   1 AD: Dunno. Concrete I suppose.
   1 AD:  'Course  not,  what  kind  of  stupidquestion is that?;
   1 AD:   Perhaps.   Look,   where   is   thisconversation leading??
   1 ABCD stands for Above and Beyond the  Callof Duty - to which many have already risento. This award benefits you in all  mannerof ways, free subscriptions and you  beginto find your orders are processed free  ofcharge!
   1 A4catalogue   of   these   wares   availableshortly.4
   1 A/V Programs
   1 A-BLACK  : 27 114 0
   1 A,S & D give backslash and vertical  line,as used by many PC ASCII textfiles.M
   1 A small flat screwdriver
   1 A series exploring the Tasword
   1 A program by Roy Butterfield.
   1 A problem I've  always  had  with  the  +Dconcerns the snapshot button  roughly  onetime in  every  five,  or  thereabouts,  Iexperience a crash  on  returning  to  theprogram , i.e. either through pressing 'x'or after making an  actual  snapshot.  (Ifthe latter, then the snapshot itself  alsocrashes when loaded.)
   1 A particularly effective style  for  smalltext is achieved with :-B
   1 A pair of tweezers
   1 A new Star Printer has just been released.The LC-90 is similar to the LC-100 but  ismono only has  has  a  top  speed  of  192characters per  second  (draft),  some  12CPS faster than the LC-100.  NLQ  mode  isalso faster, at 48 CPS. Price is `129  andStar ribbons are priced at  `4.50  with  atractor feed unit at `15.
   1 A long established company in the Spectrumfield, also catering for the SAM. Lots  ofuseful  bits   are   available   for   theSpectrum, including leads and hardware. BGServices is also the official  distributorof the Z80 Spectrum emulator for the PC.
   1 A great game to relax with, and one I findvery addictive.9
   1 A great feature about the Star  LC-100  isthe  fact  that  the  dip   switches   arecontrolled electronically - no tiny littlebutton shifting which can  soon  wear  outand  being   moved   by   pins,   pencils,screwdrivers and so on!
   1 A few weeks later Robert Skene  telephonedme to thank me for his complimentary  copyof AlchNews and to also inform me  of  themistaken name in issue 14. He also  toldmethat  Mr  Sherwood  wanted  Robert's  fullsupport, most  likely  as  the  basis  foranother  article.   Robert   declined.   Iimmediately  made  written  apologies   toRobert, Patrick and Mr Sherwood.
   1 A few of you have asked on  the  telephoneto prepare an order ready for your shortlyarriving letter. This has unoffically  ledto telephone orders being taken.
   1 A few issues ago you may remember a  briefarticle on  general  housekeeping  of  thecomputer and keeping it in tip top form.|
   1 A couple of months ago I gave him the taskof making a lead  from  the  128k  to  theInterface 1 and  write  software  to  swapfiles. Well, it didn't fully work due to aminor problem. But Lloyd didn't  give  up,he started a fresh idea he had.
   1 A block of  code  reads  instructions  andtext  placed  in  REM  statments  like  anordinary  program  listing.  It   produceswindows, either visible or invisible  intowhich your text is inserted and  scrolled,the windows can have a variety of  bordersall paper and ink colours are  obtainable.There are 11 fonts to choose from,  it  ispossible   to   do   multiple   box/windowdisplays.
   1 A Software Solution To A Hardware Problem)
   1 A  stack  is  used   by   procedures   and'REPEAT-UNTIL' loops  to  store  line  andstatement  numbers.  When  a   procedure'scalled, the line and statement  number  ofthe statement after the call is placed  onto the stack - this lets the Spectrum knowwhere to return  to  at  the  end  of  theprcedure.  When  a  'REPEAT'  command   isexecuted, the command and line  number  ofthe statement after the 'REPEAT'  command,is pushed on to the stack; this tells  the'UNTIL' command where  the  last  'REPEAT'command was.
   1 A  refreshingly  original  game,  and  yetanother striking success for Code Masters.The most  salient  feature  is  again  theincredibly life-like movement of the ball,reproducing   all   the   subtleties
   1 A  printer  would  also  be   useful   forprinting out this article.D
   1 A  few  weeks  ago,  Andy  asked  me abouttransferring files  between  two computersusing the RS 232 interface.o
   1 >~< ASCII Code 126
   1 >}< ASCII Code 125
   1 >|< ASCII Code 124
   1 >{< ASCII Code 123
   1 >= : Moves cursor to end of line.!
   1 <Sym Shift> x
   1 <Sym Shift> h
   1 <Sym Shift> S   124 <enter>
   1 <Sym Shift> D   92  <enter>
   1 <Sym Shift> A   126 <enter>
   1 <Sym Shift> 9
   1 <Sym Shift> 8
   1 <OOh, controversial - Ed>A speaker with volume!/
   1 <I can't believe I actually printed  that!Next issue - how Lloyd assumes command  ofthe USS AlchNews  because  he  thinks  theeditor has lost his mind! Ed.>
   1 <> : Deletes all characters from cursor toend of line.6
   1 <= : Moves cursor to  beginning  of  inputline./
   1 <<PS - Roy: Next issue I will define a new'Edcomment' open and close  bracket  whichyou won't know until it's too  late!  REALED. >>
   1 <<<Cataloguing Disks>>>
   1 < scrolls  text  in  from  right  to  leftthrough one line of window.E
   1 < ASCII Code 127 (Copyrightchar)"
   1 ;wa; This calls window wa
   1 ;r; This returns from the called routine -it will also repeat.>
   1 ;^a; (key H+sym.shift) and a letter - Thisgoes to a routine that has the name : *a ;(the star on B + sym.shift) and  the  sameletter. (works like GOTO and  GOSUB  ,evenwithin the same line.)
   1 ;3^a; this will go to  the  *a  routine  3times/
   1 ;*a; whatever you put between this and the;r; is the sub routine with the name *aQ
   1 ;"Next, Prev, Index or Choose:":
   1 ; 255 DIRECTORY
   1 : 27 120 1
   1 : 27 120 0
   1 : 27 114 1
   1 : 27 104 0
   1 99% on the megometer
   1 9866 TM LUTJEGAST
   1 95 PRINT AT 0,0;(32000+length)-32000;"   "*
   1 935K OPUS DISKS
   1 93  <enter>
   1 91  <enter>
   1 9030 PRINT A$
   1 9020 MODE_4:STIPPLE_6
   1 9012CM RAERD
   1 9010 PAPER A:INK 9
   1 9000 @DISPLAY_A,A$
   1 90 NEXT j: NEXT i
   1 90 LET p$=m$(x)
   1 90 INPUT LINE a$
   1 90 INPUT "CODE (c) or DECODE (d)? ";e$   100 PAUSE 50: CLS:
   1 9 West View
   1 8086 processor running at 8 mhz! 
   1 80 READ a$(i,j)
   1 80 INPUT "Columns?   ";n
   1 80 IF m$=" " THEN PRINT " ";: GOTO 110&
   1 8-DOUBLE WIDTH  : 27 87 1
   1 8-DOUBLE WIDTH  : 27 87 0
   1 78 Holtdale Avenue
   1 720k disk drive! (ahhh, that's where Chris*
   1 70794 Filderstadt
   1 70794 FILDERSTADT
   1 70 PRINT "To end input of text, type *"   80 FOR t=1 TO 28: LET n(t)=0: NEXT tN
   1 70 PAPER 7:INK 1:CLW_0
   1 70 INPUT "Rows?  ";m
   1 70 FOR x=32000 TO (32000-length) 
   1 70 FOR x=32000 TO (32000+length) 
   1 70 FOR x=1 TO LEN m$
   1 70 FOR j=1 TO 20
   1 7)  Why  ignore  the  attempts  of   threeindependant people and an offer of an  endto the matter with a silence and then seekthe help of someone?
   1 65 St Thomas' Square
   1 64 Roebuck Road
   1 64 IF YOU ONLY
   1 606   CK49D
   1 606   CJ61R
   1 60 Queensfield
   1 60 INPUT "Message to be encoded"'m$#
   1 60 INPUT "Enter Text"'m$
   1 60 GOTO 40
   1 60 FOR i=1 TO 2
   1 60 DIM n(28)
   1 60 CURRENT_2:WINDOW_15,0,7,32
   1 6/ What you used. (Tools of the trade)&
   1 6) Why   deliberately   misinform   peoplelike Joyce Cook when they  find  out  it'snot quite how he portrayed it?r
   1 6 Ravensmead
   1 574   FK72P
   1 520 REM *c; t5 ; c17 ;AFB;= You can change*
   1 512k memory
   1 51069 KOLN
   1 510 REM *b;<Or this could be written later*
   1 500 REM *a;=This could be your
   1 50 PRINT FLASH  1;AT  4,6;"DO  NOT  LEAVE)
   1 50 POKE @1,208
   1 50 PAPER 1:INK 7:CLW_0
   1 50 LET a=a+1
   1 50 DIM a$(2,20,10)
   1 5/ Credits.
   1 5/ Credits,
   1 5-SUPERSCRIPT   : 27 84
   1 5-SUPERSCRIPT   : 27 83 1
   1 5-Clears workspace
   1 5) Why did he ignore my  apology  for  theUnited Minds name mix up  and  then  writeweeks later and demand an apology?v
   1 4rd:  BRIAN  CHAPMAN  who  wins  ten  freecredits.2
   1 4: Reserved.  The  manual  doesn't  detailit's use but is  obviously  for  expansionpurposes, perhaps  it  could  be  used  toselect four more fonts if the  appropriatechip was fitted, or extra memory.
   1 4: CR  Centering.  Disabled.  This  reallyonly has  a  purpose  when  using  fanfoldpaper. If you do, then switch on.u
   1 4: Auto LF with CR: Disabled.  This  is  abig subject of confusion with the +D whichcan send it's own. I leave it disabled andlet the +D or whatever software is runningto sort it out.
   1 48kadventures, plus many compilations.  Printand presentation quality of  this  companyis outstanding, which  reflects  the  highstandard  it's  software  is.   The   CP/Mcatalogue is  just  as  impressive,  goinginto greater detail of each adventure!
   1 48/128 Spectrum
   1 474   XS03D
   1 46 High Road West
   1 42000,  36
   1 40 SAVE @2,x,y,5
   1 40 SAVE @1,x,y,5
   1 40 PRINT TAB 12;"WARNING"
   1 40 PRINT CHR$ PEEK F;CHR$ PEEK (F+1);%
   1 40 POKE a, CODE INKEY$ #4
   1 40 If r=2 THEN GOTO 140
   1 40 FORMAT d1
   1 40 CURRENT_1:WINDOW_0,32,22,32
   1 4/ Greetings
   1 4-Clears scroller on screen at actuall&
   1 4) Why did  he  also  do  this  with  AlecCarswell of Venturesoft when just  over  ayear ago made a public  unprovoked  attackon him?! Is he that desperate for  supportthat he is going to his old enemies?
   1 4) POKE @1,208
   1 4 Bethune Close
   1 3rd:  DAVE  TONKS  who  wins  twenty  freecredits to APD.9
   1 3: RAM  Usage:  Input  Buffer.  Unless  ofcourse any of you have a buffer expansion.T
   1 3: Paper Out Detector. Always a good  ideato have this on when you're  using  singlesheet paper, otherwise it  will  carry  onprinting on the roller!
   1 3: NLQ Direction. I  originally  had  thisset  as  Uni-direction  but  moved  it  toBi-direction for speed. When  you  have  anew ribbon  is,  Bi-directional  is  fine.When the ribbon is fading somewhat or  youwant  a   really   crisp   print,   chooseUni-directional.
   1 39 High Street
   1 37 Trimingham Drive
   1 36 Grasmere Road
   1 35  <enter>
   1 34680 ST GEORGES
   1 34186- ?   : Workspace! This  one  changes*
   1 33297-34185: MC and intern variables$
   1 33280-33296: Users variables
   1 32768-33279: Displayfile-Tables
   1 32768, 768
   1 30 PRINT TAB (10);"CODEBOOK"
   1 30 POKE @1,1
   1 30 POKE (address), CODE INKEY$ #4!
   1 30 PAPER 2:INK 7:CLW_0
   1 30 OPEN #4;"t"
   1 30 LOAD @2,x,y,5
   1 30 LOAD @1,x,y,5
   1 30 INPUT "Encode (1) or Decode (2) ? ";r(
   1 30 FOR F=32781 TO ((FILES-2)*13) 
   1 3/ Strange+silly text
   1 3/ Really copius ammounts of silly text'
   1 3-Switch on FSLP function.
   1 3-DOUBLE STRIKE : 27 72
   1 3-DOUBLE STRIKE : 27 71
   1 3) Why did he  write  letters  to  neutralparties, asking them to cease  links  withAlchemist]
   1 3) FORMAT d1
   1 3" DISK DRIVE
   1 3 PRINT IT! * Press CAPSHIFT-P
   1 3 & 4: Page Length. I keep mine set to  A4as it's rare I use any other paper size.R
   1 2p; 2 stands for how long , p is  what  itdoes ie wait (for pause?)C
   1 2nd: Mr K. HALL who wins a free  issue  ofAlchNews.3
   1 2: Printable Area. I choose type  B.  Now,this doesn't start to print at the top  ofthe paper like type A, but about  an  inchdown. The reason is because when you  loadthe paper, it spools it down past the bailbar which holds the paper in place.  Usingtype A will print from the top without thelever needing to be bought back until  thepaper is at that position. Type B uses thepaper more  economically,  but  will  onlyprint the first few lines and  wait  untilyou replace the lever. I  like  to  selectprint and leave it to print a page  whilstI get on with some other work!
   1 2: Orator Lower Case. I  have  chosen  thelower case to print as small capitals.  Asthere are already three fonts which  printin lower case, I thought a fourth would bepointless. As it is I rarely use Sanserif.
   1 2: AEC mode. Disabled. I don't think  thishas any relevance to the Spectrum.L
   1 298 Holton Road
   1 26 Spotland Tops
   1 25 POKE 23658,8
   1 24s; 24 is the number of times the text isscrolled upwards:
   1 240 LET s$"": GOTO 200
   1 230 NEXT h
   1 230 DATA "54982","73581","90075","23874"  240 DATA "68719","68677","10327","40476"  250 DATA "27921","48553","11072","70355"  260 DATA "26569","74832","10996","12128"  270 DATA "69783","74891","22317","98724"  280 STOP
   1 23 Cleveland
   1 225 FOR h=1 TO 26: IF a$(h)=s$  THEN  PRIN*
   1 220 NEXT i
   1 220 IF LEN s$<>5 THEN LET s$=s$+f$  (TO  5*
   1 2120 IF i$="H" THEN INPUT;: SAVE 
   1 210 PRINT TAB 2;CHR$ (64+i); TAB 10;n(i);)
   1 210 NEXT i
   1 210 IF LEN s$>5  OR  LEN  s$<1  THEN  PRIN*
   1 200 PRINT d$(i);: IF e$="c" THEN  PRINT  "*
   1 20 POKE 22528+A,PEEK A
   1 20 PAUSE 1: RANDOMIZE USR 33402: GOTO 20(
   1 20 PAUSE 0
   1 20 LET FILES=USR 36864
   1 20 GOTO 10
   1 20 FORMAT "t";9600
   1 20 FOR x=1 TO 26: READ a$(x): NEXT x$
   1 20 CURRENT_0:WINDOW_0,0,15,32
   1 20 BORDER 0:PAPER 0:INK 7:CLS
   1 20 BORDER 0:PAPER 0: INK 7:CLS
   1 20 BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 7:CLS
   1 2/ Writing loads of punctuation  marks  to   simulate madness! (or any other  reason   you can think of!)i
   1 2/ Punctuation
   1 2/ Nothing yet!
   1 2/ Lots of punctuation
   1 2. If not, then printing it  normally.  Ifit is, then print "System" on screen,  andcorrect the character by  subtracting  128from it.
   1 2-4: Code page. I have chosen  page  #850,the Multi-lingual set. This is because  itgives me the  (R)  and  (C)  symbols.  Theadvantage of page #437 is the fact it  canprint out Greek characters. It's really  amatter of personal choice.
   1 2) Why did he tell myself and Johan Koningthat the matter was  over  in  the  summerwhen attacks continued?k
   1 2) Type in: 10 PRINT "Hi mum"
   1 2) The Spectrum  is  NOT  16  bit!  If  hecontacted any other 8 bit library, he  maybe  surprised  to  hear  that  they  wouldhonour their customers.  If  Prism  PD  isoprating  under  sixteen  bit  guidelines,this  could  be  why  there  is  do   muchfriction against them.
   1 2) POKE @1,1
   1 2 SET the WINDOW-To set the window to  thesize you want your text to be USE:- S  forUP. X for DOWN. J for LEFT. K-RIGHT.x
   1 2 North Hill Road
   1 2 Cromwell Close
   1 2 Belvoir Road
   1 1nd: RAY MUSSON who recieves a  years  subto AlchNews.6
   1 1: Print Mode. Draft is selected here.  Itwould be silly to use Courier  because  ofthe amount of printing which is just roughfor  personal  notes.  Should  I  print  aletter to anyone, I would  select  Courierfont myself.
   1 1: Emulation. This is best set to Standardas the Spectrum, and +D in particular, aremore suited to Epson code emulation ratherthan IBM.
   1 1: Character Table. I have set this up  toprint   graphics.   This   switchK
   1 1: Auto Sheet feeder. I don't own  one  soit's set to NOT INSTALLED. I  do  hope  toget one shortly though. The price  I  havebeen quoted is `58 from DNCS  Computers  &Supplies.
   1 1995 A.Davis & Alch. Research
   1 197 LET m$=m$(TO LEN m$-1)
   1 195 LET d$(i)=a$
   1 190 PRINT "LETTER   FREQ'   LETTER  FREQ'"200 FOR i=1 TO 13;
   1 190 NEXT j
   1 190 LET s$=s$+k$ 200 NEXT x:  GOTO  120'
   1 180 LET a$=a$+m$(i+j-1 TO i+j-1) 
   1 180 IF k$=" " THEN GOTO 220
   1 18 Clyde Grange
   1 172 <enter>
   1 171 <enter>
   1 170 LET k$=m$(x)
   1 170 GOTO 90
   1 170 GOTO 120
   1 17 Le Mas Blanc
   1 160 NEXT i
   1 160 FOR x=1 TO LEN m$
   1 160 FOR j=1 TO LEN m$-1 STEP x
   1 156 <enter>
   1 155 LET a$="": LET m$=m$+" "
   1 150 SAVE "TextENC"CODE 32000,length#
   1 150 SAVE "TextDEC"CODE 32000,length#
   1 150 NEXT j
   1 150 IF m$=a$(1+x,t) THEN PRINT a$(2-x,t)  160 NEXT t4
   1 15 POKE 23658,8
   1 14sd; 14 is the number of times  the  textis scrolled downwards?
   1 140 INPUT "Message to be decoded ";m$:  LE*
   1 140 IF j=CODE (a$(i  TO  i))-64  THEN  LET*
   1 140 FOR t=1 TO 20
   1 140 FOR i=1 TO x
   1 14 De Verose Court
   1 130 INPUT "Resave encoded text? ";LINE s$ 140 IF s$<>"y" THEN STOPB
   1 130 INPUT "Resave decoded text? ";LINE s$ 140 IF s$<>"y" THEN STOPB
   1 130 IF m$="" THEN GOTO 280
   1 130 FOR j=1 TO 26
   1 130 DIM d$(x,LEN m$/x)
   1 13- the second pair, this is the number oflines deep that the window will be.M
   1 128K Music:
   1 127 FOR n=1 TO 10- LEN m$: LET m$=m$+"  ":*
   1 125 IF LEN m$>=10 THEN GOTO 130
   1 120 PRINT 
   1 120 INPUT "Enter word ";m$
   1 120 IF e$="d" THEN LET x=n
   1 120 FOR i=1 TO LEN a$
   1 12 Frederick Street
   1 110 NEXT x
   1 110 IF e$="c" THEN LET x=m
   1 100 PRINT " ";a$((CODE p$)-64);
   1 100 INPUT "Do you  wish  to  code  (0)  or*
   1 100 IF a$="*" THEN GOTO 180
   1 10 REM CODER
   1 10 REM #; wa00240032;e2; c07;f ; 
   1 10 RANDOMIZE USR 33297
   1 10 POKE 23658,8
   1 10 LET a=<address>
   1 10 INPUT "Enter the damaged disk in  drive*
   1 10 FOR A=0 TO 703
   1 10 CLEAR 32767:LOAD "CAT.BIN" CODE"
   1 10 CLEAR 30664: LOAD *"m";1;"m"CODE:$
   1 10 BORDER 0:PAPER 0: INK  7:  CLS:  DIM'
   1 10 BORDER 0
   1 1/ Slagging
   1 1/ Slagg off group members
   1 1. detecting whether the byte  has  bit  7set.(128 added to it)?
   1 1) Why did he tell Miles Kinloch Prism  PDwas run as a full time business  sponsoredby Bradby Boys Club?h
   1 1) The customer is ALWAYS right! 
   1 1) Insert TEST disk in drive one 
   1 1) Do a simple SAVE d*"pic" SCREEN$#
   1 1 To ENTER your text
   1 1 Pelham Street
   1 1 & 2: Ribbon  Type.  No  doubt  you  willleave it set to the first option, LC9CL  /LC9HD and LC9, as this covers the  ribbonsyou will use in it. LC9CL  is  the  colourribbon, LC9HD is the  long  lasting  blackribbon  and  LC9  is  the  standard  blackribbon, as used in the LC-10 printer.
   1 07- the fourth pair, this is the width  ofthe window.5
   1 05- the third pair, this is the number  ofcharacters away from the left hand side ofscreen that the window starts at.u
   1 01- the first pair, this is the number  oflines down from the top of the  screen  tothe top of your window.k
   1 0-Inverse text printing is switched off.  1-Inverse text printing is switched on.   2-Switch off FSLP function.o
   1 /Load  from  
   1 .79 1M 6 WAY PHONE CORD
   1 .60 12V LED (Yellow)
   1 .38 6 WAY BT PLUG (631/A)   68   FT52G&
   1 .35 12V LED (Green)
   1  name  just  half  a   dozen.   Restassured, the rest of you will be mentionedin due course!b
   1 ... --- ...
   1 . ... -.-. .- .--. . .- - -- .. -.. -. ..)
   1 ---Next year in Alchnews--
   1 - inverses the window area  C-Set...n - where 'n' is a number,1 to  9  draws  an   n-sized   rectangle   around  window. xact edge = 5).  Proceed  number  with 0 (Thus  05)  to  draw  in  Over  1  condition and thus 'UNDRAW' a rectangle  H ard  copy  -  Sends  screen   copy   to  printer.
   1 - a  pattern  like  the  Western  railroadfences. This message can then  be  encodedas SLCNUSONS  ELOSLSOET  or  divided  intomore  realistic  word  lengths  as  SLCNUSONSELO SLSOET.
   1 - Intern textvariable is set to the  start  of your text.9
   1 - Copies content of CLSPAT into MC"
   1 - Clears workspace
   1 - Changes the MC depending on the width of  your window.8
   1 - Calculation of Displayfile-Tables#
   1 , thats an idea...ED>  <<Hang  on,  Ididn't say that - REAL Ed.>>A
   1 ,  allvariables set to standard values):(
   1 +D Utilities
   1 +D Support:
   1 +D  snapsnot  bug  -   cured   by!
   1 +32781 STEP 13
   1 +3 Utilities
   1 +3 & CP/M Support:
   1 * You get the usual 'L' curser.
   1 * You get the STYLE PALETTE.
   1 * Press ENTER.
   1 * Press CAP SHIFT - T
   1 * Now type in from one to 32 characters'
   1 * LOAD INDEX *
   1 * Choose one of the styles  by
   1 * (Press x to cancel)
   1 ): The  address  ofyour text. Simple, isn't it?/
   1 ) is  where  you  want  topoke the data.(
   1 (teletext)
   1 (one line).
   1 (anddepending  of  the  following  char,  muchrubbish might occur!)!D
   1 (after calling INIT)
   1 (You can get around  this  by  saying  CAT"B:X*.*" if your file begins  with  an  X,but no files past say, W  are  displayed.)~
   1 (Syncronize)
   1 (Syncronize + Scroll)
   1 (S)EARCH: is  the  all  important  option.This lets the Multiface begin looking  forthe command requested. When it  finds  it,the NUMBER OF POKES bar will be altered tohow many occurances it has  found  in  theprogram. The COUNTER  bar  tells  you  howmany pokes out of  the  above  number  youhave tried.
   1 (Richard Darling)
   1 (Rich Pelly, Y.S. Jan 95)
   1 (P)RINTing first with (R) and (D)  in  onepattern, followed by unshifted printing ina   secons   pattern,   produces   specialshadow-edges (see SOLID example).
   1 (P)RINT 1P
   1 (P)RINT 0P
   1 (Only kidding, Ben)
   1 (N)EXT POKE: You press  this  to  let  theMultiface set the  first  address  it  hasfound to zero. It will return to the  gameand you deliberately get  yourself  killedto see if it works. If it does, then pressthe button again and note down the addressin the right hand corner of the  Multifacewindow. This is the address of  where  youshould  poke,  which  I'll  explain  in  awhile.
   1 (L)ives:  This  is  where  you  tell   theMultiface what it is looking  for.   Press"L" first and then use keys  1  and  2  tomove the counter to the right  number  andthen press "3" to set it.
   1 (Initialize UNISCROLL)
   1 (If pressed goto Basic)
   1 (Garth Sumpter, SU Jan 95)
   1 (F+3);CHR$ PEEK (F+4);CHR$
   1 (F)lip: When you've  set  your  number  oflives,  you  now  have  to  look  for  the"variable" which  controls   how  thy  aretaken  off  you.   In  Basic  you'd   havesomething like:
   1 (Dr Whiplash, S&M WEEKLY)
   1 (C)USTOM: If you  have  to  add  your  ownsearch token, it has to be done  via  thisoption. Like  with  LIVES,  you  move  theCUSTOM counter with 1 and 2 and  set  with3. The  variable  refers  to  the  decimalZ80  machine  code  command.  60  actuallyrepresents 'INC a'. Should you not have  acopy of any Z80  instruction  sets,  heresall  the  DEC   instructions   and   theirrelevant HEX and DECIMAL codes:
   1 (A sad pop star from the 70s)
   1 (64 LPP) : 27 65 12
   1 (!)<Political Correctness tells us  to  referto these people  as  "Reality  Challenged"Ed.> and solving  a  hazardous  maze.  Thegraphics are simple but add to the  game'splayability. Sound is provided in the formof beeps and clicks every  now  and  then,but  the  full  2-channel   Spectrum   48kcapabilities aren't used. This game is  OKbut gets boring when you've played it overagain and can remember some of the traps.
   1 'disturbing'!, i'll say it  was,  but  forall the wrong reasons!.A
   1 'SPUT_' is a variation on 'PUT_'  in  thatyou can enlarge the stored information. Ittakes the form :SPUT_a,x,y,b,c,w,d.  Wherea is the address, x and y  are  the  pixelco-ordinates, b is the number of times theblock should be magnified in x  direction,c magnified in the y direction, w  is  thewidth and d is the depth, the value shouldbe eight times that  used  by  'GET_'  and'PUT_'. 'SPUT_' always  uses  the  currentattributes when placing  a  block  on  thescreen.
   1 'PUT_' and 'GET_' use the same co-ordinatesystem as 'ATTR' and  'SCREEN$'.  Use  theCLEAR command to reserve a specific  pieceof memory for storing screen  information.You can work out the number of bytes takenby one screen area using the equation: 9 *w * d
   1 '  if  capslock  isoff.
   1 & Big thanks:
   1 #; Must confess I'm not too sure what thisdoes, but if it omitted then  the  programseems to run slower.h
   1 "When I phoned some of  MY  FRIENDS  aboutyour latest attacks, THEY IMMEDIATELY wereprepared to write  to  you  on  their  ownaccord because they are also fed  up  withyou.  Because  of  the   apparent   doubledealing, I then advised them to hold  backas I was not prepared to allow them to  bedrawn into back stabbing.  So  it  appearsthat certain individuals in  Scotland  canno longer be trusted."
   1 "Multitextmarker" which controls differentfunctions  depending  on   the   followingparameter. Possible Parameters are:w
   1 "Megabasic",
   1 "In short, Prism PD considers it all to beat an end. This is the message  that  manyother outlets have been told by Prism PD."~
   1 "I dont know what to say"
   1 "Enter Part:";cnt:
   1 "ERROR": GOTO 120
   1 "As far as I'm  concerned  you  can  stateyou were misled and give ANY reason.  Thatway I get the apology, and you don't  loseface, which I and  others  agree  is  morethan you deserve!"
   1 "An adventure game with a difference"%
   1 ";PEEK (F+11) + 256 * PEEK (F+12)!
   1 "000","-","00-","000-","0--","-00-",$
   1 "0-","-000","-0-0","-00","0","00-0",$
   1 "-0---","--00"
   1 "--","-0","---","0--0","--0-","0-0",$
   1 ","00","0---","-0-","0-00",
   1 " A great new game from that genius of&
   1 ! STOOPID! Spot the obvious faults:#
   1  the word MAYDAY will  appearon the screen. Asterisks are used to  tellthe computer that the message is complete.q
   1  ` 69 BLACK INK RIBBON 
   1  UNISCROLL V2.1 
   1  TASWORD 128 / +2 ONLY 
   1  TASWORD 128 / +2 
   1  SPECTRUM?It's true to say that their  heydays  havewell and truly gone.  Many  people  hailedtheir doom after the advent of  the  AtariSt and Amiga.  But  only  five  years  on,these   have
   1  LOAD PART 
   1  I'm  making  my  waythrough  the  paper  jungle  that  is  theuniversity library. I  am  looking  for  alibrary catalogue computer terminal.
   1  Here is the User Process commandline. Remember  that  the  Configure  Menuoption can be utilised to  make  sure  youknow what the  options  you  have  changedACTUALLY  do!  Remember  to   resave   theprogram after altering the menu.
   1  BYE BYE! 
   1  " (Space) to  set  YPOS  to  0(Space=ASCII Code 32 => (32-32)*2= 0!)  or"
   1   when  suddenly   itoccurred to me that I was on to something,Speccy books that  is,  not  a  dead  AndyDavis!.p
   1   Self  explanatory,note that the frame stores are  not  savedas well.F
   1   If  theBASIC has been correctly  configured  thenthese options can be used to save a  blockof frames to tape, disc or microdrive.
   1    V2.0 written by VISION of TMG in 5/92(
   1                      MARCH 1995.